Same Old, Some new

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Adam POV

As I'm sitting on the couch the brunette girl who I remember as Kaylee gets up and begins to grab some bags from the other room and bring them towards the front door, as she does I observer Chloe. Most people wouldn't know what goes on in Chloes head most of the time, but I am lucky enough to have been able to get close with her to know most of her mannerisms. She doesn't want Kaylee to leave. The flash of light shines upon Chloes eyes proving my assumption correct, her eyes express sadness for the little time the light was there. 

"It was nice to meet you Adam" Kaylee expresses as she stands at the door by her bags. Everyone turned their heads the brunette's way. I smile and give her a nod. 

"Guys, I have to head home, but we will see each other at school" Kaylee says as she tries to brighten up the mood. Addison gets ups grabbing her keys off the key rack before standing near Kaylee. 

"Where are you going?" Chloe asks, sounding a bit hostile, Addison laughs. 

"I'm taking her home, is that a problem?" Addison retorts, using that same hint of hostility Chloe used and threw it right back. "Just met the girl and you are already overprotective" my little sister says under her breathe. Addisons not wrong, Chloe is being a bit overprotective of the girl. 

Chloe gets up and rolls her eyes at Addison before standing in front of Kaylee. "I guess I'll see you at school." Chloe mumbles. I'm shocked Chloes shy, that's a first. Shes always been out going in her own way. Now Shes got a beautiful girl in her face, and she don't know how to think right, hilarious. 

"of course," Kaylee replies back, rocking back and forth on her feet. Kaylee is just as shy as Chloe. This is a match made in heaven, I just hope Chloe doesn't lose her wings before being let through the gate. 

"Alright, I'll see you guys in a bit" Addison say, sounding annoyed. She grabs Kaylee's bags and begins to walk towards the car. 

Once everyone left Chloe and I joined Tiffany on the couch. She was watching one of Addisons favorite shows, The Amazing World of Gumball. Once she noticed we were all sitting with her she stands up without saying a word. She walks up the stairs and walks into Addisons room, closing the door. 

As we sit on the couch an awkward silence drifts upon us, as if we hadn't spoken in year, when we just spoke on the phone not so many hours ago. I guess speaking to someone and seeing someone is completely different to most. I haven't been home since I graduated, it's been a while since I've been home. I was the only guy in her life, one that she trusted, and I left. It's not that I didn't want to stay but I couldn't. I also had a life to start and now I have a family and a business, but that will be revealed later. 

"So... Chloe, how are you and mom?"

She and mom were very close when I was still living in the house, and I hope things hadn't changed. I watch as Chloe plays with her finger and a chuckle following behind. "What was the laugh for Chloe?" I give her a confused expression. She looked up and faced me. 

"I laugh because you still refer to me as your sister, family. When I'm not, I don't understand." she explains, giving me the same tone I've dealt with before. I scoot closer and grab her hand. 

"Chloe, I don't care if you are my sister or some adopted child, I will treat you like family, because to me you have always been my sister. You and my sister have been friends since toddlers. I think I can call you family." Everything I say is true, I love Chloe. I always thought that these negative feelings would go away, but time does not heal as it should. 

"Things are changing and it's embarrassing and to add to it I had a flashback, that hasn't happened in a while." as Chloe speaks her eyes fill up with tears. Her glossy eyes look at me for a response. 

"Look" I say as I wipe her tears away. "I know I left when you needed me most and I'm back now and I hope you can forgive me. I'm sure more people were worried about you than what negative things your mind can conjure up." 

"ADAM THOSE FLASHBACKS EMBARRASSED ME AND IT HAPPENED IN FRONT OF EVERYONE" Chloe yells, tears falling. I ignored her outburst, 

"Those flashbacks will disappear as fast as they appeared. Who the fuck cares if those people saw you. They don't know what you've been through." I state. I pull the blonde into a strong hug. 

"Maybe you're right, I'm sorry Adam for yelling. These flashbacks feel so real like I'm pulled right to that moment. Everything that was real, isn't and what was is." Chloe explains, as she looks at the floor. Instead of continuing this Drewry topic I ask her about her newly found muse. 

"So... Kaylee" I raise my eyebrow. A smile grows on her face. 

"What about her," she says, sounding cheeky. 

"Don't play, I know you have a hard on for her." Her eyes grow wide, she slaps my shoulder. 

"How would you know." she says playfully. 

"I'm a dude with a dick and you're a girl with one and I know when we like people ''we' have hard-ons " I emphasis we, pointing to her and I flash her a smirk. 

"Whatever, even if I did, I wouldn't know the first thing to do." She says, laying back in the couch. I sit up on the edge of the couch. 

"Get to know her and take her out, invite her over when you can. I'm sure mom wouldn't mind, just try to control yourself as far as your emotions, please." I explain, ending it with a plead knowing who Chloe is and how she can be. "I'm sure mom would be excited to know that you are trying."

"She may be happy about it, but I would hate for her to be happy about something that even I'm not sure about." Chloe retorts. I give Chloe a reaffirming smile letting her know that everything will be okay. 

Clearing my throat, "Does she know about you, the real you?" I ask sounding concerned. There are a lot of things in life people don't understand because it isn't advertised as a usually commercial. There are people in this world that are completely different than your average being. For example, LGBT plus people, they have been around since the beginning of time but because they haven't been talked about or represented it is like they are a sickness or plage that has suddenly hit the human race, wrong. These beautiful humans have always been around its just people choose to ignore them, because they do not want to understand. These same people who struggle to understand someone who loves the same sex are the same people that are extremist who denies trans and intersex people. I hope Kayle isn't one of those people who are scared of Chloe because of who she is and how she was born. 

Chloe huff, "Why did you huff, what's wrong" I ask quickly. 

"It's nothing, she actually took it well." she answer, looking relieved. "I'm just scared that's all." She expresses. I pull her into a tight hug. The hug had to have lasted for a good minute because Chloe had to say something so she could let go.  

"I'm sure she will like you for you and if you're worried about her telling anyone, I have a feeling Shes going to keep it to herself. You have nothing to worry about." I say before getting up. 

"I had fun talking and catching up a little, but my head is pounding. I need to lay down for a little bit," I say before leaving Chloe to watch tv alone or whatever activity she wants to do while the house is quiet. maybe we can play some videogames later. 

A/N: Things have been changed, added and revised. I hope you like and enjoy. 

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