Chapter 15

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Milton made good on his uncle's order and showed me around the Merianna, as he called it. He showed me his library with his many books. Milton walked me through the Captain's quarters which included the guest rooms, the Captain's private chambers, and Milton's rooms. The level below theirs are the Crew's quarters. I didn't linger much since the smell along couldn't have repelled me quick enough. Below that, is what Milton called the Basement. That's where Averett and I were before coming up.

The deck is where most of the crew spend their time. To work, to eat, to do anything. Every part of the ship is made to gather all types of resources and function on its own, if needs be. The sails is made specifically to gather energy from strong winds. At the very top of the masts have steel rods that attract electricity. It's apparently the most precious merchandize in Beyond. They trade electricity at every port they go to and earn so much for it.

Milton is a great teacher. He tells me in detail what does what and who is who. We sit quietly at a secluded corner up at the deck while the men jest like children. Milton flips through one of his books while I watch Averett have the time of his life. The Captain and him joust with the night sky observing behind them.

I feel closer to my family up here surrounded by them. The weight of their gaze falls heavy on me, and I no longer miss them. But the heaviness in my heart lifts whenever I hear Averett's laughter or his mocking banter. He's happy, I conclude. And I can't help myself, I smile.

"Would you like to hear a story?"

I glance over to Milton. He grazes a worn page with his small hands, a lock of his hair obscuring his face from my gaze. "Of course, Milton," I try to peer over his shoulder. "I absolutely love stories." I have many to tell myself. He nods to himself as if he already knew that about me. "It's a history lesson, actually." Milton shifts in his seat. "A lesson for something other than mortals. It was written a long, long time ago that even the name of the author has since disappeared." A trail of goosebumps rises up along my arm.

"'Mortals were not born on this plane of existence with the ability to wield power'," he begins reading from his book, "'It a gift given from someone who loved the people freely. The pure love that can only come from the heart.'" The words pull me in a trance. It won't let me go.

"'It was the lifeline of Realm Beyond. The magic was the blood of the land, healing it, nurturing it. Humans in Realm Beyond have forgotten who gave them the very dirt that we step on everyday.'" Milton looks up from the page. His eyes search my face. He's too young to understand these words yet I see more wisdom in his eyes than any other mortal I've encountered thus far.

"They were said to be Stars." My tongue goes dry from the nerves. Milton notices my change in mood and gently grasps my arm. "You needn't be afraid. I know who you are and know that I will not harm you in any way. I'm just...," he sighs, losing the words entirely. A wistful smile plays on my lips. His true intentions are clear to see. He has no other wish but to learn. I tap his small hand on my forearm. "It is alright, Milton," my voice whispers, "I can't keep others from discovering who I am. Especially if they are as smart as you, dear Milton." Milton brightly smiles at my compliment.

My eyes wander down at Milton's book. It leatherbound with symbols carved into it. It is ancient, yes. The Red leaves, this book. There's a mystery forming in my head that I can't seem to solve yet. "Would you like to read it, Alcyone?" He holds up for me to take. My smile wavers. "No, no." I shake my head, pulling away. "It is your book. You keep reading it."

"I've had it all my life. I know every page by memory."

"I cannot."

My eyes follow Averett's merry dance with the Captain. They aren't even trying to be serious anymore. "You cannot read, can't you?" The incompetence I feel now is the most human I have ever felt. "Stars observe. They only ever see such events unfold. We don't read or write. Our only purpose is to watch, and we never minded that."

My heart strings tug at how lonely that sounds. "I can teach you!" Milton claps his hand excitedly. "Yes! I will teach you how to read and write. In return, you can tell me all about Stars."

This child is too gentle and innocent to be a mere mortal. His genuine curiosity is something that I am willing to indulge, even if he hadn't requested to be my teacher. "It is a deal, little seeker." His face lights up with excitement. "Truly?" I nod my head. I shall not go back on my word. "Alright, alright!" The Captain halts all the celebrations. "Although I, more than anyone, enjoys a fete as extravagant as anything, we have work to be done tomorrow." They quickly disperse.

Averett takes my hand, pulling me away with him. "What's happened?" He rubs his hands together with mine in between them. "Nothing's happened," he laughs. "It's just time for them to go rest." Ah yes, rest. I had almost forgotten my body's need for sleep. I look over my shoulder to say good night, but I catch the Captain instead. He bows his head lightly as we disappear below deck. I get chills up my spine. And just like that, the evening is over. The joy and fun is gone.

"Have you eaten?" He asks me the moment we close ourselves in our room. "I didn't see you pick up anything upstairs." I shake my head, no. It may have my talk with Milton or the realization that I am not human, but I suddenly wanted to ask questions. Questions I have always had but was never able to get answered. I plant myself on our bed and sigh. "Averett," he hums from across the room, messing about with something on the table, "How do you know you are in love? With her, I mean. Is it pure love?" Pure love from the heart, is what stays unspoken. He turns to me with a plate in his hands full of delectable food. It makes my mouth water with hunger.

I greedily snatch it away from his grasps and eat. "I feel true love for Everly," he sits by my side, tucking the stray hairs behind my ear as I eat my dinner. "I know because of how I feel when I think about her, when I see her and when I don't." I almost choke on the white rolls and swallow it down painfully. My chest excruciatingly burns. "Her beauty and grace is what sets her apart from all the rest." From the rest? I doubt she has any capacity to outshine every woman in this world! She sounds utterly dull and shallow.

I startle myself from the sudden rise of anger. The burning in chest gets worse. "And she reciprocates your feelings?" I absentmindedly rub the area soothingly. "She shares the love you have for her the same way?" He shrugs off his jacket and sighs. "Everly is a woman that needs to be certain of her suitor's intentions. That he truly loves. That he is willing to do anything for her. I am doing just that to prove that I am the man for her." I finish my food in silence. Is this what love is? Have I been entirely wrong about it? Is love just various actions that prove one's feelings towards the other? It seems...materialistic. Even inhumane, if I may say so.

Is this what it truly means to be human in love? I'm afraid to ask.

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