Monday Tingz

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Chloe POV

After Adam went to his room I went to mine. I started to look for some clothes for me to sleep in, the usual sleepwear, boxers and a sports bra. I quickly took my shower and played a couple of games, COD, Minecraft, and The Last of Us. If school doesn't work out for me, I'll try to be a game tester. I just have to make sure I have a life outside of that. 

Its 7:30, now I'm lying in bed staring at my dad's photo. I miss him so much. He was my rock, my medicine when I didn't feel good and my hero when I needed help. 

Buzz, my phone vibrates.

Unknown: hey is this, Chloe?

Me: yeah, who is dis?

Unknown: it's Kaylee😊

I didn't waste a minute to save her number in my contacts. 

Me: oh hey, let me add you in my contacts

Kaylee😍: ok, well I was texting you that I had a great time and I look forward to hanging out again.

Me: me too 🙂

Kaylee: well, see you tomorrow Good Night

Me: Night 😴

Just a text from her gave me all the hope in the world, all that hope is scary enough to conjure doubt just as strong. I take this as a win for once, that little sign of light in a pitch-black sea of nothing. I put my phone on the charger and fall fast asleep. 

The Next Morning

After I finish writing in my journal i place it back in its normal spot under my bed. I do my normal morning routine, cleaning my face, brushing my teeth and doing my hair, which consisted of putting it into a bun, simple. After finishing my essentials an alert come from my phone. 

Adds: Better be wearing something cute

Me: Fuck off, I remember you clearly going through closet telling me what and what not to wear. I'm surprised you didn't barge into my room, like usually.

Adds: Just giving you space, you know... just stfu, bye

Adds: I don't want to be late hurry tf up!

I quickly glance at her text then chunking my phone back on the bed. There was no point in responding to her weird text. The fuck does she mean, just giving me space. My face contorts in confusion and annoyance. Quickly glancing at the clock, I notice I have about fifteen minutes to get read, knowing me I can take longer. 

I picked out five outfits from the bunch of fits Addison choose. Three of them laid across my bed while the other two hung on my bathroom and closet door. I quickly did a sophisticated glance at each outfit and rules out three of then leaving the last two on the door. Grabbing those, I place them on my bed. 

Two out of the three outfits I put away I felt like it would be too much just for going to school, I'm not much of a showoff. Mostly everyone at school knows Addison and her family are no stranger to wealth, same for me. I don't need to flaunt it around. The two outfits that were the contenders are pretty basic. Gray sweatpants with red and black consisting in the shoes, and the shirts were white. Difference in the shirts is, one is long sleeve while the other was a spaghetti strap tank top. The best option would be the long sleeve, I don't like showing my arms. 

"Chloe, Hurry up!" Addison yells from downstairs. I quickly change and grab my backpack and head downstairs. 

"Here" I announce, with a grin on my face. Addison rolls her eyes. 

"Took you long enough, mom made breakfast. It's on the table." She points at the table. I sit down at the table and begin to goggle down this amazing breakfast. pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice, but eggs are my life. I take most of the egg from the bowl, leaving enough for two more bowls. 

"Good morning, Chloe, how did you sleep sunshine?" Addisons mother asks.  It makes me feel loved knowing someone Elses mother cares for me as their own but reminds me my own mother wants nothing to do with me. She threw me out like garbage and continued her life with my baby brother as if she never had a daughter. 

I watch as she goes to the fridge, pulling out her favorite morning drink, apple juice. I don't know how anyone can drink it. "I slept well Miss Jones and good morning to you too." I reply. 

"Chloe, you know you can call me mom, you practically living with us since you were in elementary school. It's okay to do that." Ms. jones explains. I would love to call her mother, but it doesn't feel right, not yet at least. 

"Sorry, I know and thanks for the breakfast." Like always breakfast is a feast for me. I get to eat as much as I can before having to be stuck in a jail for eight hours. One perk is that the food isn't so bad at school. They try to have a variety of things so us kids can have option to choose from

"Sorry to cut the chit chat but we have to leave," Addison interrupts. The front door shuts leaving me at the table. Miss Jones chuckles sweetly seeing her child be so bossy, this is a normal morning routine and I think she enjoys it every time. 

"Chloe honey you two be safe and I love you" Miss jones says, before heading towards her room, I'm assuming to get ready for work. 

After a good ten-minute ride, we finally made it to the school, some kids were outside mingling while other walked directly towards the front door. I marched in right behind those kids. As much as I can excel here, I hate it. The classes are boring and if they aren't boring, they are heavily focused on testing. The school systems are shit and I hope by the time I consider having children I can trust the system to enroll them in public school, if not I'll be home school. 

Too deep in my thoughts I hadn't noticed Kaylee's presents until someone said her name. She looks amazing. Her hair in a half up-do, the hair that was down was curled. Her shirt seemed to be fitted so you could see her curves and she wore a blue pair of skinny jeans and white chucks. 

"She looks radiant today" Tiffany says. Yes, she does. I think the brunette felt my eyes lingering, our eyes immediately lock on. 

Today will be a great day.

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