Chapter 39

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I dreamt of something different. A dream where all my desires came to fruition. It was a nice dream. But like all dreams, they are never finished. The moment my eyes open, I forget all about that dream. The more that I think about it, the more it evades me. But the warm feeling stays with me. I refused to go back to Averett's room after our talk and crashed into another one.

Dreary eyed, I walk out of the seventh room after readying myself for the day. I could lie to myself and say that I was able to do it gracefully, but I'd be wrong. I did every single task without a thought in my mind. I couldn't bring myself to feel excited. Averett's door stands ajar without a sign of him inside. "Odd."

I hurry downstairs. "Averett?" My feet stomp down the stairs, looking for him. There's no answer from him. Not even a hint of him here. "Eatie!" I hear a thump come from the front desk. My eyes roll before I even make over to him. "Rough night, Eatie?" He crawls up from under his desk in his stupor. "What do you want?" Eatie never ceases to surprise me. His rudeness has outmatched everyone I've met thus far. It doesn't help him that he's fallen so deep into his habits that he cannot see a way out. "Have you seen my friend called Averett? The one I came with yesterday?"

Eatie squints his eyes at me. I know already that this won't be good. "Who?" Curses. Eatie lays his head against the wood and yawns. "Averett? You met him yesterday?" No recognition whatsoever. I sniff the air around him and sneeze. Did he find the bottles? I thought I hid them very well! I had found the perfect hiding place to keep them in. How could he have found them? "Did you drink the bottles I hid, Eatie? Didn't we speak about this?" He grimaces, opening an eye against the glaring light of day.

"No," he lifts his head, "you're too cunning for the likes of me."

I'm flattered by his confidence in me. "I'm sure your own intelligence would rival mine. Now," I pat his chin lightly, "where is Averett? Has he gone to fetch something?" Eatie sighs, realizing that I won't leave him alone until he gives me an answer. "I'm not sure where he went. I'm out of my mind in the early morning. All I remember is him walking down those steps and saying something about what lies beyond the city. I passed out in the middle of it all." I could throttle him if I could. Both of them!

What should I do? He left without word, without a hint as to where he's gone. Is this his decision? It may be, but Averett wouldn't just leave me. We wouldn't leave each other...unless something had happened. "I'll be off now, Eatie," I tell him as I walk backwards towards the door. "If Averett walks through this door, tell him I'm going to fulfill what we agreed upon. He'll know where to go next." Eatie props his head on his palm, his eyes drooping slightly.

"You're going like that?" I glance down at what I'm wearing. I didn't bring much. The Captain had incinerated the only dress that belonged to me and packed me another one. A nice dress that reminds me of the forget-me-nots that we came across a mere two days ago. "I resent the implication of your question, Eatie." He shrugs before dropping his head back on his desk. We'll work on that.

I step out into the day. There's a chilly breeze this morning but nothing too unbearable. The weather has cooled the day, I think. I strolled down the cobbled road. Eatie's inn is in the city's center. The structure of this city is quite odd. The part where I am is older than the rest. Most of the buildings down here are entirely made of that maroon rock. In this morning light, it actually looks crystalized. I vaguely remember seeing something similar to it. The new homes stretch higher up the rocky hill. My feet carry me down a sharp corner when I hear a soft hum.

A small child hides behind a blanket of shadow within an alley. Her dress torn and shaggy for her. Her soot ridden feet are bare. Poor child. Why is it that a city filled with so much space can never give a little to their poorest? Children like these always have the saddest fate. I slip out of my own, picking them. She needs them more than I do.

I quickly rush over to her without her noticing. The melody she hums to herself keeps her at peace. I gently place them where she's sure to find them. Very quietly, I back away from her-resisting the urge to foresee her future. Ever since I've discovered my power, it has become harder to not meddle in mortal affairs. It had become harder to trust as well. Mortals do not know how to take care of themselves. I know. I've seen the most avoidable deaths throughout time.

I leave her be while I back away. When I come back, I promise I'll help you. My promise won't be forgotten.


I clearly do not know where I am heading, but still. I must get to that cursed wall. And then, to Averett-which I would then proceed to slap him silly for leaving. I've made it past the city limits. Further, into the thick bush until it became a forest. A very...familiar one at that. I lift my dress as I step over a fallen log. The cool breeze blows gently, combing through my hair. I freeze at the familiarity of it all. Deep down, I have a bad feeling about this. My eyes search the forest suspiciously. This forest isn't as dense as the previous one. I can clearly see in between the trees without any obstruction. From here, I am able to see something odd.

A bird soars past me cawing away to his distant companion. It went by so quick that I barely had a chance to take a look at it. I continue my trek, grazing the tree bark and its leaves as I go. The feeling that I've been here before is unshakeable.

I know where I am going because I've seen it so many times already.

The trees disperse from my line of sight, and I know I am right. This is it. The Wall to the Other Realm. It looks different than what I imagined to be. Stars had never been able to see the physical wall. Averett and I's first meeting comes to mind just then. 'The Wall of Stone', he said. I didn't think he meant it literally. I quickly run down the open field of grass, my hands grasping at my skirt.

Humans have always come up with silly names for everything. But this? This is something else entirely. I raise my hand and touch the rough surface. The Wall is taller than two humans combined. The stones are incredibly strong for something that has stood for centuries. No force could take these stone down. How do I know that for certain? I'm not sure. But it's something that is written in my bones. The Wall goes in both directions for miles upon miles without an end in sight. From above, we've only ever seen an invisible barrier. Nothing physical. It's odd. Truly odd.

My slow steps carry me over to an opening. A jagged hole that can allow a mortal or two to step through one realm to the other. It seems so simple. Too simple, for my taste. Nevertheless, Averett is on the other side and that is where I should be.

I lift my skirt and prepare myself to go over. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, dearest Star." I twirl around in surprise. There, hiding in the shadows, stands the dark sister from before. Only she isn't alone. There's the infamous prince I've been warned about. This is it! My future is coming to pass. I'm not scared, no. Instead, I feel determined to face whatever will come to pass. I'm tired of being giving her all the power. I should take back some of mine.

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