Think Smart

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The stretches were intense, but I could understand since we are doing something like Westling. I have to be honest; I think wrestling should be something all school should have. It takes hard work and dedication to be that strong and tactical with your moves. I think wrestling require a person to be able to think of other ways of doing things in a given moment. As I think I totally forget that we were still stretching, my hand went a little too far up on Chloes leg. 

"Hey, ask me out on a date first" she jokes, giving me a smirk.

Quickly I remove my hand and apologize, " Sorry, I forgot where I was for a second, I really didn't mean nothing by that, I hope you can forgive me." I can't look the blonde in her eyes. I feel too ashamed. I got to figure out a way to stop drifting so much. I would never want someone to touch like how I touched her. 

"Hey, I know you didn't mean it. I could tell you weren't here, I was just joking" I slowly look up at her, to be met with a beautiful inviting smile. The one thing I'm learning about Chloe is that Shes got charm and isn't afraid to use it. 

"You dick" I say, as I get up.

"Hey now, you don't have to go and use my weakness against me" she retorts with a playful whisper before going and getting a drink of water. A big fuck ass smile is plastered on my face, and I know some of the girls are glaring and wondering. 

About five minutes has past and everyone was in a circle ready to wrestle. Everyone seemed to be cool calm and collected, even Chloe. Surprising to me because I myself would be worried if I had to go up against girls in a game that requires almost all skin-to-skin contact. Fuck me, I'm already scared one of these girls will actually hurt me, just from the nasty looks I saw earlier I predict I will have at least one scare. 

The first people to go against each other was Tiffany and Addison. They made it fun for themselves and to watch. The teacher had to warn them about their sexual behavior. A one point the match became so intense Tiffany ended up moaning. The matches were three rounds, they were on their last and Addison had won the first two rounds, at the looks of it she might end up winning this one too. Looks can be deceiving, the next thing I see is Tiffany pulling Addison towards her, whispering something in her ear. Addison eyes grow wider, next thing I see Tiffany on top and the teacher counting.  Tiffany gets up jumping in excitement before winking as her girlfriend. Addison doesn't say anything she just flashes an annoyed look at her elated girlfriend. 

"It's alright Adds, at least you one two out of three" I can her Chloe try to cheer up her best friend. 

"I don't care about wrestling any of these girls but Tiffany, but she played a bitch move on me" Addison say before walking off in a fit. 

Although Tiffany and Addison were the first to go it wouldn't be their last battle. Next was Addison and Chloe, which was an easy battle. Chloe won easily. Next was Tiffany and Chloe, that fight was as quicky as a second. Although, it looked like both Addison and Tiffany put up not fight with Chloe. I believe even if they did, they'd still be defeated. Chloe seemed like the type of person who kept up with a routine of keeping in shape. 

My turn came and I was extremely nervous before because these girls looked at me like I took something from them. Being the new girl came with perks but also negatives. Being the girl who catches the eye of the girl who everyone wants to get with is one of those negatives. I noticed the first week I got here that Chloe was someone, everyone desired to be with. She glowed with beauty and mystery, but that mystery came with a dark cloud dragging behind. I think a lot of these girls would flip to know Shes not who they think she is. When I moved here, I noticed this town was undercover conservative and I know most of these kids here only knew what their parents had told them and learned from them. Obviously, they still would want to explore but take the time out to understand that their action would be hurting someone and that someone would be Chloe. 

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