Lucky Partner

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Throughout the day I had the hardest time keeping my eyes off of Kaylee, she looked ravishing. She carries herself with grace, it's almost like an angelic like of glow follows her everywhere she goes. She smells just as heavenly as she looks. As I was able to catch glimpses, I noticed shed bee falling asleep in class and class wouldn't be going on for long. she actually got in trouble in one of our classes and the teacher told her to find time to sleep when she wasn't in her class. 

We were now in the gym for athletics. We began stretching before actually doing something athletic. Other times the gym couch would just have us stretch and relax for the period if they felt like we needed it, or they didn't feel like doing activates. I'm lucky enough to have my best friend in my gym class and Addison. Blessing continued to come when I found out Kaylee had gym with us as well, but this will be the first time Shes been in class. 

"Okay everyone," the coach says, while clapping to get everyone's attention. Everyone gathers around. 

"We are going, like usally then play a of westle. I thought it would be a good sport to allow you release your negative energy out in a positive way and supervised. Anyone who thinks this is the time to hurt someone on purpuse will be suspended. I have already taked to the principle" our gym teacher states, looking around at us. Her look say try me if you dare. 

"Whoever wins will recive a gift card to," our coach annouces, before drumrolling on her clipboard. Alot of the girls look at each other in excitment, wondering what the gift card could be to. "It's a five houndrend dollar gift card to shop at any store at the mall. You girls should thank your principle for getting this gift card. She does a lot for you guys." 

I don't know much about our principle, but I know she does a lot for me. since day one Shes always been by my side, my handy helper in a huge roll. Shes gotten me out of suspend-able situations and has trusted me to be a good student. I know all that faith can be hard for someone like me. I will not understand how she can fight for me when I can be the worst student ever. I've never been the one to cause teachers too much trouble, but I've been that little pain that never seems to go away, manageable I suppose. 

"Chloe come here please" my gym coach calls me over. I stand in front of her waiting for A response. 


"I know that your condition can be much for some I wanted to know if you wanted to sit this one out?" 

One thing I love about our school most of the teachers are open minded and willing to learn about new things. Open their hearts to new students, different student, like me. The two and half years I've attended this school I haven't had one teacher look at me like I was some kind of monster. I haven't had one teacher treat me differently because I was born different. I'm still a girl to most and it warms my heart to know there are people who are willing to learn and love people they may not understand. 

"Can you pair me with Kaylee" I suggest. I watch as she thinks, gears turning in her head. I Spit out some key information to help her with her decision.

"She knows about my situation." 

Her eyes quickly meet mine. "Well great" she says before walking towards the rest of the class. 

I follow behind finding my spot near Addison and her group of girlfriends. 

"What was that about?" She says curiously. I couldn't say much because of her friends being a little bit too close for my liking. I move closer towards her, leaning towards her ear. 

"Just about some important things" I inform her, raising my eyebrow. Hopefully that was enough of a hint. She shakes her head in understanding. 

"Alright kiddos we are going to start stretching. I'll be picking your partners." Everyone seemed a little upset at having their partners being picked for them. Our coach looks at her clipboard and began saying names.

"Kaylee?" Coach yell looking around the group for Kaylee. Kaylee doesn't speak she just raises her hand and walks forward. 

"You are going to be with Chloe." Kaylee looks at me and gives me one of her soft smiles. She walks to stand next to me. As she walks, I notice other girls giving her dirty looks. Most girls here get jealous of any girl that gets to be with me. I'll never complain about it because they are way more respectful compared to the guys. The guys were dogs. I can always feel when they are staring, undressing me as I walk. Although I have male genitalia my body still looks feminine for the most part. Only if they knew. 

"I should have known you would be getting Kaylee as your partner. I'm assuming thats why coach called you over." Addison whipsers in my ear. I knod in response. "Lucky girl, hopfully I get my girlfriend." She says before walking away. 

"Since you are up, and walking miss jones, I'll be pairing you with the closes person near, Tiffany" The coach states. Addisons smile grew ear to ear. She cheesed the whole way to Tiffany. Everything about Tiffany made Addison smile, just her name was enough to make Addisons day change from gloomy to sunshine. Honestly it was cute. I hope one day I will deserve something like that. 

After everyone had their partners, we began to stretch. We did some jumping jacks and some sit-ups. Which I always excelled in being the only one who could do the most out of everyone. Today I realize that's going to change, Kaylee was still going. We are now on sit-up sixty-nine going on seventy. All the eyes on us started to make me feel uncomfortable. 

"Wow you're good." Kaylee commends me, raising her hand for a high-five. "But you quit, why" she asks. 

"I got tired." I lied. 

"Well, I know who to call if I ever need a workout buddy." She says playfully, before poking my cheek. 

Everyone joined their partners again and began to do intense stretching. The teacher explained the stretches to us. The stretches we were given were pretty intense for many reasons. The first stretch Kaylee and I did wasn't that hard. I have to lay on my back and take one leg and stretch it towards my chest, to help with that Kaylee has to push to give it some pressure. During this stretch I could feel my stomach tingle and warm a little. I could also feel a bulge coming, but my compression shorts have saved the day. 

A/N: Thanks for reading :)

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