Samuel the Third [Paper Hero]

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I've exercised extreme caution and restraint since the day Andreas snuck out of my estate, never to return. I thought he may have been lost to me when he didn't show up for our last tutoring session, prior to their exam.

I am extremely pleased to know they are both on their way, although Nehemiah hasn't provided much detail. His last message: Me and Andreas are coming through. I gotta favor. Hope you can help. 

Oh, I will help my love. I will help or die trying, no matter the ask. I write, I'll do my best.

I've learned to hold back my enthusiasm. When he sent me a picture of his test score I knew he was proud. I wanted to rejoice with him. Yet, I restricted myself to a thumbs up emoji and a smile. Eighty percent is great, for him, but at Glory Hill it falls well below average. I don't want him to look back and think I was patronizing him if ever he figures that out.

I am standing in front of the doors leading out to the terrace behind my manor, waiting for the last two of my eight employees on staff to arrive for an emergency meeting.

I approve the final payment of $30,000 on my phone to the fine gentleman at Apple. He passed some simple lines of code through an update to location services that will be patched within the next three hours. It is money well spent and not paying was never an option. It is crucial that I'm not implicated for my nefarious deed, payment ensures that won't ever happen.

There is no deed too great to protect our union. When I found out Andreas was meeting Cameron Wallace and what they were doing, I was beyond furious. I was prepared to act.

It instantly rid me of any guilt I carried for planting a Bluetooth device within the layer of hot glue underneath the colorful fabric of his homemade watch band. I must thank Cameron Wallace for his carelessness in accepting its request for privileges, facetiously of course.

Through its interference, I've also learned of his past with Nehemiah. My performance tonight shall ensure he is out of our way for good, but there is an extremely fine line I must walk. Nehemiah mustn't find out about him blackmailing Andreas, not until the moment is right.

Gregor has arrived, so my meeting can begin. He is a tall man with exceptional strength and width. His bald head and scruffy goatee make him look like the muscle of a biker gang. That could be how he spends his time off, but on my time, he's the head of security.

I open the sliding door and walk out onto my terrace. The staff is lined up at the bottom of the stairs leading up to the sandstone platform, facing the manor, assuming perfect posture with hands clasped behind their backs. I walk the row from first to last, giving each a once over, then return to the center to face them.

I clear my throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen. You have all done well, but now you must leave immediately. You will be paid through the weekend. Take the South road to leave. That is all." I motion to Gregor. "Except you." He looks at me like death. "Not that just yet. There is something else you must do."

I allow the others to clear out. I am truly not excited for this part. I have been dreading it since the moment the brilliant idea popped into my head, but it is essential if I am going to be cared for by Andreas.

"Gregor, I need you to hurt me."

His face falls slack and he shakes his head fervently. I take off my shirt and step toward him. It's black with pleating and very slimming on me. Nothing I'd wear normally, but perfect for tonight. He steps back as I pull out the stack of one-hundred dollar bills I secure for this occasion. I toss it down in front of him. My theatrics will ensure he doesn't hold back.

"Do it right here" —I point out the perfect spot I have in mind, on the side of my lower back— "or your services are no longer required, peasant!" Irony.

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