Nehemiah Jones

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[An hour earlier at 10:55 PM]

This party is lit. I ain't even gonna lie. I didn't think we were gonna get in, but here we are, chilling in VIP. Sammy rolled up with his goon squad and everybody made way. I can't even pretend it doesn't feel nice, but had I been on the other side or worse yet, standing out in that line, I'd have been heated.

Andreas and Philippe went off somewhere, probably to the dance floor. One of Sammy's guards is with them, so I'm gonna let it be. I saw Andreas eyeing them checkered floors so hard his ass nearly fell over the balcony. I don't think he should've taken all those shots, but a night of cutting loose could do him some good.

He's earned at least one after facing his fears without backing down. I'm proud of him and I'm looking forward to this renewal, just like Sammy said. I think we're gonna be alright.

A waitress shows up with a tray carrying a round of drinks. She got here fast. They don't mess around in VIP. Whenever I'm running around at the bars back home, with my fake ID, they act like they gotta brew the damn alcohol.

I flash her a smile as I take my Jack and Coke. Sammy ordered a tonic, but I ain't gonna push him. He's not a drinker. I was surprised when he took a shot of Grey Goose. He even drank the Bloody Mary, so he's gotta be feeling it.

I put a hand on his shoulder and give him a shake. "You good?"

He smiles up at me, belches and gives me a thumbs up. "There's a private gathering on the rooftop. We'll let Andreas be and head up there. You're in need of my attention."

He motions me to follow. I do. His smile is 'goofy drunk' with his mouth hanging open, showing only the top teeth.

I know he's trying to treat us equally, but it ain't all that serious. I ain't some housewife keeping score. It's obvious Andreas needs support. I ain't ever gonna bring that up in one of the arguments we don't have. What would I say? "Remember that time you helped Andreas get through some traumatizing shit from his past? Why you ain't ever did that for me?"

Nah, I ain't the jealous type and if I was, that wouldn't be my angle. If I had to pick something, gun to my head, it'd be that they spend more time together. That's only 'cause I got work and I'm training for JUCO, so unless I'm willing to give one up, I can't complain.

Sammy walks us to a stairwell leading up to the roof. It's two guards standing beside it. I think it's overkill since there's already one back at the VIP gate, but I ain't footing the bill for security. That's on them. Sammy climbs the stairs without a word, but when I go up behind them they stop me, like they didn't see us walk up together.


He turns back and grabs my hand, then it's all cool. It ain't Sammy's fault, but it still puts a bad taste in my mouth. It reminds me why I ain't a fan of all this VIP shit. We're going up to a roof, not cutting the line at a concert. Unless the president is up there, they need to chill.

I step up on the roof and eat my words. I had to. Sammy has a big grin on his face, with his arms spread far apart. He says, "This trip wasn't only about Andreas. I can't think of one of you and not the other. It's not possible for me. I love you both the same."

He chose this bar 'cause he knew it was where the LA Chargers were gonna be camped at, bringing in the new year. I feel awkward at first, dropping in on these guys while they're trying to enjoy themselves.

Then, Bert Gresham, the head coach, waves Sammy and me over. I follow his lead and Bert shakes my hand first. I'm starstruck, so I'm just smiling and swaying next to Sammy.

Bert says, "Now I don't usually keep track of high school football, but you got one hell of a story kid. Talk about brave." He extends his hand out to me. I shake it and he pulls me in. We pat each other's backs as he lets go. "You know, there are guys in the league that started out in JUCO, so keep your head up. You got the talent and you're no stranger to hard work..."

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