Samuel the Third [Transformation]

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The moment my driver informed me that Nehemiah was headed to the police station on his own volition, I hung up and called Pamela Lawler. I couldn't waste time pretending to care about the details. There is only one possible explanation for why the police would seek him out for questioning: the tenant of my panic room has finally been reported missing.

This was an inevitability, one that was impossible to act on preemptively without admitting my involvement to Nehemiah. Cameron's mother was always going to be questioned and she was always going to mention that her son left willingly with a probation officer. That couldn't be changed.

The detective was always going to discover that the officer was a fraud. He was always going to wonder why someone posed as one and how they were confident Cameron would come with him. The only answer is the truth.

Cameron was in violation of his probation and his abductor knew that. The detective would track phones and ask questions until he found the violation and he'd suspect anyone who might've been aware.

Gregor threw off their scent by mentioning liquor and a urine test, but that only bought time. It was inevitable that the detective would discover Cameron went to Bart's Liquor while Nehemiah was there and that is why he was always going to be called in for questioning.

He needn't worry. His alibi is irrefutable, backed by location data, the surveillance of my estate and a lack of outgoing calls. The only thing that could sink him is himself.

Pamela Lawler will ensure he doesn't.

My only regret is that everything unraveled at the most inappropriate of times. It has spoiled the last leg of Andreas's perfectly thought out date and that is something I cannot ignore. I fear this is the sign from the Simulation that I've been awaiting. It is a warning that I've not yet reaped nearly the despair required to save Andreas's life. Holding Cameron captive and treating him hospitably simply will not do.

His family has not suffered his absence. The fact that it has taken weeks for the police to investigate is proof. A call to the county jailhouse would've sped things along, but clearly no one planned a visit.

It's likely he wasn't reported missing until failing to attend a probation hearing and I wish I could find pity for him, but all my concern belongs to Andreas. I know what I must do.

It is no surprise how cruel the Simulation has made my task and it will become more wicked by the day. It has lost patience, and reasonably so. It has shown mercy and I've kept it waiting.


The Bentley comes to a stop near my courtyard and Stephen from my security team opens the door as I wake Andreas with soft kisses.

"We're home, my love. Please don't be disappointed with today. I'm not," I say, "You've helped me conquer air and Nehemiah, the sea. I promise we'll conquer land together. We'll go wall climbing after you've healed, the three of us."

Stephen pulls a wheelchair up to the door like I've arranged.

Andreas manages a smile from mine and kisses my neck. "It's for the best. It wouldn't have been the same without Nemo."

My smile widens. I love when he refers to all three of us as our best scenario. As of late, he has used you and me to refer to our time now and you and Nemo when referencing an impossible future.

He adds, "I'm still up for the workout you tempted me with earlier."

"Of course," I say hastily.

I hate myself for making him ask. He shouldn't ever have to. He's much too beautiful to not get all he wants from me and more. Though, I have to wonder whether he's asking for my sake.

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