Chapter 8

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"How you feeling baby?" Chris whispers in her ear. Her eyes barely open. His girl's hurting. A pain he can't fix. He wishes he could. He hates seeing her like this. After a couple martinis she had told him everything. She cried. Yelled. All he could do was hold her. Tell her he was there. He knew Zach was notorious for being a bit of a whore back in the day. Chris had read his book. He was proud of him reading the section where he apologized for hurting women in the past. Owning up to his mistakes. Chris of course could've never imagined Felicity was one. He didn't think that apology was worthy of the pain she went through. For what he did to his sweet girl. It was too vague. The one last night didn't even begin to cover it. He saw the look on her face. She was absolutely devastated by what happened. Then having to deal with the pain of losing their baby. With him gone. Quickly marrying the woman he left her for. Chris was angry for her. Seb even felt for her. Wrapping his arm around her. Saying he always thought he was kind of a dick. Claire tried to help. Feeding her Fireball asking why she had never said anything to her or to Peyton. His heart broke at Felicity's reply. Knowing why she reacted the way she did to him not caring if they were seen together.

"He wanted to keep things private he said. I thought it was because of tabloids. He wanted to keep me hidden though it seems. That way no one knew he wasn't single. God knows how many other woman he was with other than me." She said in between sobs. Her sad voice breaks him out of his thoughts. "I'm ok Chris." She sighs. She's the furthest thing from ok. Other than waking up in his arms this morning? Everything had seemed to turn to shit. It was heartbreaking to see Zach again. She hoped that he didn't look as good in person as he did in pictures. That she would just be angry. So angry that if she had seen those hazel eyes it wouldn't bring up past feelings. The way he has aged. That didn't help. His dark hair now slightly turning gray on the sides. He had grown a beard which had the same gray lacing it. Making him looked distinguished. The smile she melted for adorning his face. His eyes shimmered like they used to when he looked at her. She hated it still pulled on her heart. She adored Chris. For once in a long time she was happy. But when he called her Ity bitty the world stopped. Her mind flashed back. When it was the two of them. Happy and what she thought was completely in love. Trying to stop the tears in her eyes when he stood before her.


"Ity Bitty! Come here my love." Zach calls from the kitchen in her small apartment. They have been dating for a few months now. She's already completely head over heels in love with him. He's so tall and handsome. He makes her laugh all the time. The nerd side of him is amazing. She could be herself with him because he's one too. All of her geek talk's appreciated with him. She never had that with anyone else but Pey. Who she met a few months before Zachy online in a Marvel group. Pey loved Tom Hiddleston. She wishes she could introduce them. Tom was so busy with work. She's searching for a publisher with her new book. Which is amazing. Felicity loves to tease her that she knew who the main character was based on. Even though Pey would never admit it. Knowing how close Zach is with him didn't make it any easier to be quiet about their relationship with her. Zach hates the things tabloids print so they were being incognito. He's also a diehard romantic. Not to mention he's an amazing actor. She had never seen him in anything he didn't kill the role. Especially as Fandral. Being a Marvel fan she almost fainted when she met him. That and he's a Disney prince. One of her other obsessions was Disney. When they first met she could barely talk. She was waiting on his table. He was there with a couple of his friends. She freaked out when she saw he was with Nathan Fillion. She wanted to call Pey right away but she couldn't. The club owner had strict rules on letting the world know who came through the door. Making the club extremely popular with celebrities. She has met a few. All of them she had no problem talking to. Even Chris Evan's little brother Scott. A good thing he hadn't shown up with his brother though. She would have been so nervous she would have given up that table to another server. That night was awesome. By the end of it she was calling him Scotty too Hotty. Making him crack up. They talked endlessly about their families love for Disney. Anything about it. Which she already knew. She's kind of obsessed with Chris. He ended up calling her princess because of it. Which made her smile. He's come in many times since. Always asking for her. She almost dropped when he asked if she were single. That his brother would adore her. She had Zach now she had to let that go. She partially wished the timing was different. When she met Zach? It was different. She tried her hardest to even form a sentence until he noticed her necklace. It's a Marvel saying. His specifically. Peyton had bought it for her. Knowing she loved Fandral. It said "For Asgard." Peyton had the same one. For her Loki. Their bestie necklaces. Even living far apart they always have a part of each other. She didn't know how he noticed it because the writing was so small. Eventually figuring out it was because he was staring at her chest as she bent to pour them their tequila shots.

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