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But Dahra, Diana said we can't harm him." Brianna said confused by the girl's statement.

"You slashed his side Breeze. Now I gotta bandage him up you better hope he doesn't bleed out or Diana will hand you over to Penny." Dahra warned glancing at Sam before grabbing the tie off his neck and wrapping it around his side tightly.

"She don't scare the Breeze. I'm not afraid of anything." Brianna said crossing her arms.

"Tell that to Diana, you know she found out Axel liked Drake and when the idiot tried to kill us she handed him over to Penny, who practically broke him. He's Penny's little minion now, finding her more kids to torture." Dahra explained

"Oh yeah well I still ain't scared. Diana needs me" Brianna argued

"No she needs your sadistic nature and super speed Breeze just like she needs my gravity power and ability to scare people." Dekka said to the younger girl

"Blah, blah, blah let's go before we piss off the ice queen." Dahra snapped as she grabbed Sam's legs, Dekka and Brianna grabbed his arms and they carried the unconscious boy to a classroom. All the desks were in a circle, a lunch table was in the center with the seating parts missing, on top of desks were jars some were empty, others had human organs there was a few ripped apart birds and squirrels laid out on the floor.

"This place gives me the creeps." Brianna said shuttering at the sight of a human heart in jar.

"What's with the dead animals?" Dekka asked as they placed Sam on top of the bloodstained table.

"Oh those are Patrick's victims." Dahra explained

As she shut the door and picked up a broom and started sweeping up the animal carcasses.

"Who's Patrick?" Dekka asked leaning against a desk with a jar full of kidneys inside.

"My dog."

"I didn't know you had a dog."

"Well I adopted him I guess he just wandered into Coates a month ago close to death with these deep wounds so I fixed him up and he's been with me ever since and his collar says Patrick so that's his name."

"What about his owner?" Brianna asked looking around for the dog

"Collar says Vegas but rumors are that the dome thing in the sky is around Coates and the town." Dahra explained as a large yellow Labrador came bounding in holding a dead rabbit in his teeth. He dropped the rabbit by Dahra's feet wagging his tail and barked.

Dahra smilied and petted the dog "hey Patrick, good boy." She looked at Brianna "Ok now Breeze go get the ice queen and tell her you two got one of the psycho brothers and it's time to make a deal." Dahra ordered.

"I'm on it" Brianna said running out the room quickly.

"What got you sent here?" Dekka questioned looking around the room having never actually been inside, but only hearing the horror stories.

"I did taxidermy on my pet cat which freaked out my mom so she sent me here you?" Dahra asked

"My parents are homophobic assholes who couldn't handle having a lesbian daughter." Dekka answered bitterly.

The two continued talking about life before what is now being called DAWN meaning "the Day Anarchy Went Nuts" named by a kid named Paint who's only power is blending into backgrounds. Diana walked in the room followed by Penny, Gwen and Brianna.

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