Chapter 25

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Before the fall of Stars, we existed to watch over mortals and care for them from afar. I believe that our powers within our being were made to protect and forewarn. Of course, there are few that truly believe in this. Our Sacred Laws prevent us from believing and doing anything else.

Then, when Stars had begun to fall, my perspective suddenly changed. Many questions arose within my mind that I never had before. First, why had I fallen? How had this started against the will of Stars? Second, if I was born a Star and had blood like a Star, how can I appear and think as a human? What kind of influence does a realm have that can drastically change a way a Star can ultimately view life? Thirdly, were we always meant to live among mortals? Or were mortals meant to live among Stars? These are the questions that initially plagued me. I had vowed to find the answers.

My travels, however, changed everything all at once.

My reading in coming along nicely, but First Brother's ominousity is almost killing me. I have no choice but to read it slowly, page by page. The jolting wagon knocks me into its walls for the hundredth time. "Did we really have to travel at night with these frightful roads?" Averett sighs against the stray pillows that were provided. "You were the one that insisted on traveling as soon as possible," he laughs with a humor I cannot share. "Are you regretting it now?"

"Absolutely not," I shift back into my seat. "We must stay the course."

I squint back at my book. The candlelight has not failed me just yet, but the ink is as ancient as I am. The words are even older, it looks like. "Are you having trouble with your reading?" I try to keep myself from rolling my eyes. Our relationship is not the same as before and, for some reason, Averett would like to pretend like it is. "Would it better if you read it aloud?" I sigh and turn to him. "This book is very important. I cannot just read it aloud with too many ears around."

"Oh, please," he scoffs, "that old man wouldn't hear a cricket chirp if it was right on his ear. I had shout to ask him if he was willing to take us to Market Palace." I doubt him. For the first time, I genuinely doubt him. "Please, Alcyone," he tugs on my braid, "read to me." My heart tugs at his request. It begs for me to give in. I clear my throat, turning back the page. I read:

It all began with when I awoke in my crater. It was filled with special minerals that I had no knowledge of what it was until much later. My whole body ached and craved for nutrients like water and food. There was none. Not that I could see.

The land was dry and cracked. It was empty and desolate. Life was no where in sight. I found myself trekking through the vast land. It is unfortunate, but I cannot remember those days. I remember pain and grief. But I walked and walked, until my feet bleed. My days are gone to me. Locked away somewhere in my mind. And the memories I do remember are blurred and far from my reach.

Still, I found the edge of the realm. A direct line that split one world and the other. One side, blossomed and full of life; the other, a never ending desert. I collapsed on the ground, exhausted and injured. I screamed at the bright, blue sky and a burst of light poured out of me. When the light cleared, as well as my vision, I saw the land as fruitful as the other. It was a wonder. An unexplainable wonder.

That was the first clear memory that I have. My adventures then took me from one end of the Realm to the other. I learned many new things. I have written them in this book. All that needs to known is here. All that pertains to this wondrous realm is here. A realm that I have begun to call Realm Beyond.

"So," I hear Averett sit up from his spot, "this first Star was the first inhabitant of Realm Beyond? Where the rest come from then?" It is confusing. Although our experiences were very similar, the rest of his story is terrifying. "I'm not entirely sure what this means, Averett. How can a realm just suddenly come to be? How can a land suddenly be full of life when it was dead moments before?" His recounts are truly baffling.

"And this 'direct line'? Was he talking about the Wall?" I shake my head. "He can't have been," I twist around, "where's the Wall? He only mentions this divide. One side with life, the other with death. No wall." No wall. If there was no wall, where was the edge of the realm? Did he go in the opposite direction? "That means that the Wall went up after his fall. Why?" The piling questions frustrate me. I have no answers! None!

"I know not, Averett!" I close the book, shoving it into my bag. "The answers won't magically appear if I continue reading at this pace." I can barely understand every word that in there without having to stop once and while to catch the real picture. I even confuse certain letters without meaning to. "Maybe it is time to rest, Alcyone." Maybe it is, but I'd rather not voice my agreement with him. The candlelight flickers slightly as I scoot back onto the bed of hay that's at the back of the wagon. I sit with my back against the splintering wood. My eyes never leave the faltering light as my eyelids droop ever so slowly.

First Brother's words repeat in my mind. 'We existed to watch'. 'Our power within our being were made to protect and forewarn'. We've never done that before, I realize. We watched silently. Was he wrong about that? Or did we become complacent to humanity's brutality? Heavy questions for a mind that has grown weary of such heavy topics. I slowly blink. Once...twice... Sleep calls me for me with such a tender voice. A voice all too familiar. Soft and calming. Deep, but quiet. Electra...

I will tell you First Brother's tale...just watch, dear sister.
The scene unfolds behind my lids. A profound dream that I let invade my senses. I do as my sister asks of me. I listen and watch.

Realm Beyond had begun to evolve to a land that ran with magic in its blood. I couldn't understand it. How can a desert land become a land with such greenery and wonder? I sought to find out.   

I journeyed somewhere North where I found my first sign of frail life. A thin, dry plant. My legs gave out from underneath me, so I sat with this glimmer of hope for many days and many nights. The sun tried to burn me from the outside, but I outshined it every time. One day, I had enough. I left. I continued west.

I had spent a year exploring these lands. I had not encountered no one else. No mortal had crossed paths with me...until I crossed path with a man.
Two silhouettes emerge from the ground. They face each other with surprise. All around nature thrives even greater than before.
He was surprised to see me. Afraid, even. I had asked him, 'How did you get here, boy? From whence have you came?" He trembled with fright or exhaustion. It all looks them same after wandering endlessly through an unknown place. 'I-I know not, sire. I stumbled onto this land by accident. I was helping my father herd the cattle when I was brought here." It seemed strange. How could he not have seen the boundary lines of this realm from the other? It was a clear difference.
'What is your name?' I had asked him. He was shaken enough that it took him a couple tries to voice his name calmly. 'They call me Averal. I-it is my father's name, and his father's before him.' I made my first friend that day. And with him, I learned many things. Like, for example, map making. Or, a most important detail that was lost on me, the intricate was the land's blood ran with potent magic. My blood.

Amid my deep slumber, a hand grabs me and throws me up. I hear shouting as I fully wake to the chaos. The old man pushes me off his wagon. "You said you could take us to Market Palace! Why are you kicking us out halfway?" I trip on my feet, falling to the ground. It's morning. Early morning, I think. My mind is swimming with the effects of my sister's visitation. It doesn't hurt. It just sways my vision uncomfortably. "Will you talk clearly! I can't understand anything with all your mumblings."

My bag drops down on the floor in front of me. "Where are you going?" Averett yells after the old man. He leaves us here on our own, while he turns down another road. "What's happening?" I ask him groggily. "The old man is becoming senile, that is what happening." Averett helps me from the ground. "Are you alright?" He searches my face with concern. Am I alright? The ground is swaying underneath my feet and my stomach twists with unease. But my condition shouldn't be a cause for concern. We are so close to finishing this journey.

"I'm alright." The lie tastes bitter on my tongue. "Let us go to Market Palace." Why do I suddenly feel like I've entered a race?

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