"Don't worry okay? We'll save him."

9 1 4

Two uniformed men came running down the halls, one with handcuffs and the other with his night stick. They lifted Jaden up, "Wait. . .what are you doing? Why am I-" he starts but is cut off by the officials. "We're going to have to take you downtown for some questioning." His puffed up red eyes widened in fear as they placed the cuffs around his wrists.

When the officers weren't looking he sprung from their grip and ran down the halls, but not before one of the officers pulled out a familiar looking object and pointed it in his direction. An electric wave shot out of the gun and instantly hit the middle of his back, immediately paralyzing him as his body fell to the floor with a loud thud. A few more officials filed into the hallways and grabbed an unconscious Jaden and took him to the cop car outside.

One of the officials came over to Destiney and Mellisa,"Thanks for calling us Des." She sniffled as he frowned, pulling her shaking body towards him and engulfed her in a warm securing hug. "Don't worry okay? We'll save him." She wrapped her arms around him real tight. He softly rubbed her back soothingly. If one didn't know any better one would think they used to date. Hint! Hint!

Suddenly, the double doors bursted open and in came a pissed off Louis and a frantic Harry followed by a worried Liam with a sad Sophia by his side. "WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" Louis shouted in pure rage. Mellisa ran towards him and placed her hands on his chest,"They're on their way to the hospital right now." She sniffled as he wrapped his arms around her tightly, "I'M GOING TO WRING HER FUCKING NECK!"

When Destiney was calling the ambulance Mellisa had texted Louis the tragic news.

"Okay let's just calm down-" he cuts her off. "CALM DOWN?! HOW THE FUCKING HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN?! HE FUCKING SHOT MY BEST BUD!" His tone hadn't dialed down one bit and it seemed like it got higher if anything else. Harry looked at Louis with hurt eyes and placed his hand on his heart. He knew he couldn't make a big deal about it now but he still felt hurt. That is until he spotted his girlfriend in the arms of a police officer he knew too well.

He walked over to his girlfriend, still in the officer's arms,"Um excuse me. Can I have my girlfriend back now?" He questioned as Destiney pulled away and crashed into Harry's chest.

A static sound bellowed from his waist, he pulled it out pressing a button before speaking. "10-72/73 Roger that." He stuck the radio in his belt. "Gotta go. Duty calls." He said sprinting out the doors.

"Love you think you could ask your ex to keep his hands off you." He glared out the window, watching the officer change shirts before shuddering. "What did you even see in that Channing guy when you were dating him?" Harry muttered jealously. Destiney opened her mouth to speak, but was cut off by Louis.

"Alright everybody listen up!" Louis shouted grabbing everyone's attention. "I want the lot of ya at the hospital in the next thirty minutes! Olly!" A blonde male pushed through the crowd of students and looked up at Louis. "I need you and your people to track down and locate that Grande whore." Olly nods his head in response and swiftly pulls out his phone, tapping on the screen furiously a determined look on his face.

"Oh! One more thing!" Louis added making Olly look up in confusion. Louis' face hardened and Olly could see the hurt and anger in his eyes, "When you find that low life skank, inform me, and wait for my cue." He nodded once more before diverting his eyes back to the brightly lit screen.

"Keep her alive. . .we're going to have a little bit of fun with her." Mellisa spoke up, cracking her knuckles and smiling sinisterly. "When we're done with her she's going to wish she was dead." Destiney added as she too was cracking her knuckles.

"Alright everybody!" He roared, his voice beginning to crack from all the yelling. There was a murmur among the crowd of students, each one of them having their own side conversations. It seems they have already forgotten what just happened because Lou's face was as red as a tomato, with his lips pressed firmly against each other as he ran his fingers through his long dark brown hair. The annoyance and irritation was clear on his face and Mellisa knew he was about to explode, so she did what any logically sane person would do in this kind of situation.

She cleared her throat, "HEY!" she roared. A few people turned her direction but not all. The rest continued their meaningless chatting. This pissed off Louis and Mellisa which was not a good thing. If there was one thing anyone should know it's that nobody fucks with Mellisa, Destiney, Louis, or anyone close to them. They've already fucked with Ziall BIG TIME and they are not holding back. Once someone's messed with their friends or family THAT'S IT! They are fucked big time! No mercy or hesitation.

"EXCUSE ME!" Destiney spoke up loudly. Nothing. . . . .She made her way to a locker nearby, kicked the bottom of it as it flew open, and pulled out a medium sized projector. She twisted a knob and cleared her throat before proceeding. "I KNOW YA'LL AIN'T GOING TO MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF! NOW QUIT RUNNING YOUR FUCKING MOUTHS AND LISTEN UP!" Her voice bellowed through the megaphone in her hands. All conversations stopped, heads were turned towards the group, all except for two girls who were busy giggling. Des pointed the mic in their direction, "DUMB AND DUMBER THAT INCLUDES YOU BOTH! NOW FUCKING SHUT YOUR MOUTHS OR I'LL SHUT THEM FOR YOU!"

One of the girls, wearing a low cut Sapphire blue dress, placed a hand over her mouth chuckling under her breath. "I'm sorry but what does this have to do with anything?" The brunette said dumbfoundedly. Both Des and Mellisa exchanged looks of disbelief before turning their attention back to the ignorant person. "ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND OR DEAF?! OR BOTH?! SOMEBODY JUST GOT SHOT AND THEY'RE ON THEIR WAY TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT NOW!" Mellisa spewed angrily. The next set of words that came out of her mouth set off both Destiney and Mellisa.


Cliffhanger! No surprise there! ;D

So guess who is about to make a surprise appearance or who has already made their appearance in the chapter. . .I'll give you a hint. . .it's not Perrie. . .or. . .Rain. . .

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUWhere stories live. Discover now