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"Jin! ".........

Turning his head to the person who called him, Jin put a frown look after seeing that person. He didn't expect that he will interact with him, after not telling him where Jungkook was.

"What?........have you already changed your mind, Jimin?. Are you willing to tell me where Jungkook was,or not? ".

Taking a deep breath,Jimin continue to speak with his not so sure expression. Not even sure if it was the right thing to do, because for sure Jungkook will gets mad at him. But seeing his best friend's emotion after telling him that Jin will get married. He knows to himself, that no matter what Jungkook has to pretend to. At the end, he will still gonna see-through, about Jungkook's true feelings. That he was hurt and jealous of the fact, that Jin and Laurence will get married to each other.

"I just went to him last day,"

"what?!, h-how is he. Is he doing fine,"

He knew it, that was the impression he imagined that Jin will felt after hearing about Jungkook.

"Well, he's doing okay. But only outside, I don't even think if his okay at all. Knowing that after I told him, that you're getting married ".

"You told him", Jin said un audible.

"Yeah...... I told him, but do you know how he reacts with that. He told me, that he doesn't care at all. That you and Laurence,was fine with him getting married. "

Swallowing the lump on his throat, Jin felt uneasy. He felt hurt, knowing that Jungkook doesn't even care about him at all. How can he say that it was okay if he gets married, to the person he doesn't love. Jin wants to cry, but can't. He was the one at fault, so what's his right to cry and be sad at all. He should blame himself, right?

"But knowing Jungkook, he definitely was lying. "

Having hopes about Jimin's words, Jin put his attention on the next words that he will spit out.

"I heard him.......crying in the hallway, after following him. Yeah......you heard it right. My friend, was still fucking in love with you. Want to ask why I'm telling you this, after doing that to Jungkook. I just want you to felt, that you hurt him so bad. That until now, he can't get over you. But to tell you what, Jungkook is a strong person. He was.......just only weak when it comes to you. He lowered his guard down whenever his with you. And i supported him with that,to be honest. I was the one who pushed him, to pursue you. But guessed what, I'm already regretting it. After knowing, what you have done to him. Now......., I want you to feel it too. I want you to get, just like what you did to him. And if you're thinking, that I will tell you about his whereabouts. Find him yourself, if you really love him. If you really felt the same like him,you will find the courage. To go around , and find my friend. It only takes courage to do that, but if you had none....then I'm out of this."

Jimin was sure doesn't want to say it all to him, but seeing Jin's anxious look. He gave up, but tell it simply.

"Fine, I'll give you a clue".

Jin's face lit up, after hearing that.

"He said not to tell you he was in Daegu,heh........well I'm not really gonna tell you,that he's working there in a club as a bartender. That Chivas bar, or what do call it. Hey.......this is all that i can say,don't you ever tell him that I told you. You know what, you should take a lot of effort to get him back. I swear........this is the farthest I can go. Jungkook will definitely -".........

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