When the Lights go out

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Poof he was gone Mr Matthews was writing a quadratic equation on the board, he disappeared after writing Csquared. Sam raised an eyebrow at this what happens now? He thought.

"Hey you saw that right?" A kid behind him asked.

Sam ignored them and stood up as some kids walked out of the room. Sam sighed and loosened his tie of his Coates uniform as he walked towards his mother's office, he wanted to talk more with her about moving back to town. Sam had been sent to Coates as punishment for burning his step father's hand off with a bottle of hair spray and a lighter or at least that's what his mom told the police and the doctors and the judge. But in reality Sam burned his step fathers hand off with a white hot laser beam that he can shoot from his hands. He deserved it for trying to stab meSam thought as he looked at his palms and glared as a small green glow emerged from them and a ball of light formed, he grabbed it and pressed it against the lockers and they started to burn and cause small fires. Sam smirked to himself as he continued walking but kept the ball of light pressed against the lockers as it left a small melting burning line behind.

As he approached the nurses office kids were running through the halls throwing things some even graffitied the lockers. Sam continued walking until he heard a loud bang, he ran to the nurse's office door and swung it open to find some kid trying to break open the files cabinet that held every student's medical records, the kid was small probably ten or eleven turned around and jumped seeing Sam in the doorway "Oh hey Sam look um I ain't know where your mom is I just wanna get my file is all I swear." The kid looked at the ball of light in his hand "Whoa what's that thing?"

"Oh shut it and move." Sam snapped rolling his eyes as he walked over to the cabinet, shoving the kid into a chair and pressed the light ball against the lock and it melted, Sam closed his fist making the ball of light disappear before grabbing the handle and pulled out the drawer and looked at the kid,


The kid just looked at Sam in bewilderment and shock at what he just witnessed.

"What's your name theif?!" Sam snapped his hands glowing slightly pissed off not knowing what was happening.

"T-Tyler" the kid now identified as Tyler answered.

Sam looked in the drawer and pulled out a file and looked through it before handing it to him.

"So you're a rat who likes to spy on people?"

"I um prefer to be called Bug but um yeah I got sent here for my own safety."

"Don't need your life story so Bug do you know what happened?" Sam closes the drawer and faced the kid.

"All the older kids and the teachers just poofed outta thin air and now everyone is running around like it's the purge without the death part."

Sam nodded slightly and took out his phone and dialed 911 and put the device on speaker and set it on top of the cabinet.

"Anyone take charge yet or have any mutations?" Sam asked a the phone just rang

"Um I saw Drake and his goons steal stuff from other kids, Diana is now indestructible or something and the girls are taking over a wing of the school and Caine can make stuff move, that girl Brianna has like super speed."

"What about you? Any powers?" Sam ended the call and put his phone in his pocket

"I can disappear" Bug said as he slowly faded from Sam's vision.

"Interesting...alright Bug I'll make you a deal, protection from the crazies in exchange you learn every secret you can from everyone and report back to me."

"Why would I make that deal with you?" Bug said turning off his power.

Sam grinned before swiftly shooting a laser beam near the boy's head

"Because I can do that and so, so much worse. Besides I'm the only one standing between you and my brother and his idiot goons."

"Y-Yeah ok deal but should I get secrets from Caine too?" Bug asked frozen in the chair afraid to move as he smelled the scent of his hair burning

"Of course why wouldn't you?" Sam asked crossing his arms

"Aren't you two in a relationship or something?"

"Don't worry about it now disappear and leave and meet me in my dorm room tonight and bring food while you're at it." Sam ordered.

"I'm not your lackey you can't ju-"

"Go!" Sam shouted, the floor cracking beneath him, his hands glowing an unsettling green.

Bug screamed as he disappeared and ran out.

Sam watched the twerp run out before sighing annoyed Can't lose control gotta stay calm he thought as he opened the file draw and found his file and put it through a paper shredder before grabbing a couple more files and sat at the receptionist's desk and opened up Caine's file and started reading, he chuckled to himself Wanted him gone Stupid reason to send your son to this dump Sam thought as he glanced at the other files he grabbed, files labeled Ladris, Merwin-Temple, Lazar, Berenson, and Boyles.

"Something tells me things are about to get interesting." Sam said to himself grinning like a shark.

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