Chapter 4

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I have begun to imagine the many ways I could knock Averett unconscious. Many of them involved wrapping this accursed chain around his neck and asphyxiating him until he fell asleep. For the three hours that we've been walking through the woods, Averett has done nothing but speak about his Everly. How he simply cannot imagine the look of surprise on her face when he returns. How her hair falls just right on her back. How her smile can lift any of his moods. How her voice is so utterly wistful. I've had a pounding migraine after the first ten minutes of this.

"Her birthday is in a few weeks, actually," he rambles on. I refrain to share any comments since he hasn't noticed my bleak responses. Instead, I take in the sceneries as we go along. Noting the changes in color, the way the breeze caresses my cheek, the smell of sweet springtime. The intensity of the environment is far beyond than what I thought it to be. "Her father owns a bank in the city. He's one of the most respected members of the community." Irritated, I close my eyes. The pounding on my temples is getting stronger with each word that he utters about this human girl. I have come to accept my willingness to murder this man. I've come to realize that it is apart of this human body. I should just participate in this conversation and relent to the inevitable.

"So, why a Star?" Averett glances at me for the first time in hours. I wouldn't be surprised if he forgot that I was even with him on this journey. "Why not a rose? Or a pair of pearl earrings?" He refocuses on the path ahead. "She's the type of girl who has everything," he shrugs as he helps me steps over a fallen tree. "What can you get a girl that already has everything? She saw the falling star and asked it of me." I absentmindedly nod at his response. "You know," I slow my steps down until I am right by side, "those who want a Star are never those with good intentions." I should know. Averett merely shrugs once again. "Based on your interpretations of humans, I wouldn't stake your knowledge of humans to be reliable." I grit my teeth at this insult.

He knows nothing of what I know on humans. I've seen all kinds of things from them. Not all happy-go-lucky. I've especially seen many unsavory outcomes of rude selfish girls who use men for their own gains. And what I've heard about Everly, she fits the criteria.

I step away from him, not willing to see his face anymore. "You know not of what I've seen nor what we've experienced." Sharp rocks dig into the soft skin of my feet as we come across a road on the outskirts of the wood. We both halt, glancing up and down the dirt path. "'We'?" I glance up at Averett, keeping my words to myself. I shouldn't say more than necessary for, better or worse, he is still human. I wordlessly turn back to the road. "Shall we go west?" I nod in the particular direction. "Or East?"

"Let's go East."

We silently agree and walk in step with each other. The day has been long for us both, I think. I have never been awake during the day and the setback has me falling into exhaustion. Maraynia used to tell me stories about how humans get so much done throughout the day. She used to stay up to watch their accomplishments. It was against our nature to do that, but it didn't matter to her. She loved her humans. She loved them. It's cruel that I am now walking in her shoes. It is the greater punishment that has been inflicted upon me.

My other siblings are possibly thinking the same. I wonder if they are watching right now. I'm sure Merope and Taygete are watching me. Maia has always been shy and only watches on a few occasions. The others are strict to follow their rules. I am, in a word, the youngest so I lived to follow my siblings as well as their rules.

"I just realized something," Averett says as he tugs my wrist back. I stop and turn around confused at his sudden outburst. "We haven't been formally introduced yet." I am at loss for words. Truly. Averett is concerned that we, him and I, are not introduced? He binded me and he wants to introduce himself properly as if we were companions? "Averett Howard." He reaches his hand out to me. My sisters would tell me to take his hand and become acquainted. My brothers would tell me to beware and leave him. "Come on," he smiles at my hesitation, "I cannot keep calling you Star. Or referring you as an item, no matter how easier that would be." I bit my lip thinking it over. Among everything that I will have to go through, trusting Averett should be the easiest thing I will do.

"Alcyone." I enclose my own hand over his patiently outstretched one. "My name is Alcyone." He shakes our hands gently. "Nice to meet finally meet you." He's endearing. Averett appears such a magnetic person. I know that'll eventually hurt us. "Yes, finally." I drop his hand and continue our way. Averett chuckles behind me, following me closely. "Are you always this monochromatic? Or is it just part of being a Star?" I wince in pain. Another rock lodged itself on the soles of my precious feet. I'm sure I'll be bleeding profusely in a mile or two. "I'm not monochromatic," I try to dislodge the rock. "I am merely...not conversational." The chain clinks on the smoother cobbler stone road, leaving the rough road behind.

Averett grabs the chain from the floor and ravels it round in a circle. "And that is why people will know you aren't human." I send him a glare. "Be sociable. Do so now since that," he points a finger at a wooden sign, "is where we'll be going. We'll need to blend in." He tucks the chain in his pocket. "I believe it'll be hard because of that silver chain and my attire. I'm sure that they'll notice a dirty, barefooted girl walk their streets."

"I don't know about here in Beyond, but I think you're overestimating how much people actually care about others."

I hate to admit it but he's right. My knowledge of people only extends to what I've seen. I don't entirely know why they do what they do. We hasten our pace towards the town. The sun is winking its way lower into the horizon. It is quite beautiful, actually. I've never seen the sky display an array of colors before.

The walk up to the town was excruciating. My energy was draining, and I had developed a limp. "Is your leg ok?" Averett gently grabs my arm, making me lean into him. "I am not as proficient at walking as you are; it seems." I grimace in pain. Averett curses under his breath as he helps me limp into my first human town. "You should've said something, Alcyone." What should I have said? It wouldn't have changed our current situation. Why waste valuable words on petty things? "I am unaccustomed to pain, yes. But if I had voiced it, what could you have done? We have nothing." We limp up a cobblestone walkway.

"You are dense, you know that?" I don't have the strength to make a counterremark. "I would've given you my own shoes!" My eyes glance at his worn leather shoes. "They are too big, Averett. They wouldn't fit." He laughs sarcastically, mumblings something under his breath. The pain shoots up my calf, keeping myself silent. "There's an inn!" I could almost whoop in happiness. "We'll stay there tonight." I read the name of the inn. The Burned Cauldron? An ugly panic rattles in my chest like a snake trapped in a woven bin. Aren't Cauldrons a sign of witches? Isn't that what Maia said? Well, what should she know. She barely turned to the human world before she quickly parted her gaze.

Still, it is best to be cautious. "Are you sure it's safe to be here?" Averett carries me off my feet, planting me directly at the front door. Old wooden door had been decorated with painted leaves of all colors. "I'm sure we'll be fine." Averett knocks on the dark inn, unphased by the state it is in. "It doesn't look to be open for visitors, Averett." Averett fastens his satchel tightly around himself and fussing over our appearance. "Well, what do you expect me to do?" He tries to part my wild nest of hair neatly on head. "Your feet are injured and bleeding! We cannot stay out in the night like this." I groan in protest, but he quickly shushes me. I give him a weak glare.

The door swings open with a jerk, revealing a short and stubby woman on the other side of the door. "O' me lords! I wasna expectin' visitor so late in the season. Come in, come in! Richard!" The woman ushers us in the establishment as she calls for her husband, I assume. "Ya both look like ye've been through many a' trials. Poor children!" She slams the door shuts behind us.

"Yes, yes," Averett wraps his arm around my shoulder, his actions startling me, "my wife and I have been through quite the ordeal." Wife? I snap my head over at him. Wife! What the devils is he talking about? He tightens his grip on my shoulder, letting me know to play along. Oh sure! I'll play along, but I'll show him what kind of wife I am. The inn owner turns on the lights and she gasp at the sight of us. "O' heavens! Look at you, dear." She turns her head over her shoulder. "Richard! Get warm water for a bath!"

The nice lady gently pulls me away from Averett. I take very hesitant steps away from him. She must see my caution for she tenderly smiles. "Didna worry, dear. You'll see your husband soon enough. Richard will take care of him while we'll just see if there's a beauty underneath this grime." I share a look with Averett, quietly asking if it's okay. He just winks at me. That bastard. With that, I give in to this stranger's commands and go with her up the stairs.

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