Sinister Sam

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Caine paced from one end of the classroom to the next biting his thumb, it's been at least five hours since DAWN started and one and a half since Sam went missing. Drake watched him bored as he threw a basketball he found in the gym at wall,

"Soren quit worrying he's fine."

"You don't know that! You didn't see her powers!" Caine yelled, throwing a chair through the window.

"You're both right now are you idiots gonna stay in here or are you coming with me and Bug to make and deal with Diana." Jennifer said leaning against the doorframe

"Who Bug?" Caine asked

"Me." Bug answered showing himself next to a desk causing both boys to jump at the sudden voice in the room.

Drake quickly threw the ball at Bug, who immediately caught it

"You got reflexes. Can you handle a gun?" Drake asked.

"Yeah it's like a water gun right?" Bug asked causing Drake to chuckle,

"Yeah but the water can kill a person."

"What's the plan?" Caine asked, looking at Jennifer.

"We go over there and make a treaty."

"What kind of treaty?"

"We agree that you and Drake don't kill Diana vice versa then go town and figure out what to do next."

"And if they refuse to work with us?" Drake asked

"Easy. We'll kill those useless and make treaties with those who aren't." Caine answered

"What about everyone else outside?" Bug asked The three older kids looked at each other and grinned.

"We're leaving them to rot." Caine answered.

"You three are messed up..." Bug said moving towards the door.

"Damn right we are now go see if you can find Sam." Jennifer said. Bug nodded and ran out the room. It was silent until Drake started cackling, surprising Caine and Jennifer.

"What's wrong with you?"

"What's so funny?"

"Oh I'm just imagining what Sam's revenge is gonna be, I may be psychotic but my little brother, he's just down right evil." Drake answered smiling.

Sam layed on the blood stained table silent, he felt his hands beginning to stick together Dammit! Dammit! Sam thought as he heard gunshots then footsteps, he waited a few minutes before opening his eyes, he slowly sat up and saw only Patrick in the room laying down on the floor biting at a stick. Sam smirked and hopped down from the table and knelt down on the floor and let out a quiet whistle, Patrick looked up at the boy and barked wagging his tail panting.

"Come here boy." Sam called patting his knee as he struggled to pull apart his hands. Patrick walked over to Sam and licked the boy's face, Sam pushed the dog back "Sit." Patrick sat down panting as Sam's hands glowed a sickly green and the glue started to heat up and melt off. After shaking off any remaining glue Sam petted Patrick for a while, soon Axel walked into the room and froze once he saw Sam. Sam grinned and his free hand started glowing, he looked at Axel "You are going to be quiet, you aren't going to scream, you will shut the door and lock it or else I will burn the dog understand?"

Axel nodded and walked inside locking the door.

"How do you free your hands?"

"I melted the glue idiot now were those gunshots from earlier?" Sam asked as Axel sat in front of him.

"I don't know um I'm not the person you should ask I just work for Penny, I hallucinate your dead brother who I liked a lot, I fall asleep next to a classroom used for torture." Axel explained, sighing softly.

"So you're useless is what you're saying? Also my brother is not dead, you moron. Your mind is so screwed up that you think he is." Sam said slightly annoyed

"I'm not useless, I have two powers, no one else here has two." Axel defended.

Sam smirked and chuckled softly "That's adorable, you trying to defend yourself just now. What are your powers Axel?"

"I can cut off a person's air supply and can shoot lasers from my eyes." Axel answered blushing, he's never been called adorable before.

"Interesting well is there anything else you can tell me about Diana's plan?"

"She wants to make a deal with your boyfriend and join forces and go to the town for food since some kid burned our food supply with fire and lighting but I think the Breeze is planning on killing your brother." Axel answered

"No shit Sherlock I got a gash in my side that proves that." Sam scoffed as he gripped the tie around his side and burned it off before pressing his hand against the wound gritting his teeth in pain. I told Drake not to mess with that brat now she's got a vendetta against me too Sam thought as he got up. He looked at Axel and smiled,

"Thank you for answering my questions Axel, you've been more useful than you think." He held out a hand as the glow faded.

Axel blinked surprised and took his hand and stood up only to feel his shirt be grabbed.


"Unfortunately I can't have you running to Penny alerting her of my escape." Sam said as his eyes went dark and his smile turned into a sinister grin as he let go and punched Axel into the wall and walked over before he could recover and covered his eyes with his hand and placed the other against his chest. His hands started to glow with burning light as Axel started screaming and he felt his eyes and flesh being burned away, Patrick started barking frantically at Sam panicking. Axel shoved Sam away and fell to his knees screaming in pain holding his face, "Why?!"

Sam didn't answer, he watched the boy with a smile on his face before holding out an arm and fired a laser through Axel's head. He turned to Patrick who was now growling at him fiercely, Patrick jumped at Sam and clamped his jaws around the boy's arm growling. Sam glared at the dog and struggled to get it off before firing a laser through the dog's body, he watched it slump against him and shoved the body off away and got up, he huffed in annoyance and straightened his shirt Man I hate dogs he thought as he stretched his arms and cracked his neck before walking out of the room and head for the cafeteria, once getting there. He waltzed in and hopped over the tray cart and went to the fridge. Sam opened it and saw mostly rotten milk and old food. He shoved all of it out and behind a drawer and pulled out a jar of unopened Nutella and started eating it with a spoon as he walked out of the empty cafeteria.

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