Promises and Emotions

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Kaylee POV

Shifting a little, I hadn't noticed I passed out until I look at my phone and its seven thirty. I also don't feel the warm body that I had been curled up to. Where is Chloe? Quickly sitting up, I look around to find her in her bean bag chair, staring into space. No expression present. Not a hint of emotion in her eyes. 

I move closer toward the edge of the bed that near the chair. "Chloe" I call out. She doesn't acknowledge me. I slide off the edge of the bed and get on my near to position myself in front of her. 

"Chloe please speak to me." I beg, grabbing her hand in mines. She yanks them away, frowning.

Please don't talk to me," she says as she turns away, her back facing me. I take this moment to breath in and try to prep myself for the next couple of minutes that could go wrong. I've learned that Chloe can flip in a instance and I don't want that to happen. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, knowing damn well something was off. 

"What tha fuck type of question is that, Kaylee?" Chloe bites back. Still choosing to look the other way. 

"I'm sorry I di-"

"Get the fuck out" She demands coldly. I slowly get up and pull myself out. As my hand sits on the knob, I turn one more time to look at Chloe. Her shoulder were shaking. 

She's crying.

Even though I want to go back and comfort her, I open the door and leave. Instead of going downstairs I walk over to Addisons door to see if she was busy. As i lift my hand to knock I hear moans coming from the other side. 

She is indeed busy. 

Feeling embarrassed that I heard two people having sex, I quickly take myself downstairs to go watch tv in the living room. It sounds like someone was in the kitchen as I walked towards the living room. There were dishes being moved and scrubbed, turning the corner I see its Miss Jones washing the last dish. 

"Hi, Honey is Chloe awake?" Miss Jones asks. How did she know I was here? I guess mom just know when someone is around no matter where their eyes are. She puts the dish towel in the middle of the sink before turning around. I breathe in a deep breath before answering. I guess I was more affected by Chloes words than I thought. 

"Yes Ma'am, she is. She doesn't seem to be in the best of moods either."  The tall women walk over to the island. 

"Honey, she didn't mean anything she said. She just has these moments where her emotions take a huge shift." I watch as she moves away from the island to walk towards me. 

She places her hand on my shoulder and looks at me. "Call me Janet." Her voice is inviting enough for me to smile, a real smile at that. 

"Honey, it makes me feel old when you call me Ma'am." She speaks. She walks back to the fridge and grabs a plate. There's a sandwich and a pill on the plate. 

"If she wants it give it to her. I don't force her to take her medication." Janet explains, she hands me the plate. "Other people I wouldn't trust with this decision, but from what I've seen I can trust you." Her eyes express sincerity. "If you feel like she doesn't need the meds, don't give it to her. Just keep in mind that her mood may not chance. 

I take the plate and give Janet and smile before walking back to Chloe's room. Shes moved, from her chair back to her bed, drawing now. I admire how peaceful she looks. I hate to be the one who will be disturbing it. Her hair is up in a ponytail with two strands out in the front. I also noticed she has allowed a little more light to sneak into her room. The light was enough to shine onto her paper and beam across her eyes. The light presented her eyes as if they were on stage. 

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