Ice Queen

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"So which brother do we have here? Laser hands or Shark teeth?" Diana asked, looking at Sam's unconscious body.

"Laser hands. It wasn't that hard but we should do something about his hands before he wakes up." Dekka answered.

"Dahra?" Diana looked at the self proclaimed doctor.

"Super glue his hands together then steal some cement from the other side and give the bastard a taste of what he and his psycho brother are doing to those who wouldn't fall in line and for extra measure we should break his wrists the more pain he's in then he can't aim." Dahra explained.

"Hmm seems doable how long would this take?" Diana asked as she watched Gwen turn into a black Labrador and chase Patrick around.

"Shouldn't take long but Breeze has to be careful." Dahra warned looking at Brianna who looked bored while flipping a small butter knife in her hand.

"Um why? I'm faster than everyone, the guards wouldn't see me." Brianna said.

"She is talking about all the cry babies and screamers who are in pain as their hands rot away in the rock." Penny commented giggling slightly "I'll go with you Breeze. I can test out my new trick."

"Don't you have another victim to go torture?" Dekka asked, glaring at the unstable girl.

Penny grinned and walked up to Dekka "No. Why do you wanna be next? Gravity girl?"

Dekka stares at her before moving her hand and watches Penny shoot straight to the ceiling barely hitting her hands as her hands caught the ceiling in time.

"You're so dead! Axel!" Penny screamed glaring at Dekka with burning fury as Axel ran into the room quickly, having only been standing in the hall the whole time, he looked at Penny.

"Y-Yes what is it?"

"Cut her air supply! Kill her! Or else!" Penny shrieked struggling to stop her body from shooting through the building.

"Do that and I'll rocket you straight into the dome." Dekka threatened looking at Axel.

"Both of you stop." Diana ordered lifting her hands and everything in the room went still and quiet and the only sound heard was a single beating heart, Diana's. "Now Dekka let Penny down, Penny you will stop being a brat your power may be powerful but it is replaceable and Axel, you use your powers on any of the girls, I'll get rid of you myself, permanently." Diana clenched her fists and everyone either coughed or gasped for air as Penny fell from the air and landed with a small thud.

"You're too dangerous to be in charge." Brianna mumbled.

"What was that Breeze?" Dianna asked looking at the speedster.

"N-Nothing I'm gonna go steal that cement now." Brianna said quickly before running out the room.

"Ok let's hurry before he wakes up." Dahra said as she walked over to a cabinet and took out a book labeled 'woodshop supplies' and placed it next to Sam's head.

"Gwen. I have a task for you." Diana said, looking at the shapeshifter who turned back to human at the mention of her name. She looked at Diana,


"Yes task, a mission whatever word you understand now go into town and patrol the place, find out what powers kids have. Understand?"

"Go to building territory...patrol humans inside...track power ones..." Gwen said slowly having spent the first few hours of DAWN in a wolf form which affected her mind and leaving her barely understanding the human language.

"Good now go and change clothes we can't have anyone from town know you're from Coates." Diana explained and Gwen nodded and left the room. Diana turned her attention to Dahra who was busy looking through the box of old wood shop supplies,

"Find the glue yet Doc?"

"Not yet...there's bound to be super glue in here." Dahra said, rummaging through the box before taking out a bottle of glue.

Dekka grabbed the glue from Dahra and started glueing Sam's hands together,

"Hey ice queen what kind of deal are we making with Caine and the other boys?"

"Well we will run out of food soon since some kid with some lighting that turns into fire power burned half our supply. We need to join forces and go into town as one group and 'talk' to the kids in town then we go from there." Diana explained.

"And if they refuse to work with us?" Dekka asked looking at Diana

"Then we kill them." Diana answered coldly.

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