Chapter 19

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My poor sister.

Our poor sister, Sister Merope.

Is there truly no way to help Alcyone? Her heartbreak appears agonizing to experience in the realm. She looks to wincing at the pain with every step she takes. We must do something!

It is not our job to intervene with the mortal realm. All we must do is watch and observe. Us Stars collect the moments in time for eternity, not make them, Sister Maia. It is the reason why we exist. It is our purpose. Do remember.

But, Brother Atlas, we must commend Sister Maia. She has been most observant since Young Alcyone has fallen. She has kept her watchful eye on the Dark Sisters in the most compelling manner. She is the reason we know that the sisters have separated and are in a collision course for power. Maia should have more say in such matter. Let her speak.

Let us not forget that said collision could harm our sister. I have watched the dangerous alliance that has begun between one of the Realm Beyond princes and a dark sister. This will not end well for neither parties, Brother Atlas. Maybe it is time to break the Sacred Laws to help our youngest sister. The universe is no longer the same as before. We are now being hunted, desired, and falling. The First Brother believed in the power within our veins. We have never done the thing he has for fear of what the humans will do. I believe it is time to break the walls between us and them.

Do you understand what you are suggesting, Pleione? You want us to mess with the delicate balance that we have sustained between Stars and mortals. You suggest to forcibly insert ourselves to a story that is not our own? A life that we do not live in? We are not humans! We cannot show our bias!

Aren't we already showing bias by keeping watch on our sister's progress? Aren't we already in this story through the life of our fellow Star? We have stood by for far too long. Fall after fall. Death after death. Our Sister Alcyone is the first to survive after the death of First Brother. She has lasted the longest since. She has brought hope to our kind already. We must take this into account.

Sister Electra is right, Brother Atlas. We have broken the Sacred Laws just by the falling from our sanctum into the mortal Realm. Our brethren have had their own tragic stories on Earth which has contradicted everything we have believed in for centuries. How can we truly say that we have followed the Sacred Laws if this has been the case for a near millennia? It is time, Brother Atlas. We must do our duty as family, not just as Stars.

I agree with Brother Taygete. The time has come where we should expand our influence from our sanctum to the earth. Discover our power and save our sister from grave destruction.

As do I.

Then, are we all in agreement? We will join in support of our fellow Star.

We are in agreement.

No! A prince is dead!

Sister Maia is right! Look, a brother has slain the other! A grievous sin has been made.

Are we truly surprised by this? No. That boy has had it out for his brothers since their mother, The Late Queen, passed. A darkness shrouded the boy. He blamed them all for her sudden death. His hatred grew each year that passed. His heart is villainous.

Sister Pleione, this boy is a master of disguises. A man that poisons himself with his venom until all he can do is spit it out to others. When he finds out who has his father's jewel, he'll kill his way to Alcyone.

Before we get ahead ourselves, we must know what happened. What occurred between the brothers to turn it into a bloodbath. That facts are these. Only one prince has discovered the identity of Alcyone. Two other princes are far enough away from anyone else that they won't be in contact with the others for weeks. Our only threat is the alliance between the purple haired dark sister and the twin prince. That is who me must focus on. We will all continue to do our work, but this time, we will do it for our sister.

We stand with you, Brother Atlas. We all know how much you've been watching her. You've always had a soft spot for Sister Alcyone. We all do. We will do what we have to do to protect her and her mortal boy. We all know very well First Brother's doctrines from the realm below. What he learned, what he discovered, what he believed. We will do the same.

Then, let us begin. Sister Maia will tell the tale. The tale of the First Perished Prince. She has grown into her gift. Tell us what happened.

Glad to, brother.

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