~Zayn's Morning~

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~Zayn's POV~

It was early morning, grey clouds in the sky, and the rain was barely above a drizzle, but that didn't faze me like it normally would. Usually whenever it rained I would always be in a bad mood, and that eventually became habitual, to the point where I can be happy one minute and as soon as it starts raining bad mood Zayn shows up to ruin everyone's day.

However, today was different. It felt different, and I knew things were going to be different. I laid in bed, staring blindly at my ceiling, hands rested behind my head thinking about the past events that happened. I dumped my ex girlfriend Perrie Edwards, Niall confessed his feelings to me, Liam going to Danielle's grave and Sophia showing up. So much has happened these past few days.

All of a sudden my alarm go off, and "Not Afraid" by Eminem plays throughout the room as my phone begins to vibrate. I groaned, not wanting to get up from my peaceful and comfy position in bed. Fortunately, it was just my alarm reminding me to wake up for six in the morning, but the peaceful moment was over. No way I could return to my relaxing and cozy position from before.

So I made my way to the mirror that stood in front of my dresser, where my cologne and other personal things laid, and took my comb fluffing my hair till it looked 'Zayn' enough. Once I was satisfied with my luscious mane I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, double checking my appearance before moving on. Soon after I was in my silver porcelain bathroom, that was across the hall from my room, brushing my teeth before jumping in the shower. After I was done in the shower I made my way to my room, a grey towel wrapped around my torso, and contemplated on my choices. In under five minutes I had picked out a jade tank top accompanied with a navy blue open-button shirt, loose fitted grey skinny jeans, and a pair of red vans. Then I sprayed on a bit of cologne, gave myself a quick once over (Checked his appearance), and proceeded downstairs to the kitchen.

Hmm. . .what is there to eat? I took a coin out of my pocket and tossed it in the air, heads I make eggs, tails I eat cereal. As the coin came down it fell on its head, and cereal was the winner. I sighed and got the bowl and spoon from the cabinets, got the milk from the fridge-

Note to Self: Make Boyfriend go buy more milk.

I couldn't help but smile at that word, it never had much meaning to me before a couple days ago. My phone started vibrating in my pocket, knocking me out of my daze. I dug into my pocket and pulled it out, it was a message from Liam.

Hey good morning Z =}

I typed back a response, then continued to make my breakfast.

Morning Li

Staring up at the top of the fridge, where there were varieties of cereals, I thought for a few seconds until I went with the closest one, Lucky Charms.

Another buzz. . .

How are things? With you and Niall?

I stared at the text, and responded with a quick reply before putting my phone back in my pocket.

Things are good.

Pouring the cereal and milk in my bowl I dug in and sighed before flipping on the stereo, 'Lose Yourself' by Eminem started blaring throughout the house, echoes swirling around the kitchen.

I was the only one in my flat, occasionally my mother will stop by and see how I'm doing and give me tips about life, and my sisters come by just to raid my refrigerator and ask for advice on guys. I never get tired of having my family around, like other people would be, in fact I love my family and would love for them to move in with me, but alas I cannot be dependent on my family my whole life. I must learn how to do things on my own without my family helping me. So that's the reason why I live alone. Plus having a roommate would be too much trouble because I am a neat and clean guy, who occasionally has his OCD moments, and because I like the extra space for my things.

Now 'Let Me Love You' by Mario began playing, and I had to laugh at the coincidence. Once my bowl was empty I quickly washed it along with my fork, and went back upstairs to get my stuff for school.

Hmm. . . .should I go to school? I really don't want to. Then again Niall will be there, and I want to see his smiling face, hear his contagious laugh, and wrap my arms around him securingly. After all Perrie will not give up without a fight, and she most definitely will retaliate when you least expect it. If she even touches Niall or looks at him in any way I will not hesitate on fucking her up. This bitch has fucked with the bull long enough, and now she better watch herself because the horns are coming her way. Speaking of Perrie, I see her everyday because she's in my 'Music Appreciation' class, 'Music In the Ages' class, 'Vocal Safety' class, and 'Culture Mix' class. We had signed up for the same classes back when we were together, but now I wish we hadn't cause now I have to see her fugly ass face and I don't think I can deal with her for another second. Especially with her snide comments and sassy attitude. I shouldn't let her get the best of me, she will soon realize who's she messing with. I'm not the old Zayn she fell in love with, I'm the new and improved Zayn who doesn't take shit from anyone.

After much thought and consideration, well. . . not really. . .I was out the door, my navy blue back pack slung around my shoulder, keys in my hand, and a determined attitude.

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