face masks

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╚═════๑♡๑═════╝(the notebook gif ahh)

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╚═════๑♡๑═════╝(the notebook gif ahh)

"are you on your perio-"
                       "y/n, shut up!"


hi y/nnnn

my spidey senses are telling me u want something

can i come to ur trailer

no the duffers were mad last time



I'll be sneaky

last time you tried to be sneaky you fell on the floor and then against a wall

those are the olden days

stfu that was 6 hours ago

im coming

im coming title of your sextape

pls stop obsessing over b99

my heart just broke

ok, im gonna come

y/n don't say it.

just come


just come title of your sextape



Finn made his way over to y/n's trailer, making sure not to trip this time. He ran 'sneakily' over to the door and opened it carefully. y/n was already waiting behind the door and rolled her eyes at finn's grin.

without a word, finn already walked in. the pair sat on the couch peacefully and started talking. "Me and noah went shopping yesterday..." y/n started, her smile shining.

"I think I know where you're going with this." Finn mumbled. Y/n paused, smiling. "I bought facemasks." Y/n said quickly, Finn's face dropping.

Finn did not want to participate in any of these so-called 'girly' things. He didn't want to be laughed at, nor did he want to see a sad y/n.

Obviously, Finn couldn't resist seeing y/n angry or sad because of him. Finn groaned loudly. "Fine." He said sassily.

y/n's smile went wider while Finn still had his grumpy face on. "Oh, lighten up! I'm not gonna share the photos." Y/n reasoned.

"We're not making photos." Finn warned. "We are." Y/n glared.

Once gain, Finn cracked, and he gave in.

Y/n sat on her comfy bed, only the side. the bed was somehow really fucking tall.

(my bed is literally so tall, when I was a child I had to fucking jump and yeet myself so I could go to bed)

Finn sat on y/n's chair, y/n being slightly taller and applying face mask finn's delicate face.

"It's cold." Finn complained.
"Cold as your heart." Y/n stated cheesy, laughing afterward.

"It's not funny!" Finn yelled defensively. "You're so grumpy today," Y/n wondered.

"Are you on your perio-"
"Y/n shut up!"


The pair had switched places, Finn was sloppily applying to mask onto y/n's skin. "I almost ate it." Y/n mumbled.

"I'm too tired," Finn kept complaining. Maybe he is on his period.

"Couldn't we just cuddle?" Finn groans out. "I think it's too late for that now, finneas." Y/n cooed dramatically.


The pair stood in the bathroom, peeling off the facemasks. "It hurts!" Finn squeeled, peeling off bit by bit. "You're supposed to peel it off in one fucking piece!" Y/n laughed.

"I'm gonna cryyyy-" Finn complained, maybe an actual tear being there.

"Don't be a baby, love." Y/n teased, peeling off most of finn's mask to help. "It probably didn't even hurt." Y/n shrugged. Finn rolled his eyes, peeling off what was left.


the pair both had their facemasks off. they were standing in the kitchen, eating food. "We could get my laptop and watch Netflix." Y/n mumbled. Finn and y/n had been contemplating what they could do that didn't involve sleeping.

last time, they fell asleep and they were late for filming. The Duffers weren't exactly pleased.

"But what do we watch?" Finn asked, grabbing another chip. "There's this movie that makes everyone sob, not even at the end. Just makes u sooobb." Y/n started, her eyes sparkling with the idea.

"What is it? I bet I wouldn't cry." Finn said. Y/n rolled her eyes. "The Notebook. It made everyone cry so far."

"You'll see, I'm a strong boy. I won't even cry."


Finn cuddled into a laughing y/n. they just finished the movie, y/n had a few tears roll down her cheeks.

Finn was full on sobbing. "But- why-.." He started, voice cracking. "THE BIRDS." Finn yelled out.

"They said they were gonna be birds and then -" "I know, honey." Y/n cooed, trying to hide her laugh.

"This movie changed my life." Finn mumbled, closing his eyes.

"What if we fall asleep together as well and die?" Finn randomly said. "Finn." Y/n warned.

Somehow, Finn did fall asleep, making Y/n fall asleep as well.

the duffers weren't happy again, but they thought it was cute, I guess?

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