"Because I like you Niall"

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Niall and Zayn are stuck in a sports equipment warehouse, and Niall told Zayn something he didn't want to know unless he already knew ;}

"I was better off not knowing the truth", Zayn says with much anger in his voice as it gets louder.

"But you need to know so you don't continue living a lie", Niall says to the brunette, but is shortly cut off by Zayn.

"Enough!! As if it wasn't difficult enough already without all the constant fighting and arguing", Zayn says as tears stream down his cheek in little trickles. Niall goes to comfort the crying brunette, sitting down beside him putting his arm around the younger boy.

"Zaynie, I'm sorry. I really am truly sorry. Truly Madly Deeply I am. I never meant for any of this to happen."

"I know you mean well Ni, it's not all your fault. I was the one who wasn't seeing things clearly", he says as he looks up at the window above the roof showing off the ominious looking sky.

"So you're not mad at me?"

"No Niall, I'm not mad at you", Zayn gives Niall a weak reassuring smile.

"What are you gonna do with the whole Perrie situation?"

Runs his hands through his tousled chocolate brown hair. "I-I don't know. I-I guess I should-", gets cut off by Niall.

"End it. . .uh I mean I think you should do what's best", he shortly coughs awkwardly afterwards.

"Yeah, I don't know how I'm gonna break it to her."

"Just tell her straight up. That you know she cheated on you with another guy from noter school."

"I don't know how or why she would do this to me."

'Prolly cause she found out that I have feelings for you, so she decided to get with somebody else and prompt you to end it with her', Niall thought to himself.

"I-uh. . .I don't know mate. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be."

A soft sigh comes from Zayn as he leans on the wall beside him. "I-I guess so. Never really thought it would end, I always thought that the universe wanted us together". He looks at his black and silver shoes, finding them far more interesting than the conversation itself.

'C'mon Niall, this is your chance to get close to Zayn', he thught to himself. 'Oh my gosh, why does he have to be so damn drop dead gorgeous. Ugh! This is messing with my head. I NEED FOOD NOW!', he thought to himself as he opens up his futbol bag and searches for food. 'Damn! I thought I had some food stashed in here' he thought to himself again as a thought popped into his mind. "LOUIS! THAT DAMN DONCASTER DEVIL!", he says as his anger begins to rise.

Zayn notices a frustrated look on Niall's face as he continues to search for what he is searching for. "Uh. . .Ni? Are you okay?", he asks questioningly.

"No Zayn!! I'm not okay!", he says as he starts to get red in the face. Few mili seconds passed and he realized that he just yelled at his best friend. 'Why the hell am I getting so frustrated over something as little as a candy bar. Oh right, I'm Niall. Food is everyhing to me and I love it cause it keeps me calm and focused, but now thanks to that Doncaster boy I can't focus or remain calm. Especially in this situation.'

~Zayn's POV after Niall rose his voice at him~

Wow, Niall has never snapped at me before. He's always bubbly and cheery as well as an idiot sometimes, yet something inside me broke when he did. Why is that?', he thought to himself. 'Could I be in love with him? No Zayn!! Snap out of it. You can't be falling for your friend who's a guy. Zayn continues to stare at a flustered Niall. 'Why does he have to be so adorable when he gets all mad like this, with his blonde hair all fluffed up, the way his sweat drips down his abs after a show when we're on tour, how he bites down on his lips when nervous, the way he laughs at the most stupidest things, that strong Irish accent that comes out of his mouth whenever he talks, how his body moves. I love all his Little Things. Whoa!! Stop it Zayn!! He will never return your feelings because he likes girls and not guys', he thought to himself.

~End of Zayn's POV~

"C-Calm down Ni, I'm sure whatever it we can work this out and you can go back to being the bubbly and dorky you", Zayn tries to comfort an angry and steamed Niall.

"No! No we can't! We can't work this out. Because you will never understand how I feel!!", Niall balls up his fists to keep the tears about to come out from falling, but fails as the tears slowly start falling down his still light crimson cheek.

Zayn's chest begins to hurt a little when he sees tears falling from the blonde boy's now tear stained cheek.

"Ni, Come here. . .", he says to Niall in a soft but hurt tone.

'Great Niall! You're a crying mess and you let the person you love the most see you in your weak and vulnerable state. Now he's gonna think I'm a cry baby', Niall thought to himself. 'Why can't he ever feel the same way I feel about him', he says to himself as more tears start to fall at the thought of Zayn not returning his feelings or with another girl being all cuddly and kissing.

Zayn walks over to where Niall is as the brunette engulfs the blonde in a warm embrace. Feeling the warmth of Zayn's embrace, he bursts into tears knowing he'll never feel this warmth with anyone but Zayn.

"There there my little leprechaun. Let it all out", he says to Niall while rubbing his back in a soothing form.

"If. . .only. . .", he mutters to himself while failing to say it soft enough so that Zayn wouldn't hear.

"Hm? What's wrong Nialler?", he gives him a confused look. As he waits for the blonde to reply, he can't help but stare at his luscious soft lips and can't help but wonder how his soft would feel on his,

"I-It's nothing. You wouldn't understand anyway. Don't worry about me", he waves it off as nothing to Zayn. "Worry about your girl-", he gets cut off by Zayn's lips on his. Of course Niall kisses back with all the passion and love he has been holding in. Zayn smiles into the kiss as Niall kissed him back. Their lips moved perfectly together as if they were destined for each other, though the kiss lasted only ten seconds, to Niall it felt like the kiss lasted forever. He wanted the kiss to go on forever, but alas had to break it to confront Zayn about it.

Niall then breaks the kiss, as Zayn whimpers at the loss of contact.

"Not that I didn't like that a whole lot, but why did you kiss me?"

"Because I like you Niall", he grabs a hold of the boy's hand and kisses it softly as his lips brush against his skin making Niall's cheeks go scarlet red.


Comment what you think should happen next though I have a pretty good idea of what's going to happen next. Haha. . .

Thanks for reading this chapter. . . Ziall is my favorite FP(Fantasy Pairing). I also ship Ziam, Lilo, Niam, Zouis, Nouis, Lirry, and some Larry. Not a huge Larry fan. . . >:3

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