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Staring at the glass of whiskey, Jin thought about what happened earlier in the hospital. It was already pass an hour when he came out, and decided to go to a bar that he was going to whenever he wants to forget about something.....or mostly someone.
It was hard for him.....to say all of that to Jungkook. So hard that he was trying to hold himself on breaking down in front of him. And what so clever is, when he thought that he was married?. Looking at the ring on his ring finger, and the pendant ring on his neck. He chuckled as he remembers what he replied to him,making it believable that he was fucking married....when the truth is he buys this couple ring for the both of them. He buys it, on the same day that Jungkook didn't show up. But why until now, he was keeping it. Why still....wearing it both when he already moved on?. To be honest..... It was hard for him to move on, because Jungkook was the one that got away for him. He loves him so much, that when he finally sees him....it was hard not to be affected. All his features were still lingering on his head, he didn't change at all. Still those eyes of him was the most innocent one,but the body was tempting. He didn't even know, how he got away from him. Were what he wants is to hold him in his arms and say that he still loves him. And he wants to know we hat happened that day, the day when he knew that Jungkook and his father talk about something. Yes.....he had a feeling that it was all because of that, but Jungkook didn't even explain it and just disappear in his life. He wants to ask his father before, but he got ill and undergo from a mild stroke. Funny right.....truly destiny was the one who's doing something just so their fate were left unspoken.
But why did he refused to talk to him, did his pride stops him from doing so.

As he was in deep thoughts, a hand grab his shoulder that makes him startled. He abruptly turn his attention to that person and just smile slightly .

"What happened hyung.....why you're drinking again? ".

"Nothing...... I just want to forget something,"

"One glass of beer please,thanks. You know hyung.....you always want to forget something, but until now.....you haven't had the guts to forget about him. Just look at you, even though you're trying but it still obvious that you still love him".

"Namjoon-ah, when did you became a poet....it's rhyming though".

Namjoon chuckles and drunk the beer  on half,before saying.....

"Well I became like that, after you got crazy about finding Jungkook. I always listen to your tantrums and whatsoever, like....why did he left me, what happened to him....did something happen to him. I hate him.... I want to forget him. But what.... In the end, you still love him. Just look at the ring on your ring finger, you really do it on purpose wearing it there....so people that might like you will never get a chance. Am I right?......"

"I already saw him.....can you imagine after 5 years, I already saw him again".

Namjoon got surprised, as he suddenly puts down the glass of beer startling the bartender.

"Really!?......where, when......fuck him, he didn't even say a word to me after all these years and even to Yoongi hyung."

"Maybe.....he decided not to, coz he knows that I will definitely asked you both."

"Hahhh....but still, I'm one of his friends so why not. How's he in the first place, is he good."

"Really good.....his co officers calls him Captain Jeon, he did a good job right. Maybe that's the reason why, he left me. You know what.....he said he wants to talk to me, but I refused. My head refuses and so my pride, and now.....now I'm regretting it. Coz I may end up, not seeing him again. I'm such an idiot right".

"Right"......agreeing on Jin,Namjoon orders another glass of beer after he's done on the first one and gets quiet.


"Yah, Jungkook-ah.....why the hell did you drunk so much. You're an officer now, a high rank officer. It's not good for your image, to drunk like this".

"Will you please shut up, Jimin. I didn't call you here to advice me on something. I just want someone to talk to, I want to let this out. The pain.....the pain in my heart. Because..... I still fucking love him, I really do."

He cried.....he cried like a child and that's the first time in 3 years that Jimin saw him crying again. Having an idea on what's the reason, definitely it was all about Jin.

"So you saw him.....again? ".....

Jungkook only nodded, and drink his soju in one go.

"(Sighs)..... well....the earth is small as they say, you'll never know when will you see him. But.....thinking about your profession, you have an access to  find him and see him....so it's not surprising though. What happened next? ".......

"I.....say sorry to him, and ask him for a talk. But he refused.....and just left me like that, so this is what he felt after I left him. And......and not only that, he was.....he was fucking married. Do you know....what I felt after seeing that ring on his hand. It's like......it's like crashing your heart into pieces. How can I make him mine now again, when his already with someone else ".

Tears continuously falling down to his eyes, as Jimin was only listening to him. Jimin on the other hand, became quiet. He was thinking about something.....that why on earth will Jin gets married. Remembering the past years, when Jin met him. He was asking about Jungkook's whereabouts, but he doesn't have a clue on where Jungkook is either. Until he saw a ring on Jin's finger, and asked him if his marriage with Lorence went on. He refused and said that they weren't,so what kind of lie is Jin talking about. Did he do that on purpose, well guessed he's still mad at him. But.....is it okay, if he tells Jungkook about it....so that his friend won't suffer like this. No.....interfering wasn't a good idea, he'll just give him some hint just to lessen his pain.

"Hey......Kook....will you please stop crying now. You didn't even have any evidence, that he was married. What if he only says that, because....he was still mad at you and he wants you to leave him alone. You know what..... I'll just take you home now. Coz my wife was waiting for me too, let's go ".

"Wait......are you sure......are you sure about that. That he's only doing that because, he's mad at me."

"Well yes.....so stop crying like a child, and let's just go. I can't leave you here alone, with that kind of state. Let's go".....

Supporting his friend, he lift his arms and put it on his shoulder as he puts his arms around Jungkook's waist and they started to walk to his car.


The next day......

"One cafe Americano please!"......

Hearing another voice that ordered the same as him, Jin turned to his right to see that person. And yes he wasn't wrong, it was Jungkook that was only an inches away from him. Taking a deep breath, he looks back at the front.....and didn't notice that Jungkook glance at him. His heart began to thump and thump under his chest, well he just wished that Jungkook wouldn't hear it. Same goes to Jungkook, well actually it wasn't the same....coz Jungkook doesn't care if Jin hear his heartbeat.

"Here's your coffee Sirs, thank you for coming ".

As the coffee landed on the counter, Jungkook purposely puts his hand on top of Jin as he acts dumb that it was his coffee. Jin got surprised and take back his hand from his order......and look at Jungkook who's acting like nothing happened.

"Excuse me Sir, but this is mine and that was yours".

"I'm sorry..... I didn't notice,but thanks for reminding me."

He smiled at Jin ,after taking his coffee and walks out from the coffee shop. Jin just look at him from afar,before saying.....

"Didn't notice it.....or just did it on purpose,hmmp". But deep inside his heart, he loves it.


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