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╚═════๑♡๑═════╝"no, the rain comforts me

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"no, the rain comforts me."

You and mike were very close as friends. You would kiss eachothers cheecks and forehead in a normal way, people always got weirded out by it. But the party normalised it, not like they'd do it too, they just won't tease or say and look weird about it.

(Eleven and mike are just friends.)

There was the saturday-movienight-tradition again. Anyone who could would go to y/n's house for a movie night. It was a tradition. You woke up, hearing the sounds of rain hitting all sorts of platforms.

It was like a dream. Your window was open, so you heard the rain more then normal. You smiled. The smile faded when u saw noone else was in the room.

Didnt even brother to wake you for breakfast. You slowly got up and put your warm feet on the cold floor. You decided to first put on your fuzzy penguin socks.

You slowly made your way, still tired, to the kitchen where everyone sat down at the dining table. You said goodmorning and wanted to give Mike a kiss on the cheeck, as usual.

Well you didn't expect Mike's face to turn around at that moment, he was also gonna kiss your cheeck. Your lips touched his soft lips. The kiss was more of a peck, but instantly you become very red, like a tomato.

The entire party saw the situation and started laughing. "So we should normalise this too?" Lucas laughed, eating another bite of his sandwich. I rolled my eyes, apologised to mike and sat down to eat a nutella sandwich. (Or whatever sandwich you'd like.)

You kept glancing at the window. The rain was so peaceful. It always made your soul happy. It gave you a motivational boost and a sort of relaxational feeling.

"Let's go back to your room." Eleven submitted. We all agreed, finishing our breakfast and cleaning the table, and all made our way to my messily-decorated room.

I was in my bed, Mike was also laying down. We didn't cuddle we just both layed down. Nothing special. "Y/n can I closed your window, it's raining and the window is open. And it's basically freezing!" Will asked, well more complained.

"No. The rain comforts me." I smiled, closing my eyes. "Pleaseee???" Will begged. "Okay fine!" I groaned.

"You know you guys should be a couple, right?" Max said, cuddling with Lucas in my couch.

"Ew no! Were platonic friends. I'd never be Mike's girlfriend!" I yelled back. I regretted my words but they didn't matter. I suddenly felt mike moving from my bed, he was running outside.

"Oh god! I'll be back!" I yelled, running after him. "Mike, what's wrong?" I said, the rain was pouring over us. "You know- you are ruining my life!" He yelled.

I scoffed. "How?!" I yelled back, what does he even mean? "Look- we are best friends! And I want to keep it that way! But yo-you know I have loved you since day one and hearing those words are just- heartbreaking!" Tears were forming in his eyes.

My heart dropped. Fully dropped.

"You-you love me?" I asked. "Yes! And I know you don't so just don't make fun of-" I put my lips onto his. This was my first kiss. I didn't care cause it was perfect.

It was with the boy I loved, in the rain that I also loved.


【𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 】ᶠⁱⁿⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠʰᵃʳᵈ ⁱᵐᵃᵍⁱⁿᵉˢ ⁺ ᵖʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᶜᵉˢ Where stories live. Discover now