Samuel the third [Epic Frame job]

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I've been lying motionless for nearly an hour. I've never felt more comfortable, relaxed or happier in my entire life. I've never been held, not like this. I'm claustrophobic, which makes restraint seem daunting. I thought it'd take getting used to, practice through disciplined repetition, but here and now, I feel safe, loved.

I love having Andreas's arms wrapped tightly around me with his hands locked against my chest, so I can't get away—as if I'd want to. I love the warmth from his body and the kiss from his lips as they press against my spine. I adore the sounds that slip from between them as he sleeps peacefully behind me.

His are soft, rolling purrs that'd go unnoticed, were I much further away. I don't mind that we're shirtless. Nor do I mind the constant prod below the small of my back.

Telling Andreas nearly the whole truth about my past wasn't part of the plan, but once I started talking about Reginald, I couldn't stop. The truth flowed like it was happening for the first time. I showed no restraint until the end.

It could've ruined us, irrevocably. It still might. I detest the naivety I showed in thinking such honesty would be without consequence. I am a plotter, not an ad-libber, nor a gambler. I am a man of calculation, one averse to risk. There was a chance Andreas would learn my past and want nothing to do with me.
Therefore, the risk was too great.

It was a grave miscalculation, a blunder the simulation will no doubt sit upon until the time is right. It won't stand for me stealing away happiness without offering despair in return.

It shall have its despair.

I want nothing more than to live in this moment with Andreas, but as tempting as it is to stay, my timeline is unforgiving and there's much work to be done.

Had I changed my mind about our union and settled on one man's fleeting love, I'd let day turn to night and back, but alas, I cannot.

I let out a full body yawn with intent to wake him, stretching my arms and squeezing my legs taut. He doesn't move. I remain trapped in his grasp, swaying my hips until his purring ceases. It culminates in a coquettish moan.

His hands unclasp, one moving to my hip. The bone handle I've never been quite fond of is his to enjoy. His lips tickle my ear. "There's something I need your help with."

He laughs in a whisper, both sinister and enchanting. Such clever seduction. It's all so foreign to me. I'm nervous about new pain, but I'll not deny him anything.

"I want you, but only as an addict," he says, "If you want it to mean anything, us to mean anything, don't give in to me."

That came as unexpected, disappointingly welcomed news. It's best for my timeline and apparently, for us. He said 'Us'. He sits up on the bed. His body clearly objects to his last statement. I see his dilemma.

"I really enjoyed this, you holding me," I say, "I cannot thank you enough."

I crawl across the bed to retrieve my shirt. Andreas grabs my hips. I turn to look at him over my shoulder and he reluctantly lets go.

"We should get dressed," he says, "Nemo will be back soon."

I nod as I reach for my phone. I read Gregor's text. On the way to New York. I switch users on my counterfeit location services app and remove its data block. I send a followup text with my address, as Nehemiah, from an SMS service and turn the data block back on.

I slip on my shirt and wait patiently until Andreas finishes dressing. "The guy who did this," I say, pointing to my lower back, "he says he's on the way."

Andreas gasps and claps his hands over his mouth. "Right now?" I nod. I really hate lying to people I care about, so I'll let him fill in the blanks and lie to himself. "Well, tell him not to come!"

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