Nehemiah Jones

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Sammy and I are leaned up against each other in the backseat, holding hands, waiting to see what Andreas has in store next. I gotta admit I'm impressed, so I'm glad I moved things around to come along. When Andreas first told me about it, I didn't know what to expect, but now I understand it's his way of thanking us for supporting him out in Cali.

I appreciate it 'cause I wouldn't have ever thought about indoor skydiving, but it was a lot of fun, especially going in blind. I just hope he knows he ain't gotta do stuff like this to keep me happy 'cause I ain't one to keep score.

The car starts moving and Sammy rubs the side of his face against my chest. "What are you afraid of? I'd like to mentally prepare."

I run my fingers through his hair while I give it some thought, trapping and gently pulling locks of hair between my fingers. He lets out quiet moans, which is how I figured out he liked it in the first place.

"I hate concussions. Oh! Maybe we're going boxing, so he can watch us get knocked out." I chuckle a bit, but Sammy tenses up. "I'm kidding. He's not gonna do that."

Sammy lays his head down on my lap. "I'd like you to move in with us. I don't see you nearly enough and I'm not sure how to make up for all the time I'm spending with Andreas."

I don't answer right away, a trick I learned from him. If I pretend to give it some thought, he won't bombard me with reasons why I should. This ain't the first time he's asked. He gave me the option back when Andreas first made plans to move in. That time, I thought he was being polite, now I know he wants this.

It won't change my answer though. "I gotta stay with Mom and Scoot, at least until the lease is up. I'm the reason they're here."

He flips onto his back. I'd have poked him in the eye if it wasn't for his blindfold. He says, "I feel like you're pulling away and I don't want that. I still need you. I'll always need you."

I lift my blindfold and smile down at him, but it fades as our eyes meet. There's so much worry in his, like he's afraid I already plan to leave.

"You ain't gotta worry about me. I know y'all here for me when I got time, so we're good." He tilts his head, clearly wanting more assurances. I add, "For real. Since y'all ain't fussing about me being busy, I couldn't be happier. JUCO training is going good, I get enough hours at Bart's to help Mom with rent and I'm on track to graduate. What else could I want?" He shrugs and turns back onto his side, facing the front. We're silent for awhile. "I love you Sammy, you know that, right?"

He pops up from my lap, lifting my blindfold, so we're staring at each other. I could've left it alone, but I'm glad I didn't. I like how he always makes a show out of hearing me say it. His eyes shimmer with gratitude, like it's the first time he's ever heard it from anyone, like I gave him a first place trophy instead of uttering a few words he's gotta know by now. It makes me wanna say it again and again.

"I love you too, Nehemiah and I won't ever stop." We touch lips and his hands find their way under my shirt. "I was worried you might resent me for..." His eyes dart down to his waist. I shake my head and mean it. "Andreas thought you might. I don't regret doing it, but I regret not having considered how you felt about losing your innocence to me."

I can't help feeling awkward when he puts like that. I ain't innocent and I wasn't saving myself for marriage or the right person, it just wasn't something I saw myself doing, but I did it. Love is about compromise and I love him. I wouldn't have felt right denying him without giving it a shot. It can't all be about me.

I put my hands up in between us, hoping to end it with this. "Really Sammy, I'm all good. I tried it once. It ain't for me, but I'm glad it was with you. The bet had nothing to do with it."

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