Samuel the Third [Sinister Saboteur]

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I don my practiced smile as Nehemiah slowly backs out of my doorway, holding it until I can no longer hear his footsteps. I'm deftly attuned to the sounds of the floorboards in my manor. This is by design.

The quarter turn staircase and the hallway floors leading to my room are all made from Honduras Rosewood, a rather unique plank unparalleled in both sound quality and resonance. Between my keen ears and motion surveillance, I am nearly always aware of the happenings in my manor.

I know Nehemiah will retrace his steps and take the double staircase down to the master suite because he sticks to what he knows. He'll pass right by the spiral staircase to the study that would take him there in half the time, but I respect his 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' attitude. It has rugged charm, despite how anti-innovative it is.

I do feel bad about sending him off, but I don't regret it. If I changed my mind and wanted to settle on one man's love, I wouldn't have, but to earn his and Andreas's, I did what I must.

My night with Nehemiah greatly exceeded all expectations. I never imagined being gifted a relic so precious to him. I've always had an obsession for personal effects. I'll no longer need his half-chewed Royal Knight ink pen. I cringe when I think back to the day I rescued it from the trash.

After the night we've had, where he gave me my first kiss and promised me his undying friendship, turning him away should've been impossible and would've, were I oblivious to the inner workings of the simulation.

It conditions users to have an unnatural fear of missing out when no such thing exists. It is a laughable contradiction it makes no effort in hiding, much like English and that weird rule about i before e.

The truth? History repeats itself more often than not, and always when it makes the most sense to. Turning Nehemiah down out of concern for his future all but ensures he'll make efforts in the future.

I was surprised when he flirted with me, pretending not to notice my ghastly figure, but going out with him was never an option. There are too many variables to account for out in public. One strange look could have him second guessing how our fit. 

That is why having Andreas is paramount. The power of all three of us, together, is the only way to balance the equation with me in it. I readily admit to being the inessential element, which is why I am more than willing to submit.

With both, we'll be above reproach, but next to either, I'll always be the unsightly beanpole with wealth they'll be accused of seeking and without that, sadly, I am nothing. That is why once I have both, I'll go to any length to keep them, but first, I must get there.

My night with Andreas didn't go as planned. It's easy to say I should've kissed him, but that part was executed perfectly. The plan has always been to secure Nehemiah's love first. It could not work any other way. Andreas's is too fickle to go after. It must come to me. He must be jealous of what Nehemiah and I have.

All is not lost, but I erred in relying on guilt to build our relationship. It was too much. To be fair, I thought it was my only angle. I do not regret spending a small fortune on finding the perfect, untraceable handmade gifts online.

That was a spectacular move I'm quite sure the simulation is tipping its digital hat to at this very moment, but I really wish I wouldn't have flinched from his affection. I wasn't prepared, but I did gain something from it.

The brief, ten second insightful moment during his drunken stupor imparted invaluable knowledge that made me rethink everything. I was under the assumption that Nehemiah would care for me and we'd care for Andreas.

It made perfect sense. He's the pretty one with an insatiable lust for attention. He's a mindless slave to his Instagram following. Be that as it may, he does not wish to be cared for, not by me. It defies reason, but despite my wealth and his thirst for attention, he sees me as a project, a stray feline to be fed and watered.

And cared for.

No matter, I'll adjust. It'll be tough playing the 'hopeless romantic in need of saving' against Andreas. He's a veteran to the role, but I'll do it because I must.

I knew there would be countless obstacles to hurdle while clawing my way to victory, but claw I shall. I'll bend past my breaking point to ensure our union. I'll not be afraid of playing dirty. I already have, more than I care to admit.

I've been tracking Nehemiah through the hallways of my manor via surveillance on my phone. He's finally reached the master suite to gather his belongings. I jog out of my bedroom and through the game hall filled with green felted tables I've never used, other than the billiards table.

It boasts the entire gamut of betting games that can be found in any casino. Craps, blackjack, poker, roulette, baccarat, backgammon, I have them all. I race to my library and slide down the spiral staircase railing to the study.

I stay to the inside. I'm a lot less nimble and coordinated than I make myself out to be. I'll have to practice being even less soon. I collect myself as I walk the study, into the gallery.

At this point, Nehemiah must cross my line of sight to leave. I could go after him, but it's crucial that I run into him and Andreas at the same time. I want to rent out a bowling alley and invite them out.

It is almost unbearably lame, which is perfect for two reasons. Bowling has lost popularity, so emptiness won't arouse suspicion and it's the perfect cover for my 'hopeless romantic' role.

Running into Nehemiah first might make him wonder why I waited to extend the offer and I don't have a credible lie. The truth is, I need to spend time with Andreas alone, or both of them at once, to maintain our delicate balance.

I hear the sweet song of Honduras Rosewood, so I tuck myself away in the powder room. I pull out my phone and switch the view to the entertainment corridor. It has full view of the guestroom door. I won't have to risk being seen while Nehemiah collects Andreas.

I coach myself through casual greetings in my head while I watch him knock on the door. I take deep breaths to slow my heart rate, but it's having no effect and Andreas hasn't answered.

I never imagined him as a heavy sleeper, but Nehemiah is knocking. I'm certain of it. I can hear him, with my ears, not from my phone. I'm not foolish enough to have the audio on.

"I'm coming in. I don't wanna hear complaints, if you ain't decent," Nehemiah says. 

Asleep or not, they are in one spot, so my plan will work flawlessly. I take the cue to leave the powder room from the way I came in and saunter through the gallery, into the foyer. I cross underneath the staircase to approach from a less direct path.

I beam my practiced smile as I peek inside of the guestroom. Andreas is gone. My smile cracks. I recover as Nehemiah turns to face me.

"Where has Andreas gone?" I'm deftly aware of the panic in my voice, so I cough to mask it. "I, I thought you both had left already. Is there a problem with your car?"

"Not as far I know," he says, staring at his phone, "Ah, he left bright and early, must've slipped past me while I was working out."

He laughs as he shows me the texts, plural. I didn't get a text, not a single one.

I stop pretending to smile.

There's absolutely no point.

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