"Skank, how nice to see you."

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~Zayn's POV~

I pulled into my usual parking spot, next to two cherry blossom trees, while getting out of my car I spotted a blonde running towards me all happily.

"Zen good morning!" I locked the doors, a smile playing on my lips as I thought to myself. Man what did I do to deserve such a wonderful person like Niall. He excitedly pulls me in for a hug, wrapping his arms around me. His embrace is all warm and nice. I  could get used to this.

"Morning love. How is your morning treating you?" I hung my one arm around his neck and began walking while I slung my bag over my shoulder. We walked all the way to his class on the other side of the school, talking about little things that made no sense in the world. As we were in sight of the class I saw Liam, his back against the wall with Sophia pressed close to him, just outside the classroom. It's nice to see Liam happy again with Sophia by his side.

I turned my head leaning down to kiss his lips, but not even a few seconds later the bell rang.

"Everybody get to your seats. Class is about to begin." Professor Canon shouted from inside the classroom. We both groaned at the sudden interruption before pulling apart.

"I'll see you later yeah?" He nods and hugs me once more before entering the classroom. I watched as he made his way to a desk in the back of the room.

"Payne! Get your ass in here or your girlfriend's getting detention." Liam rolled his eyes in irritation and quickly pecked Sophia's lips before hugging her. I gave Sophia the usual 'What the hell is wrong with him?' look. She shrugged her shoulders, the classroom door slamming loudly.

Sophia and I were walking down the halls of Pop Academy together. "So." She spoke up. "You and Niall huh?" My head nodded as a smile spread across my face at the sound of Niall's name.

"He really likes you Zayn." I looked up at her. "I know." my voice steady and calm. Suddenly I feel something grab my arm, spinning me around.

"No Zayn I mean he really really likes you. He's liked you for some time, but was too afraid that you'd think of him as a freak." She stares straight at me, her eyes locked on mine. She was being dead serious this time.

"Please elaborate on that." I told her, not really knowing what she meant.

Sophia sighed deeply, "Niall doesn't want you to think of him as some sort of homosexual freak." Wow those words hit me hard. Her grip on me softened, and before I could say anything else an icy voice had filled the air. I know the sound of a b!tch when I hear one.

"Oh Zayn" Raina smiles sinisterly, walking towards us in her usual skanky attire. A see through dress that stops mid-thigh, showing full cleavage, and some incredibly high heels that made it look like she was towering over everybody. She was the definition of the word 'Slut'. No scratch that! Slut is an understatement, she is the queen of cocks. Always having a dick between her legs. She makes me sick every time I look at her.

"Skank, how nice to see you." Sophia sassed sarcastically, turning to face Raina as they engaged in an instant stare down. She still had that nauseating look on her face that she made whenever she was about to f*ck sh!t up.

"Oh Soph-" She starts. "Do not call me that!" Sophia growled. Raina chuckled at a hot-tempered Sophia, "Now Now Sophia, don't be mad because Liam won't f*ck you like he did me." Her evil smirk was back and all hell was about to break loose.

Oooh! This is not going to end well. I'm not going to get in between them two because I know Sophia can f*ck her up big time! Now let the fight begin!

I could see Sophia tense up extremely as she bit down on her lip lividly, her fists already balled up. "You F*CKING whore! The only reason Liam put his dick between your legs was because you F*CKING roofied his drink, got him all pissed drunk, then got him to 'supposedly' rape you." Sophia angrily spouted, shoving her hard against the lockers.

For a split second it looked as if she was scared, but that look quickly left as fast as it came. She hesitated for a second, then a dark and sinister grin spread across her lips as she narrowed her eyes towards Sophia. (See smiling GIF in picture header) "You F*CKING b!tch just made an enemy of an enemy! You're going to wish you hadn't done that."

Sophia looked confused by what she said, "Oh yeah, what the hell are you going to do!" She blurted out getting all up in her face.

"Smith! In my office now!" Principal Fahtarse (Fa-tar-sey) blared, his voice echoing through the halls. Sh!t! When did he get here? I did not see him walk by. I guess the fight is over. Sophia groaned as she narrowed her eyes at her, then began walking towards the principal.

"Don't worry I'll make sure to keep Liam company while you're in there." Raina whispered under her breath so that only Sophia could hear her, grinning sinisterly. Well here's what I think was going through Sophia's mind.

'Well I'm already in trouble, so might as well teach this b!tch a lesson while I'm at it.'

After that snide comment Sophia turned around, threw back her fist, and launched at Raina's nose, breaking it on contact. You could hear her screaming in pain as she held her head up, the blood dripping from her nose all over her short yellow see-through sun dress.

"Smith! Suspension! Two Weeks!" He roared, helping the b!tch walk towards the infirmary.

I turn towards Sophia and waited till they were out of ear sight. "Damn girl! You f*cked her up!" I bellowed giving her a high-five. She just smiled, walking to her locker down the hall, as she grabbed some books and shoved them into her bag before slamming the locker door shut.

"I can't believe her! Two weeks! That b!tch gets off easy and I get suspended?! What the hell kinda world do we live in where the slutty whore gets away clean and the good guy/girl gets punished?! If that fat ass principal hadn't shown up I would've knocked that b!tch upside her head." She slings the bag over her shoulder and begins walking out the double doors, dragging me with her.

"Come on! You're my ride." She orders, taking the keys from my pocket and getting in the passenger side of the car.

Wow. . . .um. .okay. . . . . .I've never seen her this mad before. What am I going to tell Liam? A horn honks loudly, and I turn to see her sitting impatiently as she motions for me to get in the car.

I'm All That You Need (Ziall, Sophiam) AUWhere stories live. Discover now