Chapter 21

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We are in the last hours of our trip in the Merriana. We were told that we would reach the port that would lead us to Market Palace in just a few hours. Those short hours have never felt more eternal. I couldn't focus too much on the classes with Milton and I'm sure it didn't go unnoticed. He had begun to give Averett the cold shoulder. I have to admit that lifted my spirits. The crew had kept their distance from me. No doubt having heard the spat that Averett and I had after what they caused.

The Captain Spears had given me another dress to wear. A dress that, in his words, would be adequate for the journey ahead. It's pastel pink with soft, billowing fabric. It's a tab shorter than the others I've worn but very comfortable. The Captain has nice taste in clothing, I'll give him that. He even braided my hair back into a fishtail style of braiding. He said that it flattered my features more. I despise the fact that he seems to know me much better than I do myself. Pathetic, really.

But, among everything that has gone horribly one in the span of two days, I have felt something...different. Maybe not different, just an overwhelming sense of something changing...somewhere. I wouldn't know how to describe it. "Land ho! Prepare for port!" The asterboat swoops down towards land. There's a large body of water filled with other boats. "This is one of the busiest ports in the realm." Milton comes to stand next to me. "Merchants trip on themselves to get the best merchandise to sell at the richest market. There'll be many caravans that might be able to help you get to where you need to go."

Right. There'll be more to go through. I haven't even spoken to Averett about the rest of our journey. "Won't we need something to barter for assistance from these merchants?" I grip the wooden railing. "Merchants do not help others just by the kindness of their hearts." Milton placed a hand over mine. "Everything will be okay, Alcyone. Here," he gives me a bag filled with heavy contents. I'm surprised the poor boy was able to carry it to me in the first place. "To practice while you're away." I open the bag and look inside. He'd packed two books and a lump of stationary supplies. One book I don't recognize and the other is the book he first read to me. The one about Stars! I also see a large stack of paper and many pens. "Oh, Milton."

Meeting this young boy has given me so much perspective on human nature. The hope that lives within their youth. I've never watched a child's journey before. Their actions seemed inconsequential then. Now I'm not so sure. "I can't take this book from you, Milton. It's the most valuable book that you posses." He smiles and shake his head. "It belongs with a Star, not with me. You might need this book one day." A swell of emotion fills my chest. I hug him dearly. "Thank you, Milton." I squeeze him tightly before letting him go.

"Nephew," the Captain appears suddenly before us, "will you give me a moment alone with Alcyone?"

Milton asks for permission with a look and I give it to him with a nod. He leaves us alone. We both watch as Milton emerges himself into the crew. They all accept his help with open arms. They care for their youngest member. "He's a brilliant boy, I'm sure you know that." He hums in agreement. We have not spoken in private since the incident. "Yes, he takes after his mother. My sister." I turn and face him. I find him already facing me. I quirk an eyebrow as I wait for him. He so clearly needs to speak with me while I detest any air of conversation between him and I.

"I want to apologize for what happened. I did not know that it would cause such problems." He wants to apologize but he did not say that words. Kind as he is, he is also a man in power. He would never lower himself so. "I have a gift for you to make amends." A bribe. He pulls out a small box from his coat pockets. It's a delicate, velvet box. I hold my hand out, keeping his so called gift away. "Take it, Alcyone. It is not just my gift. It is something that was chosen for you." He grabs my hand, placing the box on my open palm. I reluctantly accept the box and open it. In it, lies a a delicate ring. The smiths have woven the band as vines intermingling to the gem in the middle. A gem that shines with a light of its own. A vibrant, white gem.

I close the box with snap. "Thank you, Captain Spears. It is a most gracious gift." But, I do not understand why this particular gift has been given. It is a ring. "Both you and Averett have not been the same since that night. The fault is mine." The port is now just below us. The people down there are getting bigger and bigger. It stirs anxiety in the pit of my stomach. So many people. "I'm sure one day he'll open his eyes to what he has in front of him." I know he means no harm, but I do not believe him. Love is blind to all else. Trust, I know.


Immediately at port, people came and went wherever they needed to be. They have purpose, I realized a tad grimly. I stand rather dumbstruck as I wait for Averett to come off board with our limited cargo. I have my precious gift slung over my shoulder, but Averett has more matters to attend to. I cautiously walk down the boardwalk as everyone stays busy. I had never seen water this close. My hands pull at my skirt as I slip out of my shoes. The trickle of water and the wayward current calls to me.

I seat myself on the wood, gently sticking my feet into the cool waters. It caresses my skin, cooling my skin. A giggle escapes from me without my consent. The waters tickle! One day I would like to very much to submerge entirely. "I think that's the first time I've seen you smile in days." My body doesn't tense at his presence. I only continue to wade my feet back and forth in the water while he lowers himself to sit beside me. "It's the first time I've heard you genuinely, purely laugh and it's because of water! I'm rather jealous, actually." Jealous? Jealous! Of what? I've laughed before. In fact, I'm sure I can recount which day I laughed and why.

"Did you mean what you said?" His question startled me. The sudden seriousness of his voice extinguished whatever rising heat I had. Our eyes meet and hold each other. "Did I mean what I said?" I said many things. My heart can attest to that. Even now, it beats wildly for him. "That you care about me? And would do the impossible to keep me safe?" I turn my head back to the crystal waters. My love for Averett has gone too far, but I just stay the course. I cannot go back on my word. It is not who I am. I am no human.

"I believe I said, 'I would do the impossible to get you home," I exhale a breath, "to her.'"

We reach a comfortable silence. I keep my eyes on the water. I observe as the water catches in the light. The way that the water flows from one direction. I especially watch as the fish swarm to hiding and the water suddenly turns dark. There's an unusual shine that reflects from the surface. "What?" The word barely comes out. I am transfixed by the unnatural occurrence. The water settles, still as dark as ever, but I can see seven or so points through the water. I lean closer to get a better look. "Do not stop moving, sister..."

Maia! Maia? A thrill runs through my veins. They are breaching our Laws? Whyever for? "You are nearly at freedom! An alliance is forming. Danger is close. Keep moving forward!" I snatch my feet from the current in fear. My sister has breached our Laws. Something's happened. Something that I cannot see! The frustration eats me alive. An alliance is forming? "Whose?" I mumble at the reflective surface. "Whose alliance? What danger?" It is of no use. The water quickly clears; my brothers and sisters disappear. No! Stay with me. My eyes brim with tears as I feel them leave me. I am alone once more.

"Alcyone!" Averett tugs me backwards, sending me straight into his arms.

A shiver runs up my spine as a certain warmth follows after it. "Hey, hey," he taps my cheeks, "what's happened? You froze in a trance! Are you alright?" I shake my head, trying to gulp down air. Whatever that was, it has some serious effects. I wish to vomit but I would rather keep the last shred of dignity that I have. "No, Averett," I finally utter, "we must go! Now. I shall tell you on the way but we must depart at this very moment." Averett had to guide me back to the ship. He also had to say my goodbyes. I was too disoriented to focus on anything other than one particular thing at a time. It was either walking or talking. Breathing or moving.

Throughout this journey, I have known that my life had been in impertinent danger. Every single one of us knew this. All who walked through the realm of mortals knew. But this is the first time that the Stars remaining in the sky had interfered. What does this mean for me? For Averett? Maia, out of all my siblings, ventured her will toward the realm! What grave scene have they seen that would warrant such actions? Am I on the brink of death? Or is there something greater than my death at play here? Something's not right here. There's something wrong with this tale. I can feel it weigh as heavy as the jewel surely weighs now around my neck. Like a death sentence.

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