Nehemiah Jones

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[An hour earlier]

I'm stopped at a traffic light, again, just like every light before it. It takes forever to get through town at this hour. I can't say I mind the stares though, riding around in this G-wagon even though it ain't mine.

I can't even believe Sammy lemme take it, no questions asked. I know they run about fifteen to twenty bands, so I'm driving like it's a bomb in the back seat. Especially since it's getting slick out 'cause of the rain. It was supposed to snow. It's cold enough. I wish it would've.

Rain when it's cold like this can mean black ice and that's bad for business. Speaking of, I feel like I got a black heart right now. Instead of being there for Andreas or hanging out with Sammy—building something—I let him loan me his ride, so I can link up with the guy who did me dirty. It sounds worse than it is. I ain't rushing out to hook up or go on a date. He said he's in some kinda trouble and he's got no one else to turn to. I still feel bad though.

The light turns green. I take a left onto the road to Glory Hill. No more stoplights, just a mile of concrete winding up and around a forested hill with some nice trails and a disc golf course along it. Our high school is at the top.

CW told me to meet him at the bubble. That's a practice field next to our stadium with a huge, white, blow-up tent around it. The G-wagon is climbing this hill, no problem, not like the old Buick. If I was in that, it'd be sliding across the road if I push past twenty.

My phone goes off again. It's the third time since I took the turn, but I ain't about to text and drive in a ride that cost over a hundred grand. I do need to check it though. It could be CW or maybe Andreas got something figured out. I wish he would've told me who it was. I would've showed up at dude's house, smashed his phone and anything else with a screen in that mug. I guess it's a good thing he didn't.

I come up on a strip of concrete on the side of the road, pull in and put the G-Wagon in park. It's one of those scenic spots with a metal park bench and coin-op binoculars mounted to a pole. It's pointed at a slice of sky showing through the treeline.

They don't really make sense now, with phones having cameras and zoom, who's gonna put in a quarter to see something once, just for their self? I ain't gonna lie. I put one in once, back when I didn't know any better.

I thought it was gonna let me see into outer space, but you can't see nothing at all at night. I didn't know who to talk to, to get my quarter back. Damn, I miss football.

I open my phone. The messages are from CW. You still coming? The next one is question marks. Then, Call me when you get this. I make the call and put the phone up to my ear, but it won't go through.

The reception out here sucks until you get to the school. I check my bars and sure enough, I don't got but one. I hop outta the car and head for the cut in the treeline. I don't wanna get to the field and have football all up in my face only to find out he left, not if I don't have to.

As I get close to the edge, I see a cell tower down below. Or maybe it's a radio tower. I can't tell the difference. I hold my phone out high over the edge and press call. I look at the screen and still no luck. I dunno why I thought it would work.

I hear a car coming down the hill as I'm stashing my phone in my pocket. I don't think nothing of it until I hear the squeal of tires sliding to a stop. I turn around as a flat-black, rusted four door smashes into the side of Sammy's G-Wagon.

My eyes practically pop outta the front of my face. I can't believe this. The one time I borrow somebody's car, this shit happens. My hands are clutching the sides of my head. I dunno what to do. I'm stuck, stiff as the coin-op pole I'm standing next to. My mind is on pause.

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