sick | mw

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being sick had its disadvantages, especially to Micheal Wheeler. Mike did not like being sick. at all. he hated the feeling of just.. sick?

Once Mike had realised he was sick, he didn't want to let anyone take care of him. Not even his own mother.

As he tossed and turned over his bed, he heard the phone ring. He didn't know who to expect, but a silent voice in his head prayed it was y/n.

His hands reached out to his night table, gracing over the wood while attempting to find the phone. Finally, he managed to grab it.

He held it carefully to his ear. "What?" He huffed into the speaker, sitting up. His eyes were closed, too tried to even comprehend anything.

But once he heard the delicate voice of his girlfriend, his eyes fluttered back open. "Mike, is everything okay? Nancy told me you're on your man-period." Y/n said, chuckling at her own sentence.

Mike's eyes widened. "She said what?!" He yelled, groaning. Suddenly, he heard Nancy's voice onto the phone. Nancy was listening.

"It's the truth!" She laughed. "Nancy, get off the phone." Mike ordered, already hating this conversation.

Once he realized Nancy was off the phone, he spoke again. "I've got a fever." He mumbled, his head falling back to rest against the wall.

"Need me to come over?" Y/n asked, saying exactly what Mike wanted her to ask. "Please," Mike grinnicked, excitement taking over.

Yet, that didn't exactly stop his fever. "I feel like I'm dying." Mike joked, hearing the sound of y/n laughing.

"Don't worry. I'll tell my mom, and I'll come over. I'll see you." Y/n said softly into the phone, making Mike's lips curl into a smile.

"See you." He replied, hearing the speaker of y/n disconnect. He put the phone back in its place, dropping his body back on his mattress.

Sooner or later, y/n arrived. She knocked on the door, making sure she didn't disturb Mike. "Come in." Mike yelled in a groggy voice.

Y/n entered, taking in the sight. He wasn't wearing a shirt. That's new.

She sighed, looking away. "So, fever?" She asked, walking over to Mike's bed. Mike nodded, even smiling through the sickness that took him over.

"I brought some muffins," Y/n begun, grabbing a small box out of her tote bag. "Max and I made them last night. She slept over." she clarified, opening up the box.

She took out a muffin, one that was obviously handmade, yet looked so professional. It also smelled amazing.

Mike would probably think it smelled amazing if he was able to breathe through his nose right now.

"Thanks, y/n/n, it looks amazing." He grimaced, grabbing the baked good and biting in it. Y/n went ahead and opened up his window.

"Your fever is obviously not going away if you're overheating, Mike." She lectured, yet it was only because she cared.

She fully opened the window, letting in a cold breeze. Then, she went to the bathroom to damp a towel.

She put it on Mike's head as he ate the muffin. "This is really good," He commented, speaking with his mouth full of food.

"Why, thank you." She smiled proudly. "Have you already taken medication for your fever?" She asked in a soft voice, like a mom to her baby, while her fingers graced over his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah." He mumbled, finishing up the muffin. "My mom gave me at least six things." He smirked, looking up to meet her gaze.

"That's good.. I guess." She questioned him, yet she didn't care. "Do you need anything?" She asked just to make sure.

"Maybe.. cuddles?" He responded, smiling at her to somehow make her say yes. He pouted to seal the look.

Y/n grinned, her head falling back. "Hmmm... fine." She said playfully as Mike opened up his arms.

She quickly went into his embrace, taking in his scent. Her fingers were in his hair, massaging his scalp.

Mike's arm snaked around her waist, holding her by him to make sure nothing got her. Mike pecked her cheek, then closed his eyes.

Slowly, he drifted off to sleep, y/n doing the same.

Let's just say his fever was cured the next morning.

such a cute fluff! (i need this irl rn im so done)

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