Chapter 9

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Just like Averret had said, we left the inn two hours later. To my disdain. I felt like I would've been safe here. But my deal will stand with this mortal, no matter how much I would rather fly into the sun and let it consume me. Although, Averett kept true to his word and had found a horse for us to travel with due to my injuries. Tabby even gave me lovely shoes since she believed I had lost mine in our 'accident'. I hated lying to her. She was too nice to be a human. I wish her all the best.

We've been galloping along the man-made road that will lead us to Market Palace. Averett strongly believes that it's our safest route to the Wall and then, to his town where his darling Everly is. I, honestly, had forgotten all about her. The pain of hearing his non-stop words of endearment towards her has come back to me. I now know of her favorite color and favorite flowers for he will give them both to her when they meet again. He even commented on borrowing one his mother's dresses for me to wear. The audacity! I like my green dress. It's the first thing of mine that I have.

The silence that befell between us was a miracle. But as the minutes ticked on, it turns into a burden. The road has led us back into the woods. Richard instructed us how to get to Market Palace and, unbeknownst to us, we went up the opposite direction yesterday when we stumbled into their town. Instead of east, we should've gone west. Either way, it was a wonderful happenstance. In any case, once we entered the woods, all conversation stopped. I'm not sure why, but these woods do not feel the same way anymore. I can't quite put my finger on it. I sigh loudly and move my fists on either side of his waist. I have refused to touch him, but the proximity of this horse ride has forced my hands.

"Averett?" He leans backwards a tad, turning his head slightly in my direction. "Where exactly did you find this horse?" A twig snaps somewhere deep in the forest. My eyes pour over the tree line, watching the shadows. Uneasiness rattle my bones and I can't shake it away. "I didn't have to do much," he shrugs with an easy-going smile on his face, "I asked some guys if they had a horse they could sell me, and a few jumped at the chance." I eye his satchel. "You" My question is voice loudly. "How do you have money of Beyond? You're not of this realm."

"My mother has been in Beyond before," he answers me honestly, "When she returned, she kept everything from her trip."

He plans to keep the rest of the story to himself. I understand. I haven't told him much of myself either. I feel like I should give him something in return. It seems rather right to tell him a bit about me since he did. "I have 6 close siblings." I look up at the blue sky. "I have two brothers and four sisters. We cluster together and watch the tales of mortals unfold." I taste the longing in my words. It's bitter on my tongue. "Do you have any siblings, Averett?"

I lean on his shoulder and observe him. Humans have very expressive faces. Tabby had deep lines around her mouth and eyes. It didn't take me long to figure why that was. Richard frowned a lot, and his lips would turn up slightly as he admired his wife. Averett tenses his jaw when he's serious. He quirks an eyebrow when he's amused. And he grins when he purposefully annoys me. When he talks about Everly, I see a look that I cannot categorize. Not yet, but I will learn. "No, I have no siblings. It is just me."

"Your parents must've been happy about having a son, then. I know a lot would." Clouds begin to create dark shades along the road path. A sweet breeze cools my skin as the sun hides away behind them. I almost sigh in relief. "I know my mother was," he says, too harshly. "Not sure about my father." I place my chin on his shoulder. "Why do you say that?" Horse comes to an absolute stop as he jerks to and fro. I gasp in fright and clutch onto Averett's shirt. Averett tried to calm down the angsty animal and I notice how dark it has gotten. Bile rushes up my throat, my panic reaching new length.

"A-Averett." I frantically look around. They're here! This must be them. Dark, unnatural clouds cast a shadow on the previously beautiful day. "Bloody hell," I hear him exclaim. "We have to go!" I shake his arm, "We have to go. Now!" I know he see my terror. I know he sees the danger we are in through my eyes. Without question, he flicks the reigns of our horse and speedily take off. The wind blows against us as night seemingly falls on us. "What is happening, Alcyone?" Averett yells over his shoulder.

"I should've told you everything, Averett! I apologize!"

With a loud snap, a large tree on fire crashes down in front of us. The poor horse rears back on its hind legs, throwing me off. I slam onto the ground on my side. "Alcyone!" Purple flames erupt at once all over our surroundings. It separates me and Averett with a big wall of fire. I could do nothing but crawl away from it. "Averett! Go! You cannot stay here." I bring myself to my feet as I try to catch a glimpse of him. It's no use. Please, my dear sibling, protect him. Don't let any harm befall him.

"Star." A cold chill runs down my spine. This fear is whole other kind. It's terror. It's anguish. It is, most definitely, death. My breathes come in short, tortured gasps. I slowly turn around and there, hiding within the woods' shadows, is one of them. Her lavender hair blows behind her with the chaotic gale. A wicked smile reveals her bloodthirsty canines. I run.

I send all the best fortunes to Tabby for my shoes. They carry me swiftly into the woods as I try to escape from the Witch. "Run, little star. It makes it all the more fun." I refuse to die! I will not meet the same fate. Fallen branches snag at the bottom of my dress, but I do not let that hinder my escape. A figure steps out from behind a tree making me scream in fright. The person is holding a jagged glass. One by one, more figures with mishappen broken glass circle me. Trapping me.

"I've been waiting for you for many years, Star."

I swung my body around at the sound of her voice. She simply stands there with the same smile and her hand clasped at her waist. "You all never look the same." The dark figures simultaneously take a step forward. "But underneath, you are all very similar. For instance, if I were to cut your heart out now, I would know what kind of Star you are." The dark figures part for her. "I would've thought these theatrics would strike you as familiar, no?" I don't answer her. I dig my heels into the dirt and lift my head high.

"My sister will cry with envy when I bring you to them," she cackles in delight. Before she could reach out and touch me, the Witch get hit in the head with a large log. Averett quickly drop the log and snags me to him with the silver chain around my wrist. "Averett!" I gasp, half relieved half afraid. "Are you mad!" He threads his fingers through mine, and we run. "Quiet possibly!" Fire spontaneously erupts as we wade back to the gravel road.

"You owe me a long and thorough explanation!" I glance behind us and notice how we are completely surrounded by the fire. "If we survive!"

The fire cuts us off from escape. I huff in exasperation. This has become complicated. "Neither heaven nor hell, will keep me from my star." The Witch walks out of the fire with slow and purposeful steps. "You have no idea what you have in your possession, boy. The value her heart has is worth more than a mountain of gold. More valuable than your own mortal heart or any heart of this realm and the other." Her empty, black eyes are solely on me-her prey. I grip on Averett's protective arm.

"Do you trust me, Alcyone?"

"With my life!" Our eyes meet briefly. I watch as a decision is made through his eyes. He wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me tightly to his side. Averett pulls his other hand from his satchel and yells above of the roar of the fire, "Think of home!" He plunges his hand into the fire lighting the hestrelle candle in an instant. A single thought of home suffices. It comes automatically and it is sealed. The Witch realizes it too late as the magic sweeps us off our feet and we are gone. The last thing I hear from her is the most terrifying shriek of defeat I have come to hear. I can only hope that that is the last time I ever hear of her. I can only hope.

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