Chapter 22

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"An alliance is forming," I wring my wrists nervously, "that is what my sister warned me of." After finally regaining my sanity, I bang to explain to Averett what had happened down at the boardwalk. "Yes, but what alliance could be so dangerous?" We've walked through the streets of Townesport, following the Captain's instructions as to where to go. "I'm not sure, but it must be something grave for them to break our Sacred Laws." It is true. There has to be something worse happening somewhere in Realm Beyond for them to intervene. "You don't believe that they would break your laws just because they care about you?"

I shake my head, no. "Our eldest brother, Atlas, would never allow it," I shift the bag from one side of the shoulder to the other, "He utterly believes in the Sacred Laws. He would never break them just to guide me. There must be something more important at play. Something I don't know and they collectively decided to tell me." Averett chuckles while shaking his head disbelievingly. I narrow my eyes. "What?" He laughs even louder at the glare that I'm sending him. "You don't know how valuable you are to everyone around you. Even, little Milton would give every single one of his books to keep you safe."

"But we are not human, Averett. We follow the laws of the Great Beyond. We are not allowed to hold such emotions for one another. We are Star. It is what Atlas taught me."

The chatter of people is most distracting. I've never been in such a crowded place. I think I prefer the country over the bustling city side. "So," he swings his arms to his back, "what are the Sacred Laws?" Dozens of small children run amok the streets. Laughing and playing. "The Sacred Laws are the regulations we abide by, much like the laws of this land. However, it is more similar to a belief than a policy. They were established during the times of First Brother." I was far too young to remember. I was just beginning to understand the life that I was given. "We cannot interfere. We cannot involve ourselves to the mortal events. We simply watch and observe. We see the stories as they are, untouched by the our bias."

"Is that really necessary?" He asks, genuinely curious. "I mean, Star after Star has fallen and no one has interfered?" I shrug. I have no answer for him. He does not understand the weight of responsibility that hangs over a Star. I have many shames, many regrets and many wishes. I could not count how many moments in time I wished I could've helped someone. I remember each and every individual who could've thrived with my help. But I could not. A face in particular surfaces from my memories. She could've lived a better life if I had intervened. "So, you all just watched as your siblings died in the hands of those witches?"

I stop and fully turn to him. "What could we have done? Many of my sibling were slain right where they laid. Others were gotten to before we could see where they were taken. Maraynia was run through with a knife made of glass. I heard her screams of agony and watched as they ripped her shinning heart out." I take a deep breath before continuing. "Stars do not grieve. I never had the chance to. Now as a human, I feel her lose everyday and fear the same end." He nods with some form of understanding.

First Brother knew of these Sacred Laws; but when he came to the realm, everything changed. He believed that Stars should be more involved with humans. To make them their brethren as well. He began to think that out uninvolvement was bias. Stars agreed with him until they saw the true face face of humanity. First Brother's death ended our friendship before it could even begin. "So, now we have to be on the lookout for some princes that are looking for that trinket around your neck, huh? This only get more complicated with you."

"It was not my fault!" I move the stupid thing around my neck. "It's the Old King's. He's made things complicated for everyone involved." Averett grabs my arm and steers me away from a random obstacle that I didn't see in my way. "Ah, but it is because of him that we met. So the old man might as well have done something great." I roll my eyes. "The old man was clearly insane and had a grudge against his sons that lasted to his deathbed. Nothing good came from him."

We walk into a flat open field filled with all kinds of wagons. I have come to the realization that this'll be a lot harder than we thought. "We should find someone that is traveling through the back roads. It'll take some time to get to Market Palace but we'll get there safely nonetheless." I disagree. Greatly! "No," I shake my head, "we should head to Market Palace directly. Take head of my sister's warning. Get to the Wall as quickly as we can." Being around all these people makes me uneasy. Anyone can hide within the crowds. Watch silently from afar and strike when need be.

Not to mention, I've only seen the Princes once or twice. There's so many that I would not be able to describe them with simple words. They all look like their father. Impotent and greedy. Brave and dangerously cunning. If I ever see them in person, I would know. Now this "alliance" is strange. An alliance between who? A prince with a prince? Or...or a prince with a witch? Is it possible? But how would they cross paths? The witches stay amongst themselves. They trust none other. And the Princes betray each and everyone to achieve what they wish. A prince and witch would cause chaos. Our lives would be in even more danger if this is the case.

Averett sighs, defeatedly. "If you wish."


I walk down a grassy field to an unknown destination. But something leads me there. The cool gale blows my hair to the side, billowing my soft dress to the side. The day is bright and clear. I'm not sure where my feet are leading me, but I don't change course. A strange sound reaches me ears. A bird's call, the rumbling of earth, a far cry. It happens in that order. A call, a rumble, a cry. It doesn't faze me. I continue the course.

I am following a path. Or a promise. I see a hidden figure farther down. I cannot see it very well but I know it's there. I can almost reach it. Almost touch the invisible barrier that intrigues me so. But a shrilling a scream jolts me awake.

Milton's book drops to the dirty floor. My mind swims as I try to figure out where I am. My eyes focus on the lines of wagons that are lit for the night. It's night? That's right. After hours of searching for a companion, I had given up and let Averett puzzle it together. I questioned many of them until I could no longer stand it. So I sat myself down in a secluded corner and practiced my reading. I didn't get far before exhaustion won and I fell asleep.

It's an odd dream, though. It's the first vivid dream I've ever had. I could feel the wind, hear the sounds, smell the grass. It was like I was actually there. I pick up the book, dusting the dry dirt off the covers. It had flipped to a random page of a chapter that was further down than where I truly was. It's a page filled with names and mini portraits of indistinguishable faces. I squint my eyes as I try to read the title. "F-fam-mily Lin-lineage of the Roy-yal Family." Why would there be an account of the Royal lineage in this book? I try to decipher the images and adjoining lines as best I can.

"Why would one need to know about family history?" I ask the question to no one in particular, but I get an unexpected dance anyhow. "Why would anyone need to know any such history? To understand the present. To prepare one's self; ready for war." A woman, not much older than I, unveils herself from a dark wagon. I hadn't noticed it before. "I'm not sure I understand." She smiles softly and peers down at the open pages. "The old ages have been forgotten. Families have turned soft all the whole the magic that they were given are being used for play and luxuries." She hovers a hand over the page.

"It is of the first generations of the Royal family," her eyes snap to mine, "I do wonder where you got this wondrous book. Tell me, do you notice anything curious about the inscriptions? An error on the page that should not be there?" I feel a creeping cold come over me. I dare not look away. There's something about her that pulls me to trust in her but I cannot for some reason. A familiarity about her face that I cannot shake. "Learn the history then," she steps back into the darkness, "it might serve to be useful."

I am left with more questions than before. My hands snap the book shut and hold it close to my chest. I don't like the way she looked at my book. She recognized it. This holds more than just secrets of Stars. It's frustrating having so many answers firmly in your hands and not being able to read them properly. Is this all some coincidence? How is it that I found myself with a document of the very descendants that are hunting me right now? The family of which this jewel belongs to? And, most importantly, why would First Brother document the life and death of the first generations of Realm Beyond's monarchy?

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