"I do, I always get this weird feeling in my stomach whenever Sophia is around."

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"Well when you get the feely feels in your stomach, and when you can't stop thinking about the person you're in love with." Destiney said all romantically.

"Hm. . .I love Sophia. . . .but I don't know if I'm IN love with her or if I just love her." Both Destiney I exchanged looks of panic.

"Well do you get butterflies whenever you see them? Do you get a tingling sensation everywhere when ever they laugh or smile?" I question him. Liam nods hesitantly. I shot him a stern look. "Liam. . . .if you want us to help you then you have to be honest with yourself and us first."

"I do, I always get this weird feeling in my stomach whenever Sophia is around. Whenever she laughs or smiles it brings me pure happiness." We both smile and nod our heads approvingly for him to continue. "Every time we hold hands I get nervous and shake a little, when we kiss my heart races, when we make love-" Liam continues, but is interrupted before he could finish.

"Alrighty! We get the idea. You love Sophia, but only you can truly tell whether or not you're truly in love with her. We can't make that decision for you hun." Destiney says soothingly.

"I have to think about this one on my own. . .I-I need time. . . ." he mutters getting up from the couch and heading towards the door in a swift manner.

"Take your time!" Destiney yelled out, "Oh and don't think too hard about it!" she added.

"Oh and remember if you get butterflies every time you see them, or you get a tingling feeling everywhere every time they laugh or smile, then most likely you're in love!" Both Destiney and Mellisa wave as Liam headed out the door.

It was dead silent as Des and Mel went back to watching their movie, that is until Mellisa muttered something under her breath, "Nickishotter!" she says in a low and rushed tone, almost slipping by free.

Des looks back at the girl, fire beginning to grow in her eyes, "Excuse you?!", placing a hand on her hip she continued to stare at the brunette friend, waiting for her response.

"What. . . .oh nothing silly." She waves off her friend plopping down on the couch as she grabbed the remote, and pressed PLAY.

"Uh. . . huh! Oh you are so damn lucky you're like a sister to me!" Des breaks the gaze on Mellisa, taking the other side of the couch and plops down on it, grabbing the bowl of popcorn.

"Love you." Mellisa says, knowing she just got away with murder as she smiles at the T.V.

"Yeah uh huh. . . .love ya too hoe!" Des grabs a handful of popcorn and shoves it in her mouth, munching very loudly.

Seconds pass as the two continued watching 'Harry Potter and the Prisoner Of Azkaban'. Out of the blue Des speaks up, "Oh and by the way you are buying me a pack of Oreos! No discussion on this matter! Capiche!?" she says blatantly.

"What the hell?! What for?!" Mel protested, looking at her friend.

"You know what you did!" and with that Des popped another piece of the buttery kernel in her mouth.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUWhere stories live. Discover now