Samuel the Third

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I walk past two officers who appear to be brushing up on their brutality training and turn toward Andreas's room. I lock eyes with Nehemiah, the man they have cuffed.

I mouth, "I love you," as I walk into the room, calling out over my shoulder, "You'll be fine. If coincidences were sufficient for convictions, Pamela may have need for her wardrobe."

Lt. Marshall pokes his head inside, clearly pining to add my name to the list of attendees at his brutal training seminar.

"If anyone should be under arrest, it should be me," I say, "I sent my boyfriends here."

"Boyfriends?" he asks, as if the concept wasn't simpler than his capacity for thought.

"Yes, both Nehemiah and Andreas are mine."

I place a letter beside Andreas and kiss his soft lips one last time. I meet Lt. Marshall at the door, standing uncomfortably close. "You're in luck. I know who murdered Cameron Wallace and I've all the proof you'll ever need."

He shoves me out into the hallway and draws his gun. "Enough of your bullshit. Hands up!"

I follow his instructions to the tee. "Do you want proof or not? It'll ensure you keep failing upward." I smile, willfully goading him with truth. He feigns disinterest, but nods his head. "I have it in my pocket, may I?"

He nods, so I hand him a signed and dated slip of paper. He reads aloud. "My heart belongs to Andreas Santiago. Do not resuscitate?"

"I killed Cameron Wallace. You know why, so aim for my head please." I pull Calvin's blade from my waistband as fast as I can, bringing it up to my neck.

Bang, bang. Round of applause.

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