Brains vs Breeze

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Brianna ran to the beach, she glanced behind her and saw a yellow blur not too far behind her, No one is faster than the Breeze. Gotta lose her. She looked around, saw only houses and abandoned cars, she ran behind the nearest house and waited. She peered around the corner and saw a girl with blonde hair looking, Brianna looked at the ground searching for some sort of weapon, she growled in frustration and sped out and started running circles around the blonde.

"Who are you?" the blonde yelled.

Brianna grinned and stopped in front of the blonde and posed with her hands on her hips

"Name's The Breeze."

"Ok Breeze, I'm Astrid, why did you run from your um friends in the van?"

"That's none of your business. Why are you following me?"

"Because it appears we have the same ability and I was curious if that is your only power"

"Again it's none of your business where you and your group are heading?"

"Coates Academy but now since we saw your school's van my friends will join yours here. We should head to the plaza."

"No thanks blondie later." Brianna sped off, away from astrid and around the corner, she stood there for a while wondering if Astrid had.


Brianna jumped and looked next to her and saw Gwen holding a list, she glared,

"Give a warning next time. What are you doing here?"

"Diana sent me."

"Ok what for?"

Gwen handed her a note and a knife before walking away. Brianna looked at the note and grinned before looked behind the corner and saw Astrid walking around, Brianna ran up behind, grabbing her by the neck and quickly plunged the knife into the blonde's back,

"No hard feelings Blondie but you're a threat and you gotta go."

Astrid gasped feeling the knife in her back as she started choking on her own blood before going limp. Brianna saw this and ran into a house carrying Astrid's body inside and took her to an empty house's backyard and started digging a hole.

Caine walked around the town with Sam as he was talking about surfing, Caine tuned it out mostly not understanding most of surfing words his boyfriend used, he stared into nothingness until feeling his hand burn,

"Ow! Jeez Sammy what the hell?" Caine yelled, pulling his hand away, shaking it lightly.

"You aren't even listening." Sam said, glaring at his boyfriend.

"Yes I was, you were talking about wanting to claim a house near the beach so you're by the water and your brother could take your old house since you hated the place anyway." Caine said, completely guessing.

"Oh you were listening, sorry about your hand." Sam apologized.

"It's fine so are you seriously agreeing with Ice Queen's plan on sharing the town once we take control?"

"Hell no, you know my brother hates them all except Brianna since they dated."

"Wait what? Ponytails and your brother dated?"

"Yeah, it was weird."

"Anyway you know we could just claim that hotel for Coates kids that way we can hide weapons in case we go to war with these brats."

"That's a good idea. I forgot that you're both brains and hotness." Sam said and kissed Caine.

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