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Astrid ran to the daycare which only took seconds, she stopped at the doors and walked inside, she saw Jack and walked over,

"Hi Jack how's your project going?"

"Hey Astrid, it's not good I can't make the phones work until we know what to do about the kids up the hill." Jack answered

"Albert and I were just talking about that, I'm thinking of calling a town meeting and taking a vote." Astrid replied

"Ok but I still don't think we can trust them, I know you guys still don't really trust me since I'm from there having escaped when all this started but your ex and his brother are more dangerous I heard rumors as I was leaving that Sam and his boyfriend had powers before the FAYZ." Jack explained nervously

"Who do you think would take leadership up there?" Astrid asked

"Drake and Sam, Caine, Diana, Dekka." Jack answered

"Ok well I am aware of Sam's ability since he did threaten me with it and Drake did nothing to defend me so I dumped him." Astrid said,

"Do you have any powers? I know you weren't here when we made the list of everyone's powers."

"I have super strength." Jack answered

"That's a good one unlike mine, I'm just everyone's messenger."

"Yours is great Astrid having super speed is really helpful anyway your brother started floating again and now all the other littles and prees are trying to fly."

Astrid sighed Dammit I told him no floating She looked at Jack and smiled, "Thanks for telling me." Astrid quickly sped out the back door to the back part of the daycare and saw a group of little kids surrounding Little Pete who was floating a few inches of the air, his normal blue eyes glowing green. Pete looked at Astrid and waved. Astrid sighed and slightly waved back as she walked over to Mary who was watching the small group with a tired look on her face, Astrid tapped her shoulder,

"How long has this been going on?"

"About ten minutes, I didn't know he could float."

"Yeah...he does it sometimes....I'll get him down." Astrid said sheepishly and made her way through the group of little kids and grabbed her brother and placed him on the ground,

"No floating Petey."

"No I likes floating Asstrid." Pete said pouting as he started floating higher into the air.

Astrid as Mary chuckled lightly,

"He still says your name like that"

"Unfortunately yes." Astrid said grabbing pete's arm and pulled him down to the ground,

"Petey, No floating."

Little Pete glared at Astrid as his eyes went from green to blue,

"I do not likes you Asstrid!" he shouted and ran back into the daycare. Astrid sighed,

"I miss adults sometimes."

Mary patted her back,

"Try having my job."

"Can he stay here another hour? I need to go deal with a noise complaint."

"What's the complaint?"

"Gunshots apparently, I know it's weird since we locked all the guns in the police station."

"Alright and we're running out of supplies here, diapers and pull ups are in short supply."

"I know, I know it's at the top of the list."

"Ok good luck with that noise complaint."

"Thanks." Astrid said before running to a town a house near the edge of the town near to the road leading to Coates Academy. Gwen walked to the side of the daycare in her cat form before turning human and walked inside, she looked around before seeing Jack at the desk's computer. She walked over and tapped his shoulder, Jack turned around and froze.

"Gwen? What are you doing here?"

"Mission....from Diana."

"Diana is in charge?"

Gwen nodded, "Yes Caine too....they rule DAWN."

"DAWN? What does that mean?"

"Day Anachary Went Nuts."

"We call it the FAYZ here in town, Howard thought it up."


"Fallout Alley Youth Zone. What's the mission?"

Gwen pulled out a piece of crumpled up notebook paper and on it showed a list of descriptions of people with power names next to question marks.

Jack looked at the paper and saw the words blondie, babysitter, bottle collector, rock kid, healer listed, the only actual name was his. He looked at Gwen who sat on top of the desk and was doodling on the desk with a pen,

"I don't have any powers."

Gwen narrowed her eyes and growled, her eyes glowing white and her hands slowly turned to claws.


Jack paled and shrank in his seat,

"Ok ok! I have super strength! Don't kill me please!" Jack whispered, panicking.

Gwen smiled as her hands turned to normal and her eyes stopped glowing.

"Thank you."

"Hey Jack we need help back here!" John yelled from the other room, Jack turned to the hall, "Be right there!"

"Look Gwe-" Jack started only to find Gwen no longer there and a note in her place. Jack stood up and picked up the note, looking at it,

"Tell you saw me everyone dies." Jack sighed walking through the hall,

"I gotta tell Astrid."

"Tell Astrid what Jack?" Mary asked as she was busy calming down two toddlers in her arms.

"N-Nothing!" Jack stuttered out and quickly ran over to John to help him.

Light in the Dark-Gone Series FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now