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"Ugh........my head hurts,"

"that's what you get for drinking too much....... I already told you not to get wasted,but your empty brain definitely not even understand what I told you."

"You know what JK, you're no fun. I only drink that much to get you some incentives on the drinks that I bought.
Why don't you just thank me, from doing that coz that will be a big help for you. Don't you even realize that, so tell me now........who got the most empty brain--".

Jimin halted on his speech as a bowl of hangover soup,got served in front of him. Jungkook's mother, was the one who cook it and Jimin thanks her for that.

"Eat that first to gain some of your consciousness, and don't worry about Jungkook........he was just worried about you".

"Thank you so much Auntie, and don't worry........ I'm already used on your son's attitude towards me. But despite of that, I will never gonna throw our friendship........ I promise you that (smiles warmly)".

Rolling his eyes Jungkook, just start to eat his food that his mother gave him. For him the way to get rid of Jimin was to ignore him, but to be honest he was happy to see him again. He was his best friend after all so.........

"Jk, I have to tell you something important. But we can just talk about it on your room, it was kind 
of personal.........so.........".

"Okay after we eat, but make sure that was important. You know that I'm a busy person and I have some part time job this afternoon. "

"Don't worry, it will never gonna take a lot of your time. I'll just finished this delicious food that Auntie made for me, ugh........ I really miss this".

"(Giggles)......... You're really a sweet guy Jimin-ah, don't worry before you went home. I'll make you bring some foods with you and you can even share that with your girlfriend."

"Oh....... Auntie, you're the kindest thanks in advance ".

After a minute of eating, the two went to Jungkook's room. And as Jimin said earlier, he will tell him something. But Jungkook has no idea on what it is, and why it has to be only between them. Upon settling on his not so spacious room, Jimin sat on his singled bed and Jungkook only stands up while leaning his butt on the small study table.

"So, what do you want to tell me?",

"It's about Jin, he's getting married now."

Heart skip a beat, as he heard that not so inviting news from Jimin. That even though that person was the one who hurts him, still.......he can't take out from himself that Jin was the person he still loves......but the person that will never be his. Yes.......he already given up the hope to be with him, after what happened. That is why he decided to relocate his family, from a new place where they can start a new life and to make his family safe after the traumatic experience.

"You know what hyung, it doesn't matter to me now if they decided to get married and had a happy life. I really want to move on from him, and living far away was my choice on how to do that. It's been a while now and I'm graduating soon, in short I have a lot to think of rather than to think of him. I'm not gonna waste my time on thinking about the person who just use me, and slapped me to my face that I'm just a man and never will be a woman......just like his girlfriend. Well......to think of it, it was my fault too. I guess.......this is the karma that I get after pushing myself to him, even though I know that he has already a girlfriend."

Jimin didn't say a word for awhile, he knew that not only Jungkook has to blame here. He also had a participation on seducing Jin before, just to help Jungkook. But Jimin knows, that Jin was suffering now. He was the one that Jin always asked, on Jungkook's whereabouts. He wants to tell it to his friend, but upon hearing Jungkook.....maybe there's no point on telling it either.

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