14. New life

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Rocky was distressed seeing Reena unconscious and inside that room. One of the maid keep the water on side table and looks at Reena. She saw how worried Rocky look.
Bhaiya.. she tried getting Rocky's attention. Rocky kept looking at Reena keeping his hand on her. He just nods slightly hearing her.
Kuch batana tha apko. She said timidly.

(Want to tell you something.)

Pooja clean the sweat on her face. It's ok. Just behave normal. Rocky won't know.
Why don't she die, god. All i want is a happy life with my Rocky. That's it. Pooja was trying to her best but frustration get best of her.

Rocky was in deep thinking. He is trying to join the blocks. The maid told her about incident she saw. Reena being upset and Pooja trying to be close to him. But he wasn't sure that did Pooja hurt her. Can she do that. Well if she didn't than she can walk out of the kgf happily but if she did that he is going to show her what hell is.

Next morning everything was calm. Not the good one. Last of the Goddess Kaali celebration. Reena opens her eyes and saw Rocky in her room sending someone off. Rocky reached her as soon as he saw her trying to get some water. He himself made her drink it.
You scared me, Shona.

Woww, finally someone scares the monster. Reena jokes.

Rocky kissed her lips giving away his fear of losing her. Soon it become hot and Rocky pulled back. I don't want to hurt you now.

Reena start opening his buttons.
You are making this hard for me Shona. You need rest.

Hmmm... You mean bedrest, with you.... with or without- Reena pull her Duppata down in funny but seductive way. Rocky sniggers.

Running her hand on his open chest area, Reena didn't move her eyes from his. I know you can never hurt me. With her words Rocky very mildly removed her pain with pleasure.

You didn't come to see your sister. Rocky came unannounced at Pooja's room. Pooja was all stunned seeing him.
Yaa.. Actually you were with her..so.. she speaks shuttering.

Hmm.. where were you last night. It was all chaos and you weren't there.

I.. actually... She gulps. Wohhh.. headache.. my head was very badly paining. So i took medicine and taking rest. In sleep. I heard in the morning, how it happened. She played all innocent. That much that Rocky has all his doubt confirm on her.

You did it. So you tell me. His dangerous side is coming out.

Pooja stops her air intake for good seconds. The sweats on her forehead told her how much of mess she is in. Still she didn't give in. Whattt... I am getting what you mean. Rocky.

Don't make me explain. Rocky said in dangerous tone. You were behind last night fire. Everytime Reena got hurt it's you.


I have a rule not to harm women and kids. But for my queen i can easily break that. He marched towards her and grab her elbow throwing her on the floor.

Rocky i did it. For you. Pooja get up and stand close to him. Rocky i love you. I just want you to realise that how much you mean to me. I wanted to be with you in your every bad or good times. But Reena didn't want to understand. Always behave like a brat. So i-

Rocky choke Pooja. He did break his rule for her queen. For the first time he ever raise his hand on a woman. Pooja was grasping for air. Rocky left her. Once again grabbing her by elbow he drag her to show her right place.

Rocky i am sorry. I just want to be with you. I promise i won't hurt Reena. Let me stay here with you. Rocky keeps on dragging her not caring a bit.

Reena joined them. I told you dii. If you yourself have walked out, you will be having a good life.

Reena, let me stay here please. Where will go. I want to stay here. With you. With Rocky. Please Reena. Pooja still didn't give up.

She was thrown out of KGF like a rag. Also Rocky order to make sure no one in Bairya or even banglore help her. Well how can they object their Sultan.
Pooja was left all alone on herself. No one is to blame.

With the last day of Grand celebration Rocky and Reena begin their life a new fresh.

5 years later

Rocky was glaring. His eyes time and again went to Reena, who didn't even look at him once. Smiling, she was kissing Nishant  after ever nano second. And Nishant was enjoying all the attention he got. Rocky burning up badly. He couldn't control any longer.
That's it. You are too long with my wife. He took their two year old son, Nishant form Reena's lap in her arms.

Rocky he is you son.

Yes and you are my wife. I am the first man in your like. He is second.

Nishant scowls like he understands his father. He argues with Rocky in his own gribbish language. Reena was laughing watching the father son cute banter. Reena again took him From Rocky. Rocky this time englufs her wife. Never in million thoughts he will gets such a life. He kiss Nishant on cheeks and Reena on lips. As their lips met, Nishant cries.

Ohh really, you are here because i did it. Now you have a problem. I don't care. I will kiss my wife. Rocky again kiss her. Same reaction. Reena smiles at her blissful adventures life.

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