Money Genius

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"Maybe we should send out more kids to look in houses for kids." Astrid suggested looking at a notebook filled with a list of problems.

"No Mary needs more helpers if we increase salary hours then more kids would stop quitting every time they have to change a diaper." Albert argued.

"Babe. Remember, not everything is about money if we increase the salary then those with lower salaries will be angry and we don't need another Zil situation." Astrid explained

"Right I forgot about him." Albert said bitterly, remembering Zil and his followers threatened to cause chaos by claiming those with powers are getting paid more for having powers when it wasn't true.

"Who knew we would have almost built a functioning town in less than a day?" Astrid asked sitting down on the couch of her home she shared with her little brother Peter and now with her boyfriend Albert and best friend Mary.

"Well with your genius brain and my fantastic business brain it makes sense plus your bestie is taking care of the little kids and with Edilio and his boyfriend using their powers to get more fish and provide a much cooler version of entertainment we're doing great." Albert replied smiling and held her hand.

"But what is it this time?"

Albert sighed "It's Coates Academy, everyone knows the worst of the worst are there an-"

"Sam. You're talking about Sam and his older brother Drake who you know was my ex." Astrid interrupted.

"Yes and there are rumors of kids screaming at night, endless torture coming from up there we need to do something before kids are getting curious and go investigating. Who knows what psychos are up there." Albert said worriedly as he started to hyperventilate. Astrid saw this and quickly kissed him to calm him down,

"Al relax it'll be ok Drake and Sam are reasonable I think."

Albert chuckled slightly and smiled wearily, "You call shooting a kid and lighting a guy on fire reasonable then sure but if they do come down here we need to be ready in case they aren't nice."

"Yes I know now it's almost noon I have to go pick up Pete from daycare before he bores Mary to sleep with his Nerezza stories again." Astrid said standing up.

"Alright I'll be walking around keeping business steady." Albert said.

"See you later babe." Astrid walked out the house and stood on the porch before speeding off to the daycare as a cat with a crescent collar ran after her.

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