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Lana walked across the desert limping slightly with her dog Patrick by her side who was chasing lizards or fetching small sticks and bringing them back to Lana who focused on finding anything that wasn't the hot wasteland. After a while she saw a shack and walked inside and saw a man sitting in a chair eating a tub of pudding, Lana looked at him, "Do you have a phone?"

Patrick growled at the man who looked at the dog "You better shut that mutt up he'll attract the coyotes"

"Patrick shush it's ok boy." Lana said going to pet the dog before he bound out of the doorway, Lana sighed "Do you have any water?"

The man stood up "Name's Jim there's water in the sink, can of pudding in the cabinet and phone's broken"

"Lana and thanks" Lana went over to the sink and quickly started drinking the tap water before being hit in the head and blacked out.

Jennifer ran through backyards heading to school heading away from the cabbage fields You're almost out of here she thought as she jumped into a backyard and looked around for any kids, she was met with two girls around her age

"Um hi I'm Jennifer and that's also Jennifer" one said the other waved.

Jennifer raised an eyebrow "I'm Jennifer too"

One girl's eyes lit up "Oh my gosh we all have the same name that's so cool!"

"Yeah I guess I have to go or something bad will happen"

"What will happen?"

Jennifer looked at the two girls they seemed harmless and no one would believe them if she told them, so she had them sit down and told them everything that happened in the school.

"Wow they sound like a monster."

"If we say we helped would we be allowed out too?"

"I don't know."

Before the other Jennifers could respond, electricity hit their bodies and they passed out. Jennifer looked shocked and saw a boy wearing a shirt that said 'Crap Crew'

"I have my crew surrounding the backyard. I need your help."

"Who the hell are you?" Jennifer asked as she put her hand to the grass and it slowly started rotting.

"I'm Zil and I need help getting my boyfriend back."

"I thought you were homophobic Zil?!" A girl named Lisa shouted from a bush holding a gun.

Zil flushed angrily and sighed "I used to be! I know I'm a walking stereotype!" Zil growled in frustration and looked at Jennifer "Before all this me and this guy kinda dated for a month then things just ended and I started being a jerk towards well everyone who didn't agree with me because I couldn't accept myself but with the FAYZ happened and blah blah here we are so are you gonna help me?"

Jennifer sighed annoyed and stood up "Whatever fine I'm probably not gonna live long here anyway since Diana or Caine will probably kill me once I'm useless to them."

"Don't worry you're part of the crew now we will protect you"

"No offense but I don't wanna be a part of a crew with crap in the name so who's the guy you're in love with?"

"Sam Merwin-Temple"

Lana woke up tied to a tree, hearing Jim mumble to himself while pacing in front of her.

"What the hell man?" Lana shouted.

"Oh you're awake!" Jim shouted with a manic look on his face.

Lana glared at him before her eyes widened and she started looking for her dog "Patrick?! Where are you boy?!" She looked at him and glared

"Where's my dog asshole?"

"Sorry about your dog but it needed a sacrifice." Jim said pointing to a nearby tree where Patrick laid on his side with deep slash marks in his side.

"Patrick no!" Lana cried as she started crying.

"Time to be set free! Finally I can get rid of this curse!"

"Fuck off you psycho! I'm not afraid of you! I'm not afraid of death!"

Jim looked at her confused "Don't worry I'm not killing you I'm setting you free." He let out a manic laugh as his eyes turned green as he picked up a bloody knife and continued cackling before slicing his own throat and started choking on his own blood.

Lana watches in horror as his body slumped in front of her and the wound started glowing. The sickening green light was so intense that Lana had to shut her eyes, when she opened them all she saw was darkness until she felt nothing.

"This vessel will do for now...Lana what an unusual name what was the name the little human gave me? Ah yes Nerezza."

Nerezza said as she broke free of the ropes and looked at the corpse of Jim and held out her hand and shot a laser at it. "Such an annoying human." She looked at where Patrick and saw a trail of blood leading in one direction.

"No time to play with animals." Nerezza said to herself as she went into the shack and walked around and found an iPod and earbuds, after fumbling through Lana's memories she put the devices in her ear. A coyote walked into the shack,

"Did you gather the others?" Nerezza asked as she scrolled through a playlist.

"Yes master, pack leader gathered the army."

"Good now go wait for my signal."

The coyote ran out followed by Nerezza walked out of the shack and into the desert listening to rock music.

Light in the Dark-Gone Series FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now