Chapter 28

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  "You look stunning Fey" Pey smiles at her in the mirror.

"Thank God I lost all the baby weight. Was worried I would need ten people to squeeze me into this dress." Felicity giggles.

"Oh shut it! You trained harder than anyone I have ever met. And my husband did start that program you know. Even he said his Sif was more bad ass than him with it." Elsa cracks up from the makeup chair.

Just then Fey's daughter starts to whine. "Come here baby girl Auntie Clay has you." Claire scoops down and picks up Lidia. "Look Lid. See how pretty mama looks?" She coos at the baby.

"Come here my little love bug." Fey opens her arms to her daughter. The one that looks just like her. And much to her father's dismay acts like Fey too. At least that what he says is to his dismay. He adores his little love bug. And she worships her daddy.

"How you think little Chris is doing with all the boys?" Pey laughs.

"Probably the same as little Tommy. God help our little men. Especially with Mackie being there. He loves to rile up the kids." Fey laughs back kissing her daughter's face. The only thing she didn't get from her mother? She has her daddy's blue eyes. She is an exceptionally beautiful little girl. Laughing Fey remembers the moment she was born. Beating her brother by five minutes.

"So proud of you Felicity! You're doing so good baby." Chris kisses her temple.

"Easy for you to say Evans. You only got the fun part of all this! I'm the one pushing out two kids." She says grunting from the pain. She is never going to let him touch her again after this she swears to herself.

"You got this mama." Pey holds her hand tightly. Her belly swelling more and more every day.

"Just a few more pushes Felicity. Then you get to see your baby." The doctor says from the end of the table.

"Then how much longer for the next one doc?" Fey says tired. It has been a long labor. She is spent and had it.

"You're crowning now Fey. Just focus on one at a time." She says smiling at her. Fey can't help but want to throat punch her. Chris looks down. Trying to see his child being born. Peyton starts to laugh as he turns white.

"You ok Cap? She has been doing this all day." She tries to stifle the giggles.

"Not the time Peyton!" Fey can't help but laugh too. Then she hears it. Chris hitting the floor. Nurses rush to his side.

"Are you freaking kidding me right now?" Felicity is so going to smack him later for this.

"One more push Fey!" The doctor says and she tries her hardest. Soon she hears cries fill the room.

"Looks like your daughter is the one to grace the world with her presence first." The nurse smiles at Fey.

"There's a shocker." Peyton smiles at Felicity.

"Could someone please pick my fiancé up off the floor, so he can meet his daughter? Super hero my ass." Fey laughs before the pain of her son coming ripples through her body.

"Well now look at you my lovely." Poppy comes into the room as Fey is adjusting her veil. He has the boys in his arms. Happier than Fey has ever seen him.

"Hi Poppy. Look at my handsome men. Come to Mama Chrissy." She takes her son from her grandfather. Little Tommy cradled in Poppy's arms fast asleep. Only being two months old he doesn't do much more than that. Fey kisses his head. She may not be her nephew from genes but, she loves him as though he is. The photographer makes sure to capture the shot. Pey has tears in her eyes as she joins them.

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