Clouded Judgement

19 3 0

Chloe POV

"Here," I say, giving Kaylee her breakfast. 

We made it just in time. The bell just rang for first period. As we emerged from the car all the kids that were outside heading in were eyeing us. I wasn't sure if it was because Kaylee and I were together or her car, but I have a feeling I know what it is. The stares were overwhelming. One group was looking at us. One of the guys in the group whistled while his other friend spoke. 

"Two fine ass girls hopping out of a badass car." he says before winking at us. Someone laughs in the background. 

"Oh please jake," says the same voice I heard laughing. It was Veronica, I thought it was her and she proved me right. I feel like I could recognize her voice in any crow of people. She is always around when you don't expect her to be but not surprised when she's there. 

Kaylee rolls her eyes. "These two are just a waste of useful space" Veronica says but looks at Kaylee. Kaylee seems to let her comment roll over her shoulder, but I can't. To have those thoughts all the time and to hear someone say it out loud only confirms how I feel and how everyone else does too, specifically my mother. My mother would say things similar to what Veronica said, it started two months after my father died. Instead of saying anything I began walking towards the school front doors, leaving Kaylee behind. 

"Chloe!" I hear her yell from behind. Her voice unsteadies as she jogged to catch up to me. I continue to ignore her and keep walking as we get inside. I just want to get to class and be left alone. I don't need anyone pity. Kaylee walks faster and gets in from of me, causing me to stop walking. 

"What the hell." She huffed. 

"Let me walk." I speak.

"What's wrong." She asks, trying to lay a hand on my shoulder. 

"Don't fucking touch me." I spit. She looks at me hurt. "Get out my fucking way" I repeat. 

"No" she retorts with more force. This time putting her hand on her hip. 

"For fucks sake Kaylee, we barely know each other so stop acting like you have some type of control over me." I growled. I push past her, my shoulder hitting hers. Grabbing both sides of backpack straps, doing this gives me some comfort. 

As I walk down the long hallway Addison greats me, I ignore her. Same thing with Tiffany. "Hey Chloe." I keep walking. I have only one thing on my mind, get to your place. Everyone was going to class obviously I have other plans. I find the familiar door I use to get to my safe space and open it, walking up the stairs to the roof. Once getting to my spot I lay down and stare at the clouds, the sun is out. It's a beautiful day. As the clouds float by so does my thoughts. The things I felt bad about and the things that have hurt me. 

It hard not thinking about these things when they are always floating around in my mind. They aren't constant, but frequent enough. I'm always fucking something up. I always get fucked. My father, my mother, my ex. My brother I will never get to know. All these thoughts are overwhelming me. Then I go and fuck things up with Kaylee again. I'm a shitty person, I don't deserve her or anyone for that matter. Streams of tears run down my face. 

Without hesitation I sit up and grab my backpack, opening it. I search for a tiny red pouch. I open the pouch and I see a blunt, my pills and the cocaine I bought a while back. I've been carrying the cocaine around for a while, but I don't have the balls to try it. I should probably sell it and use that money to buy some more weed. I take the blunt out and light it, placing it between my lips taking a hit. 

I lay back down and continue to look at the sly again, what a beauty. After a couple of hits everything become vibrant and calm. I feel the wind slide upon my skin and hear the birds chirp to one another. I watch all my stress and anxieties fly away when the smoke exits my mouth. Not really caring, I hear footsteps walking getting closer. They take my blunt. 

"I was smoking that" I state. I look at who it is that took my blunt. 

"Why aren't you in class Chloe." Miss Violet, our principle ask. 

"This is a class for me." I say as I look at her. "It's called Relax" I say sarcastically emphasizing the words relax with my hands. The principle rolls her eyes. 

"Stand up" she commands. I do as she say and slowly stand up. I don't look at her. 

"Look, I know you're not feeling the best and don't feel like being in class, but you need to go." She says, still holding my blunt. " I will walk you there myself." 

"Your mother does not want you taking summer classes." Miss Violet informs me. How the hell does she know what Miss Janet wants for me. "We've talked and I promised her I would help guide you." 

She waits for me to stand and start to follow behind me as we walked towards the door, but I hear her stop and I turn around and what I see puts a smile on my face. Miss Violet, our principle just took a hint of my blunt. She turns around seeing me with a big ass smirk on my face. "We don't speak of this, okay." She says as she hands the blunt back to me, and I quickly put it in my pouch. 

"Your secret is saft with me." I say as we walk down the stairs from the roof. 

I do find it weird that she promised Miss Janet, she'd help me. Most principles I think of really don't give a shit about their students half the time and if they express, they do its just to kiss ass. "So how much do you speak to Miss Janet?" I ask curiously. Before she's able to answer we make it to my class. 

"Well looks like we made it." she says as she gently pushes me through the doorway with her. I went and took my seat as she went to talk to the teacher. 

 "I had this one in my office. Don't count her tardy." the principle says. She gives me a smile before leaving. The teacher goes to her list and most likely marks me present and goes back to teaching the class. Instead of listening I lay my head down on the desk. 

"Are we going to talk about what happened this morning?" Kaylee whispers to me. I ignore her. Sleeping through the whole class. 

The bell rings, it's time to go to our next class. When leaving the classroom, I feel someone grab my arm and pull me back into the class. They spin me around, bold. 

A/N: I think out of all the character my favorites are Miss Violet, Tiffany, and Miss Janet. What about you guys? Vote, Comment and you all have a nice day/night. 

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