"And. . his lover or mate also goes to this school"

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They don't know about us

~Zayn's POV~

I'm in Niall's embrace and I couldn't be in a better place than in his arms. I don't want to leave just yet, just a couple more minutes. Unfortunately we don't always get what we want, and not all of us can have annoying ass friends who get into your business like Destiny and Mellisa. I close my eyes and just when I feel like nothing can ruin the moment I hear Mellisa and Destiny laughing their asses off as they exit the room they were just in. In that quick second I let go of Niall giving him an apologetic look in return. Niall just smiles weakly back though I know that he wants to tell the boys about us, so that we don't have to hide around them anymore.

I spot a Wild Destiny and Mellisa with their hair all messed up and whatnot with Harry and Louis trailing behind them with a satisfied look on their faces. Damn! Louis and Harry can really do a number on them. Meliisa walks up to me smiling like an idiot with Destiny right beside her doing the same. Oh no. . This can't be good.

"Zayn, I need your help. My friend Rainen is dating this horrible girl named Taylor, and she abuses and uses him, always blowing him off. I need you to talk to him man to man because I know for a fact that Rainen likes another person or should I say in love with another person" What the hell is this chick doing. . .

"The thing is. . . he doesn't want to her hurt feelings despite how many times she hurts his" Destiny speaks up adding more to the story.

"Wow, such a bitch she is! He needs to dump that boe!" Louis jumps in the coversation.

"There's just one other thing we forgot to mention" Mellisa says as she looks at Destiny before nodding,

"He's gay" they say simultaneously. Oh my g-! What the hell are these bitches doing?? They're gonna blow our secret. Well. . .maybe our secret needs to be blown. . . we can't keep hiding like cowards. I look at Niall knowingly and he looks back at me giving me the same look.

"Well who cares if he's gay. . . It doesn't matter if he likes guys or girls, or purple polka dotted aliens. If he loves another guy and that guy feels the same for him then he should be with that guy, not with some bitch who's not worth his time" Louis adds making Niall and I quite shocked. I figured Louis was a homophobic which is why I never told him or the other boys. Mellisa just stares at me with a smirk and Destiny as well but with a 'Mhmm, you know what to do' look. I know what I need to do.

"Yeah I mean we live in a society where we are starting to accept same sex couples and gay rights. I for one accept them all whether they're gay, bi, les, hetero, homo, or whatever. If one of the guys were gay I wouldn't treat them bad or make fun of them, I'd support them no matter what" Harry speaks up suddenly. Well this makes my view of Harry change completely, but a good change.

"Alright, I'll tell him and knock some sense into him" I give them a reassuring smile.

"Who's this guy anyway? Do I know him? Does he go to our school?" Oi, there goes Louis with his million question survey again. I try to answer with simple one word answers.

"Well. . . he's uhm. . " I hesitate not knowing how to put the words together. Just when I was about to give up Destiny and Mellisa come to my rescue answering the questions with ease.

"Well he's my very close friend" Mellisa states.

"You may or may not know him" Destiny adds. Nice answer Des.

"He does go to our school. We know him well, but we won't reveal his identity until he comes clean with everybody" Mellisa what the hell are you doing. . .

"And. . his lover or mate also goes to this school" I stiffen up a bit as I take a quick glance at NIall who looks as nervous as I am. Note to self, take Des oreos.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUWhere stories live. Discover now