Racing Time

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Chloe POV

"I got you" I announce as I tickle the little boy. He giggles and squirms as I give him my hands of terror. "You shall not get away little one" I say in a sinister tone but playful enough for him to know I'm not serious. I pick him up and carry him through the air like he's flying. Alex smiles from ear to ear, laughing as he pretended to fly. His arms straight out and legs straight. Finally, I stop our playful antics and put him over me should. I turn to look at Kaylee and she has a smirk on her face. 

"What?" I say, playfully. 

"Oh, nothing," she says as she picks up her sister. "You're just cute that's all." she says as she walks upstairs. 

We are all in the room now trying to help the kids get ready. Kaylee on the left side of the bed while I am on the right, changing Alexs's diaper. "You know how to change a diaper." Kaylee asks, sounding a bit shocked. 

"Somewhat." I'm not entirely lying. I lay him down before taking his diaper off. Getting the wipes from Kaylee's bag, placing them on the bed taking one and wiping Alex down. As I go throw away the used diaper Alex starts running around the room naked. Tossing the diaper in the trash, I go to chancing Alex. He squeals at my sudden change of course.  They girls are laughing from the sideline. 

"Not funny." I say as I chase Alex. Finally, I'm able to trap him in front of my dresser. If he were to run one way, I could catch him and so the opposite. "Alex, I need to put a new diaper on. Get back to the bed." 

"No" he spat, giving me a frown.

"Yes." I command. Although he seemed serious about his answer a smile grew on his face as I came to pick him to put him back on the bed. 

After getting the kids dressed and packing some food and snack for them, we were not strapping them in their seats. It was 7:50 and school doesn't start until 8:30. It takes ten minutes to get to the daycare. We have more than enough time to get them dropped off and getting ourselves ready. 

Her car was some type of Audi. The color she chooses for the car made it look menacing but cute. The car in my opinion had two colors depending on the light. Like night for example, the car looked like a dark purple with hint of shimmer, but during the day it's a lighter shade of purple and shimmer. I think the car fits her pretty well. I'm a little shocked she has such an expensive car. Must have been a gift of some sort. Aso soon as I go to open the front passenger seat door I see a flat tire. 


After fixing the flat, dropping the kids off at daycare we finally make it back home around 8:10. Honestly, we are pushing it by choosing to take showers, but we don't care. Walking into the house, Kaylee tosses her keys on the couch and runs upstairs to shower. I told her she could use my shower and I would go shower in Addisons room. I on the other hand went to the kitchen to make our breakfast into a sandwich so we could eat it on the road. 

"Hey, Chloe!" Kaylee yells from upstairs. I walk out the kitchen and look up at the stairs. 


"Can you come show me where you keep your towels." She asks. 

"Yeah, hold on I'll be there in a sec." I say before going back and putting the sandwiches in bags, leaving on the counter. 

"Fuck" I breathe out. Kaylee was laying her clothes out while she is only wearing her underwear and bra. I'm getting excited. My breathing is kind of shallow. I try my hardest to look everywhere but Kaylee. 

"Chloe" she says, causing me to look at her. My eyes move directly towards her eyes, looking nowhere else, locked in. 

"Yes." I say, playing with my hands trying to stay focused. 


I throw my hand in the air. "Right, towels." I walk over to my dresser to bend down to open the bottom drawer. I pull out two towels. A washcloth and a dry towel. "Here you go." I go hand her the towels while she's standing in the bathroom. 

"I have different types of soap if you don't want to use the one that's already in the shower." I say point at the counter under the sink. I try walking out the bathroom, but Kaylee pulls me into a hug. The hug is warm and almost loving. I am hesitant to reciprocate back, but I do anyways. 

"Thank you." She says, giving me a warm smile. I don't say anything I just give her a smile and walk out the bathroom. 

"I'm gonna go shower now." I say, pointing towards the door out of the bedroom. 

"Okay!" She yells over the shower noise. 

After my relaxing shower, I walk back to my room to find something to wear for school. Music still playing on my phone and my favorite song comes on and I start to dance around while I look for an outfit. The song was by XXXTentacion , Look At Me. Looking for clothes in my closet I find two outfits that catch my eye. One is a button up gray short sleeve with a red bow tie, complemented with a darker gray vest with a black pair of skinny jeans, a read Beanie with read low top converses. The acssorices were my black pair of glasses and a black watch and a ring. 

The second outfit is, black short sleeve shirt with a red and black flannel, black pair of skinny jeans and a black Beanie with all time low stitched on it and a black pair of converses and a matching black backpack with red vans logo stitched on it. I place both out fits on the side of my bed nearest the closet and begin to dance and sing the song out loud. 

"Look on me, fuck on me, look on me." I sing aloud. When I spin around Kaylee stand right in the doorway of the bathroom with a big ass grin on her face. I can feel my cheek heat up. I feel embarrassed right now. I don't care for her hearing me sing. It's the fact I am dancing freely in my underwear and bra like no one was here in the first place. No one has seen me undressed like this so up close besides Addison, her mother and Tiff. Addisons mother was a different story. She walked in as I was changing clothes, I didn't hear her knock. This right here is a big thing. Iam basically parading around naked in front of the girl I like. I can have things on my body that she may not like, I'm not ready for that type of judgement. 

"Sorry." I say as I quickly grab the pair of pants I saw on my bed and put them on. "I am really sorry you had to see that." I apologize, putting on the gray button up shirt. 

"No apology needed." she says, smiling at me. 

"Your dance moves were grate." She teased. I can help but smile at her. 

"I'll have to show you them some day." I retort, as I put the rest of my outfit together. 

"I will hold you on that." She says as she grabs her phone. 

"Oh shit." 

"What." I speak.

"We need to go, its 8:25."  Kaylee says before grabbing her things and running downstairs. I do the same. When we get downstairs Kaylee runs to the car while I go grab our breakfast. 

"Alright speed racer, let get to school." I say as I buckle my seatbelt. 

Sorry guys I didn't post yesterday, I was tired. I'll try to keep posting through the week. I want to get this book finished so I can finally start on the other. Thank you for reading and you all have a nice day/night. Vote, Comment, Thanks 😁

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