Nehemiah Jones

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It's a quarter past ten when I get off at Bart's. It's cold as balls out here and I'm waiting on Linda's old ass to dig through her purse to find the keys and lock up. I like Linda, but she should've had that shit out and ready to go. I'm trying to be cool and walk her to her car, but I can see no good deed goes unpunished.

I'm rubbing my hands together, jumping up and down, trying to stay warm, but I'm tempted to snatch that purse out of her hands and dump it all out on the ground. I'm not even saying that to be mean, it'd be faster and I'd help her pick it all back up.

I look over at my car and see a guy in a black coat with his hood pulled up, leaning against it. I can't see his face from where I'm standing, but he's probably having a smoke or some.

Linda finally pulls out the keys and cheers like she hit bingo. "Yes! I knew I had it, look!"

I smile and pump a fist through the air, but I'm really thinking 'well, no shit'. I wait for her to lock up and cross the street to help to her car. I wouldn't feel right letting her go it alone with shady figures out here like the one by my car. I close her door for her, give her a wave and watch her take off down the road.

As soon as she's out of sight, my attention turns back to old boy. I ain't trying to get worked up, but I know he ain't after my Buick, so that only leaves me. I cross the street, all casual, like I don't see him, but I'm getting in position. I ain't looking for a fight, but I don't wanna be out in the street if it's gotta be one.

I walk a steady pace on the sidewalk, but as I'm getting closer, I start wondering what I'm gonna do if old boy has a knife or some. I keep walking, figuring it's all in my head since I ain't got beef with no one. When I get within a few car lengths, the dude pushes off mine and starts walking toward me. I ain't gonna run 'cause it's either a coincidence or whoever it is knows how to get to me anyway.

I keep walking, but I put my hand up like I'm going through my phone. That way, I don't look like a threat, but I'm still ready if he swings on me. I tense up when he stops in front of me, then he throws back his hood. It's CW.

He shows me his hands. "I know I'm not supposed to be near you, but hear me out."

I tilt my head to the side, kissing my teeth. "We ain't got nothing to talk about." I gesture to him. "Look, you're good. You're out, now move on like I have." I walk past him, relaxing a bit.

He calls out after me. "I can't move on. Not when I didn't do the shit I was accused of."

I turn around with pursed lips. I'm gonna go ahead hear what he has to say. I dunno what he could've cooked up, but it's gotta be a laugh.

He takes a couple steps toward me and looks around, like he's on the run. "I didn't do any of that shit. You have to believe me. I would never do that to you or Andreas. You know me, man."

I roll my eyes and let my head fall back on my shoulders. I shake a finger at him with a huge smile. "See, I thought I knew you. That was the problem. Where were you when I needed you, when I was going through something?"

I'm already regretting staying to hear him out. I was expecting a little bit better than 'you know me'. He's had plenty of time to think.

"I'm sorry I wasn't ready to come out, but I wasn't coming out for Andreas either," he says. I start turning toward my car. Even if that's true, it doesn't matter now. "I was set up by that little bastard Samuel!"

My fists clench. I remember how he did Sammy and I ain't gonna stand here and let him pop off about him after that. "You better get on outta here. We square 'cause I know you got yours up in county, but you better keep his name outta your mouth around me."

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