"I'll Try My Best"

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Addison POV

All I could think about was what happened that night with her family and that fire. I knew she was never over it but seeing her face change as she saw the smoke accumulate. I knew she wasn't going to be ok. I was the only person that knew what Chloe had to go through in her life. She needed help, she needed someone to love her. Just me alone wouldn't work. Chloe needed someone to help her through the rough days and bad nights. I can be that person, but I'm not always around and that scares me. I do understand some of the healing is on Chloe to do for herself but having another special person in your life can sometimes give motivation to be better and want more from it. 

Once the fire department did their rounds and made sure everyone was ok and the fire was extinguished, the principal encouraged everyone to head back to class as everything was okay. Knowing Chloe, she wasn't going to go to class. Times like these I let her run off to her safe place, because if I don't then she'd yell at me and try and fight me. She needs her space to calm down before I can talk to her. Everyone walked to class together, but Kaylee was missing. As I walked to class, I could hear the chittering of students talking about Chloes reaction and how she freaked out. 

10 Minutes Later

Kaylee walked into class as it began, her checks were a bit red along with her eyes, showing some puffiness almost if she had been crying, she laid her head down.  I had a feeling she had a bad encounter with Chloe.

"Kaylee what happened, where were you?" I ask sounding a bit concerned.

Please Chloe you didn't ruin something so good in less than a couple of hours. 

"Ask your bitch of a Friend," she said sobbing in between the response. Great...

I sighed and raised my hand for the teacher.

Chloe not her... 

"Yes Addison?" the teacher replied.

" Can I go get Chloe? I promise it won't take me longer than 15 minutes?" I said in the kindest voice I had. I knew the teacher would say yes, Mostly all the teachers knew that Chloe had these phases and I was the only person that could really calm her down.

"Yes, you may," the teacher said giving me a pass.

 Once on the roof I notice two cigarette buds than a half-full pill bottle. I bent down to look at the pills, they were prescribed for Chloe, they were her anti-Depressions. On the bottle, it says to "take two pills every day or when needed". I put the pills in my pocket and walked around to look for my best friend. She was laying down on the ground smoking a blunt. I snatched the blunt from her and took a hit and put it out and placed it in the plastic bag stuffing it in her backpack.

" What the Fuck man I wasn't done!" she yelled at me moving closer pointing at the backpack. I slightly move back.

"Well, you're done now we have to go back to class. This is not the time to be high Chloe. You can get arrested, come on let's go." I commanded her by grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the door, but she didn't budge. When Chloe needs to be she can become really heavy, this was one of those moments. 

She pulled me into a forceful kiss. It was rough and sloppy, I wasn't thinking. I knew when she smokes weed she tends to be touchy. 

"Chloe Stop! I yelled, trying to push her off, but it's no use.

"This isn't the Chloe I know," I said as I continued to push as she began to kiss my neck. I knew she wouldn't stop, so I slap her leaving a red mark on the side of her face. I look into her eyes, and I could see tears forming and an expression of remorse. Times like these I can feel so bad because I don't want to hurt her, but she doesn't listen. Moments like these remind me why I leave her alone most of the time.

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