👁️ Author's Notes 👁️

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Hello Readers,

Thank you so much for giving my story a chance. I really hope you enjoy it!

Feel free to offer feedback, good or bad.

If you're a writer and leave a like, I will leave an honest, positive comment on your work to reciprocate, as a thank you for your time, but if you want critiques/suggestions, message me.

Let's support each other. :)
Iron sharpens iron and all that.

Intro to: Billionaire Throuple
(There Must Be Three)

My story follows three distinct narrators. I'm trying to find my authorial voice for future stories, so let me know whose you like best.

Samuel: the rich intellect (mind)

Nehemiah: the musclebound jock (body)

Andreas: the pretty influencer (heart)

The five parts are noted on Andreas's chapters. Samuel controls the narrative, but the timeline follows him. Let me know if you figure out why.

Part 1: Securing the Throuple
This part is sinister and clever. Shows Sam's obsession and the lengths he's willing to go to deceive the others

Part 2: Throuple Secured
This contains most of the sex scenes. Shows the best of the relationship. I write sex scenes with glowing metaphors/similes. I'm not sure if that's a good thing. You'll have to let me know.

Part 3: Holding it together
This part shows the struggles and Sam's goodness. Without giving too much away, I think you'll find it hard to hate him after this even if you hated him for much of the story.

Part 4: Keeping Us Well
This part has a lot of angst and all the issues in the plot, big and small, come to a head

Part 5: Til Death Do Us Part
Stakes have never been higher, murder, torture, insanity... anything it takes to ensure the Throuple survives, but will it be enough?

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