Unexpected appearance

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Addison POV

Everyone is still asleep, even my girlfriend, which has to be the cutest thing ever. Instead of staying in bed I head downstairs to get something to snack on. As I slowly walk down the stair I can hear talking coming from the kitchen. I slowly creep down the stairs and crouch so I can peak at who was in my kitchen. The person was tall and had a red t-shirt on and a black pair of jeans with a black pair of matching Jordans. Seeing that style, it reminds me of my brother. 

Holy shit it is my brother. 

"Oh my God!" Adam, your home" I scream. I run towards him locking him in a big hug. 

"What's up my little twerp" He greets, squeezing me in his arms.

 "So where is my other lovely sister?" he asks, grabbing a beer out the fridge. 

"Shes knocked out" I answer, giving him a smile. I watch as he takes a sip of his drink, looking surprised as he sips. 

"I'm shocked, she usually doesn't sleep this late" he says. Of course, Adam would be shocked Chloes sleep, they would always get up early and play video games together. I remember that got up two hours earlier than they would normally just to plan out a prank on me. To this day I still don't trust them together alone for a long time. 

"Yeah, well things have changed since you left" I retort. 

"I've noticed," he answers, looking around the house. Adam noticed the changes mom has made since he left and the obvious changes since our parents' divorce. Mom bought a new couch, a Huge flat screen tv and changed the colors everywhere. 

"Since you've noticed I might as well let you know that she's also in bed with a girl" I say nonchalantly as I get my favorite orange juice out the fridge. 

Adam chokes on his beer, his skin almost turning a bit red and his face looking concerned. "What," he says frantically. 

"Fucking?" he asks, looking shockingly disgusted. 

"Fuck Adam, no, they're just cuddling." I explain, feeling nausea of the thought Chloe fucking someone in the same room I slept in. Adams face relaxes. 

"Well, that explains a lot," he mutters. 

"Why would she do something like that in the first place?" I say. "She still has an issue with calling this her house, I don't see her having sex in it either."  adding on. 

Chloe has always had an issue with calling things hers especially if she wasn't the one who got it for herself. Shes a prideful person and the track record she has with things and people aren't so good. It's began with her mother, she started to believe every word. Then she continued that harsh rhetoric towards herself, so now when anyone tries to help, give, or just be nice it takes her a minute to warm up to that. 

" I don't know, just a thought I guess" Adam says, sounding a bit suspicious to me. I watch as he rubs the back of his head. 

"What do you know that I don't?" I ask, pointing my finger at him. A smirk grows on his face. "What's funny?" I question, looking at him raising my brow. 

"You know, Chloe's Growing and things are changing" Adam says, as he sits in the bar chair. "Shes had an issue recently that she needed help with, and it just led me to the conclusion that she may have had sex" Adam explains, it almost looks like he's shrinking in his chair, like he's embarrassed to further talk. 

It didn't take me long before putting two and two together about what Adam was getting at. Chloe can come off as Horny at times, but I think there's a lot of compensation coming with all that confidence, that's not me saying Shes got a small dick. It's me saying Shes emotionally, mentally, and insecure about a lot of things that involve herself. 

"I don't want you to speak any longer. I think I know where you're going with this, and I think I want to save my imagination from seeing something that will scare me for the rest of my life." I say as I cringe a little. 

Adam raises his hands in defense, "Hey you asked." He gets up and moves to the living room couch. "Just give your sister some space, alright" my now relaxed brother suggest. He's right Chloe and I are growing, and we need our space, ha. Honestly, I've been needing my space, Chloes just late to the party. I stop myself from going into my naughty daydream about Tiff and I hearing light footsteps coming down the stairs. 

"Whose here Addison, I can smell cologne!" my blonde headed Bembo sister yells. As smart as Chloe can be its like she chooses to shut her brain off and use not common sense whatsoever. Before saying a thing, I meet Chloe at the end of the stairs. 

"You are so weird sometimes." I speak, before moving out the way from a huge burst of excitement. 

"Hey little homie" Adam burst out in excitement. Chloe gasps and runs over towards Adam wrapping him in a tight hug. Our little sibling circle was perfect again, together. We haven't seen Adam for a while, and I love my brother, but Chloe cherishes him. They have a bond no one can come in-between, secure. "I missed you too little sis." Adam strains. I'm sure Chloes grip is killing his lungs. 

"He just got here, don't kill him," I say as I sit back down on the couch. More greeting was to come as footsteps can be heard coming down the stairs, assuming it's my girlfriend and Kaylee. They both look confused. 

"Babe, Kaylee our brother is back home" I explain. Tiffany rolls her eyes before speaking, "Hey douche." She continues into the kitchen.

"Babe, be nice for one," I say, flashing her an annoyed look. 

"It's okay Addy, there will be fire heading her way" Adam saying looking at Tiffany in a mischievous way. As fast as he turned his attention to Tiffany he moved on. "Who are you?" He questions Kaylee. Kaylee stands there for a second playing with her finger. I look at Chloe but it's like she's not even aware of the situation, so I take it into my own hands. 

"This is our friend" I say getting up, grabbing a hold of Kaylee's hand pulling her towards the couch, but before I can get Kaylee to sit Tiffany takes the free spot. I look at Tiffany, confused but she gives me a look I only I can read, Make Chloe get up, was the thought that popped up in my head looking at her. I give my girlfriend an agreeable smirk before taking Kaylee over to Chloes spot. "Chloe saved a spot just for you" I tell Kaylee, leaving her there with her confused unofficial potential girlfriend. 

A/N: Thank you guys for being so patient with me. I think I'm going to focus on this book and this book only because my new one isn't doing too well and I'm trying to understand why. I have my own personal thoughts as to why, but I hope that isn't the case, if so, it's a sad thing, because you guys and other are missing out on something that I think will be great. Now I will say that the story is being tweaked and fixed. It's quite unsettling because I've never had this must of an issue creating a story but recently it's like my brain can't focus and if it is focusing it doesn't last long. I've had issues with focusing with most parts of my life, but it just seems like it got worse the past couple of years and staying focus is just a struggle. I'm in hyper focused or focusing for about twenty minutes and on to the next thing. If you all could just stick with me and understand that I am trying to give you guys content that would be amazing. Also, please leave a comment or two I would love that.


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